
Karpal wants royal commission for Kulim police shooting case~malaysiakini

KULIM: The opposition will move a motion in Parliament for the setting up of a Royal Commission to investigate the shooting of six suspected criminals by the police in Kampung Kemunting here four days ago.

DAP chairman Karpal Singh said the setting up of the commission was crucial as it would allow the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Musa Hassan, to clarify to the families of the six victims, as well as the people, on the incident.

“Inspector-General of Police (Tan Sri) Musa Hassan should give special attention to this case because it involves six lives,” he told reporters after accompanying S.Kumuthamalar, 37, the widow of one of those killed, to lodge a report on her husband’s death at the Kulim police station here today.

Karpal said the families of the other five victims would also lodge similar reports.

In the incident four days ago, police shot dead six men who were believed to be involved in several armed-robbery cases reported in Kedah, Penang, Perak and Selangor.

They were Kumuthamalar’s husband, contract worker R. Elangovan, 38; L. S. Santana, 34; contractor R. Pannir, 28; crane driver S.Vadivelan, 29; carpenter S. Gurusamy, 50, and lorry attendant R. Dilip Kumar, 20.

Kedah police chief Datuk Syed Ismail Syed Azizan said that two of them were wanted by the police for investigations into several crime cases.


1 comment:

  1. The police are all "kebal" and they are also all of them sharp shooter.
    Don't tell me not even a single bullet that were fired by the six dead men did not hit any of the police men.
    It is good to know how they managed to escape death and it is good to know how accurate is their shooting skill. Who in the word believe you Mr Policeman.
