
PPP and Indian MIC mandores must unite to support UMNO’s Malay muslim supremacy says Najib

After opening of the PPP AGM, One Malay-sia Prime Minister Najib Razak said all the Indians getting little kachang putih handouts must do more to further entrench Malay muslim supremacy in Malaysia. Najib says he needs MIC, PPP & IPF to “channel help to the poor Indians (BH 21/6/10 at page 2). We want UMNO to channel the help directly to the Indians as they do for the Malay muslims. This UMNO strategy is to use the Indian mandores in MIC, PPP and IPF to channel the peanuts to the Indians while UMNO channels the perks to the malay muslim in One Malay-sia.

This the Indian MIC, PPP, IPF MACCI, NGO and other leaders in return for the kachang putih handouts are expected to cheat the poor Indians by keeping them out of the national mainstream development of Malaysia. This has been UMNO’s 50 year old magic formula until the 25th November 2007 Hindraf Rally. No more now. HRP and Hindraf will fight tooth and nail to the end to end UMNO’s racist and supremacist agenda and policies.

P. Uthayakumar

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