
Malaysia’s future sucks

When I said the UMNO has captured all the Institutions I was referring to the Office of the Attorney General, Judiciary, Anti-Corruption, Immigration, Income Tax, Police and the list can go on and on including the Securities Commission etc.

When all these institutions who are watch dogs of corruption, nepotism and gross breaches of fiduciary duties are made purposely non existent and ineffective- the elite can make money, you cant blame the Chinese who participate in these activities. It’s the old Ali Baba style of practice.

Dont blame the Chinese –blame UMNO.

The Chinese have always sat on the fence-some may call it resilient, others opportunists and many other crooks buts it boils down to the fact that the safeguards which existed were removed by the Malay based party UMNO.

Added to poor governance, transparency, no rule of law and corruption –you have affirmative action for the majority. One only needs to read the empirical study of Thomas Sowell in “Affirmative action around the world” to show that it has been a dismal failure. This failure can be seen in the USA –Africa American and in India-for the “pariahs” (untouchables).

Why go so far –a recent Chinese Professor wrote a paper with regard to Malaysia’s policies, was immediately discredited and he resigned.

Mahathir said of his own useless policies –that it will lead the Malay population to be totally dependent on crutches.

MIC and MCA are impotent parties and merely symbolic. When the colonials let they left a legacy of good institutions and some good and bad laws.

Today UMNO has replaced the colonial masters, destroyed those good institutions and uses the same bad laws against its own citizens who want to participate in running the country. The blame lies with UMNO in bringing Malaysia to be a failing state-same with Indonesia.

The “parasites “you refer to are the vampire politicians in Malaysia who are sucking the blood from the citizenry!

Today we have a future Prime Minister who is implicated in a murder and the alternative future Prime Minster from the opposition who is charge with sodomy-what a choice!

Boy what a choice we have-That sums up Malaysia’s future; Merdeka!


1 comment:

  1. You're probably right about the future of malay sia,but sounds racist though.The untouchables in India were refer to a minority group,whom considered to be living a primitive lifestyle such as consuming anything that creep crawl,fly,hop including new born babies for sexual stimulation.Not to mention Other qualities like cheat,con,abscond and many other immoral,low life characteristics.By now you would've gotten the idea what pariah is all about.So reserve your comments in future.
