UMNO adopt racist positions and practise discrimination & BN goons accepting it.

KUALA LUMPUR: With mere hours left as its president, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi reminded Umno that it must never adopt racist positions.

He said that the loyalty of every Malaysian should be appreciated, and thus their rights protected, irrespective of race.

This comes at a time when pulling the race card is still a highly effective tactic employed by politicians.

Various statements — including those by former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad — promoting right-wing Malay nationalism have surfaced in the past week.

These resulted in diplomatic but stern responses including those from the MCA, Umno's main partner in Barisan Nasional.

"Umno must never practise discrimination to the extent that non-Malays view it as a racist party. The rights of every citizen must always be protected, guaranteed and respected, as provided by the Constitution and as encapsulated in the Rukun Negara," Abdullah said.

"The loyalty of every Malaysian citizen irrespective of race must always be appreciated in the spirit of power sharing and friendship. We must be conscious to the fact that we have already reached agreement that we would together bear the responsibilities of building our nation; that we would sink or swim together.

"Let us concentrate on the commonalities that unite us, rather than the differences that can divide us," he told over 2,500 delegates at the Umno general assembly.

It remains to be seen how the delegates will respond to this call after yesterday's Youth wing assembly saw several calls to protect Malay supremacy and punish those who question the social contract.

He could have and should have started the ball rolling instead of falling asleep at this duties.

There is no way in hell that UMNO can change. Too many warlords to please. Also, this is somethng that Mahathir has created. It was created so that they can stay in power and so that their warlords can bleed this country dry.

As Lee Kuan Yew has mentioned.. they were too preoccupied with the race and the tresury that they were willing to forego the future of the country toline their pockets and keep their warloads fed. We could have been the richest country in Asia if only ....

If only.... How I wish....

Too late for that. The damage has been done. For over 50 years, the seeds of racism has been planted and grown into what it is now. It's not possible to take an axe to chop down the fully-grown tree which has been of very sentimental value to many people.

We have - for 50 years up to the last General Election - been waiting for a country in which everyone is treated equal regardless of race, where everyone respects each other regardless of skin colour, where everyone gets the opportunity to prove their worth without going through the back door. It has not happen, and it may never happen with the new breed of so-called leaders.

How can you ramble on like this yet omit such a central Islamic value in your own promotion of "Islam Hadhari"?

Mahathir is the most vicious snake ever existed in the history of Malaysia.
He is vicious to everyone, to non-Malays as badly as to the Malays.

Mahathir advocated that Malays needed help and protection.
He later contradicted himself by saying Malays shouldn't be relying on tongkat
Mahathir installed fake pride into Malays' mindset.
He then shattered their pride telling people that the Malays never paid tax, never repay loans
Mahathir started the delegate-elect-leader voting system
He then later accused the system of money politic.

Mahathir fools Malays to benefit his own devilish self.

Who has more reason to hate Mahathir? not chinese, not indian, but the Malays who had been grilled and buttered, grilled and buttered over and over by Mahathir.

For 5 years as president of the largest racist political party in the country, Badawaisudenly wake up talking sense, why? Last 5 years, what did he do to correct the wrongs? Did he mention any plan to correct UMNO leaders'arrogance?

His advice on corruption, race & change in UMNO has been mere rhetoric for the last five years. It has been one long period of frustration of 'all talk and no action'. He has been deaf and blind to the atrocities committed by his government members and totally indifferent to the pleas of the opposition and NGOS for action.

He was a lame duck PM. Had no guts to stand up to the excesses of his party members and his ministers. He may be a good man, but as a PM he is a total failure and a big let down to all Malaysians.

1 comment:

Hamba said...

Dr Franken mamak, the monster is the biggest hypocrite in UMNO...Double talk and contradictory statement are his specialty... What do you expect from him? Honesty??? Fairness? Humanity? Those values disappeared from his being long ago when he joined UMNO...UMNO is a black hole for the human sucks up everything that's good and spits out evil things...