
Malaysia: Politics Not Dirty, Politicians Are!!!

The dirty part of politics starts with party leaderships. As long as crooks find their way into politics, there will never be peace in this country. How can we expect fair leadership in government or political parties from individuals who have been tainted by scandal? Given that politicians determine a country's pace of development, those who play this game must be women and men of integrity. Ultimately, we need to strive for economic development as it will empower our poor to be less amenable to the dirty tricks of dirty politicians.

There is need for some basic criteria for aspiring politicians (some form of certificate of good conduct) to ensure that dishonest, corrupt and individuals have no chance of competing for public office. Although this requirement is difficult to implement, we need to find a way of engendering it in our political culture.

It will be difficult to restore sanity in our national politics until we streamline party leadership and structures. Firstly, the Political Parties laws have to be revisited to inculcate brilliant system of rewards and punishments, checks and balances, and diffusion of authority.

The "education is the key to political victory" theory goes that if we educate people as to the problem and the solution, then the elected officials will fall in line.
In a perfect world, you would mobilize, the politician would immediately agree to do everything you want, the policy would be changed, and we would all live happily ever after. Of course, it rarely happens that way.

Many politicians,especially those used to being treated like royalty rather than public servants may try to threaten and intimidate you. Most likely, a politician (whether or not intimidation is attempted) will seek to placate you by "explaining" what he or she calls "the political reality." Sometimes the explanation may be made by a surrogate for the politician; in many cases the surrogate will be well known as an advocate for your issues.

The message usually takes the basic form of, "I've been doing this for nearly thirty years and believe me, I share your concerns but we just can't bypass things immediately, it may take some time but as an aside, verbal commitment to full fill the society’s desired requests would be agreed but private promises are worthless.

However, most of the time, a fight really to make a difference may take years.

There are more important questions in my mind. Has dirty politics have ever been employed so effectively at promoting the interests of a small group at the clear and thorough expense of the popular and national interest?

However the ugliest thing about the 2008 election was the treatment of the press, which can be remarked to an aide that “reporters are puppets,” and had provided misleading information.

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