Corrupt Political Culture practiced by BN

We have seen BN in rural Sarawak do not do much campaign. They depended on Federal Ministers to come and give talk and promised many projects. For the last election, Najib and Muhyuddin promised nearly about Rm 1 billion ringgit to Sarawak. Will BN keep to their promised is yet to be seen. Then the State Ministers will promised development grants while many BN YBs distribute cheques and many bounced for lack of fund.

Why did the BN candidate issue the cheques? They has been promised of certain amount of money going into their account. Like anything else, the money was not bank in time by BN Secretariat and thus when the Tuai Rumah cash the cheques it bounces. Many BN candidate depended on this money to buy vote and win their election.

If BN candidate is elected through “corrupt means” then the voters should know that they have voted a corrupt government. Many BN key workers declared that they strike 4D after every election. That is because they retain or keep the money that is supposed to be distributed. For the BN candidate why should they care? It is not their money in the first place.

What type of culture do you think the BN is practising? It is a culture of corruption. It makes a fool of the voters. It also mean that the means does not matter as long as you get what you want. That is not a healthy culture but many people do not even think of principle and value system. Anything is accepted to justify the end.

What type of culture is that of giving empty promises?

Hospital in Sri Aman, Song – Kapit road etc . The road to Kapit according to Manyin should already be implemented by beginning of thgis year. Look, where is that promised now. BN culture of lies continues and BN cleverly cover the lies with cash for votes.

Can anybody confirmed that the promises in Batang Ai has been delivered? How about the promises made during the Sibu Parliamentary by-election. No wonder BN lost in urban areas because the people are more educated and they understand political issues and what make a good government. The rural voters are still easily fool. Despite that, the votes for Opposition PR is on a drastic rise while BN is losing ground.

You can see the CHEAT in the Election Process that with only 90,000 vote difference BN can still hold two third majority. The EC designed the constituency to favor the BN parties.

BN institutionalize vote buying in every election.

Teams of trusted workers from BN would be making their round mostly 72 hours before polling. During the last 10th state election, the meoney is even distributed before the nomination day. Many money used to buy votes are even paid 4 days after the result has been announced.

Vote buying is down low mentality and therefor it produced a government that is not much respected. We can see the Malay Senator and certain YB standing up for Taib not to resign even after Taib promised to resign. hat is the agenda of this few YB and Senator? They are helpless mentality YB who is scared of change and challenges. These YBs and Senator is all for themselves and not for the interest of the people of Sarawak.


Reporting BN Government corruption to authorities is a journey of faith and not of the rule of law. How many reports has been made on Taib? What action has the authorities taken – MACC and the rest of the relevant Ministeries. If there is no corruption then let MACC declare that Taib is not gulty of corruption. But MACC and the police should start the investigation. Today nothing seemed to happen and it give the people of Sarawak every reason to suspect that Taib and the BN government is really corrupt.

Smooth talking, cheating and corrupt government is what the people of urban Sarawak do not want. Those in rural Sarawak is still too depended on Government give out. That being the case, after 48 years of Malaysia the BN keep the rural people poor on purpose. They wanted to make the rural voters their “fixed deposit” for every election. My question is but for how long?

DayakBaru will continue to do work to reveal the truth of BN government abuse of power and corruption. Motre so, the BN government has wasted Sarawak revenue to corruption to enrich the politicians.

Change WE Must

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