
Reason for all Malaysians to be scared of Utusan — The Malaysian Insider

DEC 27 — Utusan Malaysia is right. The Selangor Pakatan Rakyat government is scared of the Umno mouthpiece.

Utusan Malaysia accused PR today being afraid of Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s 1 Malaysia as well as the Malay daily, amid the controversy over the Selangor government’s decision to ban the slogan on billboards.

The Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia also accused the state’s PR administration of being petty in imposing the ban, which has now reportedly been frozen pending a review.

In his weekly column, the newspaper’s editor Hassan Mohd Noor questioned the Selangor government’s move to ban the 1 Malaysia billboards.

The Selangor government had imposed a state-wide ban on the 1 Malaysia billboards and business advertisements.

Fact is Utusan Malaysia is correct that PR is frightened of 1 Malaysia and the newspaper itself.

And who shouldn’t be?

This is a newspaper which has shown itself to be chauvinist and divisive, on a daily basis.

The tone taken by the daily on a regular basis advocates a siege mentality among the Malays, suggesting the community is under constant threat from Malaysia’s non-Malay communities.

Not once or twice, but on a daily basis. It twists the words of opposition politicians and takes an editorial position which is counter to that of an inclusive Malaysia.

Utusan journalist Hata Watahari, in his capacity as the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) president, had even demanded that the newspaper stopped its “biased” reporting.

Hata had also claimed that Utusan’s editorial policies infringed journalistic ethics as positive coverage was only given to BN.

On occasion, Utusan makes a feeble stab at promoting 1 Malaysia.

But this is a newspaper that is only interested in promoting the supremacy of one race and keeping the interests of one political party.

However, this is also a daily which has done few favours for Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

The PM’s message of inclusiveness and moderation is constantly being drowned out by Utusan’s determination to represent the more strident views of the right wing in Umno.

If non-Malays and progressive Malaysians are scared of Utusan Malaysia, they have good reason to be.

mi1: Is Najib playing dirty, he is playing a good man and on the other side of midnight he is a devil to Malaysians. Without his approval how would Utusan brave enough to go against him

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