
How Often YOU hear BULLSHITS??

How often have u ever heard bullshits??sometimes??occasionally??or never at all..However i do hear bullshits most of the the time..Almost daily!! I have to confess here that i have a very bad habit which i dun fail to do it everyday..That is "reading newspaper". As that was not enough, i started to opt for alternative news that have been flooding the internet ever since mainstream medias have proven to be unrealiable. Now back to the bullshits..its not the newspapers or the editors themselves that im talking about. Those bullshits that im mentioning here is the statements or quotes given by our "formidable/invincible/u cant touch me/i got immunity" politicians. Often we have seen many insensitive and deragoratory remarks or statements given out by these "amateurs" and yet the next day when they face fierce condemnation from people, they claim that media has misquoted them. How smart of them to twist the incidents as easy as a pea. My next inline ambition is to be a politician if engineering is not gonna work out for me!!

Each and everyday we have been hearing alot of news that is making us awfully a nation with full of idiots. Take for an example the case of the late Rayappan whose body was claimed by the religious body(MAIS) and the wife. To the people who does not know Malaysia's law and traditions, they would ask "wtf, who is MAIS to fight with the wife over the husband's body?" surely the wife has all the rights to do the last rites for the deceased husband. However that is not the case as Rayappan has converted to Islam and reconverted back to Christianity after realizing his path.He was also certified by the Commissioner of Oath and the National Registration Department. The suddenly came this MAIS who claims that they have the necessary documents to support their claim. Today, the body was released to the wife after MAIS realized they do not have sufficient validity for claiming the body. Oh come on man, this really sucks cos MAIS never realized how those few days of ordeal could have affected the family. They should have done some proper homework without the neccesity of bringing the family to the court.

Each time a person raises the issue of Malays special rights or watever issues deemed to be sensitive to other races, he is shut!! But in this case, there seems to be no definite solutions as the cases are repeating themselves over a certain period. Oppoition leader LIM KIT SIANG has called on the government to re-evaluate the Article 121 which says the public court does not have any rights on the Syariah courts. But the cabinet has refused to look into this!! Each day more and more issues which could harm the racial unity are being brought to surfaced. The government instead of solving them tries to shut down who ever speaks about it. This doesnt help as no one stops speaking about the displeasures.

Hope those lawmakers realises the needs of the voters rather than screaming like a bunch of monkeys in the parliament. Our nation's parliament's debate could be made into a sequel to the Mr Bean's movies. It is such hilarrious without a debate with dignity..Keep going on!!! MALAYSIA BOLEH!!

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