
Public Freedom ( Malaysia)

I am interested in issues that concern Human Rights, Freedom of speech and thought, Equality and Justice. Reasons for me to write this article is because politics and current issues seeing my beloved country Malaysia has citizens who are entitled to Freedom, Justice and equality for All!

I draw great inspiration and ideas From DAP, PKR, PAS, Malaysiakini,Malaysia Today I must say that I don’t support BN policy. But in fact I will support any political party as long as they hold my ideas of giving all Malaysians the right to Freedom, Justice and Equality in which sadly BN does a very poor job at it.

The recent riot that broke out now gives the BN opportunity to blame and damage the opposition image. So please don’t give easy opportunities for BN. 1. Don’t burn or insult any thing that will spark offense. You know flags, negaraku, and religion. We should be civilized and act more mature and don’t get too sensitive or emotional. 2. When you make a complaint be sure to have a solution because it does not give a chance for BN to shout back “complaint, complaint tapi tidak ada solution, to lah pembangkang!”

Sabah is the poorest state can I ask why???? When we have so much oil. To my knowledge is that the government are corrupted (no surprise) includes all race, its the evil nature of all men (we should control it). But I really want to know other reasons why??? So please help me understand it. And please post and suggestion to help Sabah and its people (all races).

Freedom of speech and ideas also should be encouraged and not have this fear of being jailed (for progress). Removed censored issues please, Malaysians are educated and mature people who understand and know how to think for himself. They don’t need the government to tell them of what they can read and what they cant read.
Is our society that fragile?

I will try my best to write as much I can. Please post any comments and ideas on how to improve my blog. Please suggest blogs and sites also. Post any issues also. Thank you. Pls. don’t post any bad words or any racial abuses pls. Respect and be civilized. ( Be proud being a Malaysian…Demand change for the good of all Malaysians…

Poor Sabahan

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