HINDRAF 2nd Year Roses Rally Remembrance Prayers- 16th Feb 2010

HINDRAF Rose Rally 2nd Year Remembrance Prayers was held on 16th Feb 2010 at Kottumalai Pilayar Temple @ 7.30 pm. Special guests P Uthayakumar and Manoharan Malayalam was present for the prayers. 18 Agile Villaku together with 18 roses was lighted up in a very special way by 18 Children of HINDRAF supporters to symbolize the HINDRAFs’ 18 point Demands which are yet to be fulfilled by the UMNO led Government . Roses have had meaning since the dawn time. Everyone knows that red rose is a symbol of Love and passion, whereby the yellow rose is the symbol of justice and peace.

On this very same day 2 yrs ago,

Vwaishhnnavi, five-year-old (then) daughter of the HINDRAF chairman P. Waytha Moorthy together with 200 children, was designated to lead the “walk” and greet the Prime Minister. Under guidance, she had earlier written a letter requesting him to accept such an offer.

Some 1,000 supporters of HINDRAF were gathered at Dataran Merdeka to convoy with the children to the Parliament House. Police started to fire tear gas canisters and spray water cannons at Jalan Raja Laut towards Dataran Merdeka without warnings to the crowd. FRU and plain clothed police behaved very aggressively and abusively toward any Malaysian Indian standing around the area. The police personals were to arrogant towards the children who were so innocent. Some children collapsed because inhaling tear gas.

We were disappointed because the PM didn’t come to accept our Roses. Since we are not able to give the roses to the PM and we decided to go to Kottamalai Pillaiyar Temple at Puduraya and prayed.

Even at Kottamalai Pillayar Temple the FRU & Sepcial Branch followed us. This is was before Lord Ganesha, HINDRAF officially announced asking all Malaysian Indians to vote for the opposition since UMNO doesn’t care for the minority Indians demands. The SMS was going crazy and we received hundreds of calls asking permissions from us to go to the ground and campaign for the opposition. Four State were won by Pakatan Rakyat because Malaysian Indians had voted for them.

Unfortunately today we still have to fight for our rights even with PKR, DAP & PAS because the Malaysian Indians does not have the political clout.

We need to create this political clout as per P.Uthayakumar’s Malaysian Indian Political Empowerment Strategy http://www.humanrightspartymalaysia.com/books/TheWayForwardEnglishversio...
S.Jayathas was arrested at Pusat Latihan Polis, Jalan Semarak while organizing the release of the 160 who were arrested, 138 were men and 22 were ladies including an 11 year old girl. This shows how desperate the UMNO led government is in marginalizing the minority Indians in Malaysia.



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