
Perkasa claims 1 Malaysia not about equality, ither it is about equality or it's an empty slogan designed to stem the loss of support from BN

KUALA LUMPUR, Malay rights group Perkasa today heaped more pressure on Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to explain his 1 Malaysia concept, already decried by critics as a hollow slogan amid escalating racial tension.

“The 1 Malaysia concept has been twisted by some who say that it is about equality,” Perkasa chief Datuk Ibrahim Ali told reporters today.

“We urge the prime minister to explain the 1 Malaysia concept. It is a concept that must be based on the constitution, on Article 153,” he said, referring to the part of the federal constitution which states the special position of Bumiputeras and allows the government to set quotas for educational institutions, government jobs, and permits.

DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang had also questioned yesterday the effectiveness of Najib’s 1 Malaysia policy given the spike in racially-tinged incidents, with two school heads allegedly spewing racial slurs against the Chinese and Indian communities.

Ibrahim today challenged Najib to submit a parliamentary resolution to remove Article 153 from the Federal Constitution if his 1 Malaysia concept was indeed about racial equality.

“Can he do that?” asked the Pasir Mas MP.

Najib only broke his silence two days ago on the weeks-old furore surrounding two school principals in Johor and Kedah who were accused of spewing racial slurs against Chinese and Indian communities, and said that his administration has a “zero tolerance” policy on racism.

This caused Lim to issue Najib a 60-hour deadline yesterday to act against the errant school heads by National Day, failing which he said it would be proven that his “zero tolerance” policy was a mere public relations soundbite.

The school heads of SMK Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra in Kulai and SMK Bukit Selambau in Sungai Petani have since apologised but various parties are still calling for stern disciplinary action against the duo, including sacking.

Today, Ibrahim also slammed the Chinese for calling for the removal of the 30 per cent Bumiputera equity quota during MCA’s recent Chinese Economic Congress.

“This race does not respect the Malays as ‘bangsa ketuanan’,” said Ibrahim.

“They have no respect because of greed. Malays make up 67 per cent of the population. We are just asking for 30 per cent,” he added.

Malaytsian Insider

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