We Have A Dream in Malaysia

He, Mr. Waytha Moorthy, has a dream. His dream is a dream that no one in this country dared to dream before 25 November 2007. His dream is deeply rooted in the Malaysian dream. His dream is ours. We have a dream. Our dream is one. Our dream is racial equality and an end to Indian discrimination in this country.

The 1st Hindraf Makkal Sakthi National Convention 2010 brought together some 300 members and supporters of Hindraf from around the nation and worldwide. They came by train, bus, motorcycle, car and in few cases, by airplane. This event may not have caused 2,000buses, 21 special trains, 10 chartered airliners, and uncounted cars converged on Kuala Lumpur like what happened in Washington DC during the March on 28 August 1963. Nevertheless, this is definitely one of the many sparks thrown off from the 25 November 2007explosion! The people who travelled to the convention made the journey despite the fact that this was a convention of a movement that has been banned, though it was never registered in the first place. It was indeed blasting to smithereens UMNO’s arrogance and PDRM’s cruelty which impedes the efforts of serving justice to the poor Indians in this country. As the crowd started pouring in around 8.30 am, I set in their midst quietly, mesmerized by this momentous history in the making.

The inaugural convention started as usual with the reciting of the holy Thevaram to invoke the blessings of the Almighty on the convention. Next, was the welcoming speech and introducing of all the office bearers of Hindraf. The last name introduced needed no further introduction as it was Waytha Moorthy’s name, the very man who provided the catalyst needed by every Indian in this country to wake up and fight for racial equality and end the UMNO racial discrimination which was cleansing them ethnically. When the name was mentioned, the thundering cheers erupted and the rapturous applause was deafening! What can I say, he is truly an Avatar, descended upon this earth plane to bring about Dharmic changes to uplift the severely marginalized Indians in this country!

What we heard next was unexpected. Mr. Waytha Moorthy who was following the convention live on HRP/Hindraf TV, came online and addressed the crowd that was caught by surprise. His voice was so magical, inspiring and powerful. For a moment, it felt like I was standing in front of the steps of Lincoln Memorial inWashington DC, way back on 28 August 1963, listening to Martin Luther King Jr. telling the 250,000 euphoric supporters of his dream for racial equality. It was the same sensation I felt many a time watching Dr. King’s video of his famous “I have a dream” speech.

As I was listening to his speech amidst the cheers, roars and responses from the crowd, it was so obvious and I immediately recognized the historical impact that Mr. Waytha Moorthy has on every single Indian, which in return has also made an impact on the lives of other citizens in this country regardless of race, religion or skin colour. Wasn’t this the man who made Malaysia believe and proved to them that UMNO can and should be fought?

Like Mr. King’s speech, Mr. Waytha Moorthy’s words left many of us in a state of euphoria throughout the convention. His message was short and precise. The spirit of Hindraf will never die, Hindraf’s struggle will never cease until all our grievances stipulated in the 18 Point Demand are genuinely addressed by the powers that be, and Hindraf can never be banned as it is rooted in humanity and justice. How could anyone ban or kill the spirit for justice and humanity as those are fundamentals of a good, meaningful life and are indeed every human’s rights?

Mr Waytha Moorthy’s speech was followed by speeches from other leaders of Hindraf. There was one vital message from one of the speakers that caught my attention. Mr. Sambulingam, the National Coordinator of HRP/Hindraf gave an extra ordinary message. He urged the society, especially the Indians, not to be hesitant to come forward to fight human rights violations in this country. What a remarkable message it was that ‘the struggle for human rights maybe new to this country but not to this world, as it has happened before in the world history’. He quoted Mahatma Gandhi, Mandela and Martin Luther King for similar struggles.

Nevertheless, in Hindusim, we are taught as early as a child, the importance and significance of the “Mahabaratha Por” or the “Great Battle of Mahabaratha. We are taught the need to sacrifice (in this case, wipe out UMNO/ BN) in order to restore prosperity or ‘Sri’ on earth. Opposed to the Pāṇḍavas were their hundred Kaurava cousins, led by the arrogantDuryodhana, who embodies the cosmic discord. Together the Kauravas representadharma, or the opposite of dharma. The stage was thus set for a war of cleansing sacrifice. Just how symbolic and how relevantare the lessons from this great Mahabaratha war in context of what is happening in this country today and what Hindraf has taken upon itself to battle against. It is indeed Hindraf’s battle to restore Dharma by cleansing the UMNO Adharma.

This first national convention is very significant in many different ways in further changing and shaping the landscape of Malaysian Indian politics in particular and the Malaysian politics in general. Throughout the convention, we heard many future MPs and ADUNs speak on many critical Indian issues which include education, Tamil schools, economy, health, poverty, police brutality, ICs, BCs, etc. . They served well to interrogate our conscience on what is morally right to be done next. The live telecast of the convention on HRP/ Hindraf TV which was being viewed by hundreds and thousands of Hindraf supporters as well as the many international coordinators from around the world was exceptional! This is the first movement in Malaysia (a banned movement in that) which has done so, not even UMNO, MCA or PR coalition parties has done it before. Is it a mere question of technological and internet advancement or simply the hard work of the highly committed Hindraf members who toiled days and nights to impart the news to the world?

I still rings in my ears today what some of the international coordinators who came online said. It was fantastic to hear R.Shan who was given a big round of applause, and whose name we have only seen online, talk about what they are doing to fight these human rights violations from New York. Then came Mr. Bhuvan from LA who called upon all the sleeping souls to wake up and support Hindraf’s struggle 200%. He also mentioned that the international world, including the US President, Mr Obama, didn’t know that Indians were being ethnically cleansed in Malaysia until Hindraf’s international lobby. His account of why he left Malaysia (there was no job opportunities for his skin colour) and how they struggled like the Bangladeshis and Indonesians, to put food on the table when they first arrived in LA was heart-wrenching! Isn’t this a reflection of what those who have left the country because of UMNO’s racist policies may have or are still going through? I also heard Saravanan from Belgium sharing the same sad story that turned may faces sombre. Next was Bala from Geneva who urged every Indian in this country to support Hindraf and promised that he would do all that he could to assist Mr. Waytha Moorthy in bringing the issue to the attention of the United Nations.

On that day, we left for our homes with a dream. It is a dream of Hindraf for the Indians in this country. Martin Luther King proclaimed, “Freedom must ring from every mountain side….” We say, “let the war for racial equality and an end of Indian discrimination in this country begin from every corner of the country! Martin Luther King dreamt that one day his nation would rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed, that they hold those truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,” that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners would be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood, that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice, and that one day his four little children will live in a nation where they would not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character. Hindraf says, “one day, let there be respect for the Indians, one day let there be justice for the Indians, one day let there be no discrimination on Indians based on their skin colour, race and religion, one day let there be equal rights for the Indians, one day let the powers that be accept the truth that all men are created equal.

Waytha Moorthy will neither win a Nobel Peace Prize nor would his struggle be honoured as a Waytha Moorthy Day or Hindraf Day in this country. But, let his struggle through Hindraf and our dream that it carries inject a new meaning into the veins of Malaysian political civilization. This is our dream!



yusaini_yn said...

please keep on dreaming
tapi bleh kau explain kat aku pekejadanya kasta kasta dlm masyarakat kat hindu woi???? and apa signifikan hak sama rata yang lu org perjuang kan kalau kat negara asal lu org sendiri pun jauh lagi teruk diskriminasi ikut kasta...

lu org nie mmg keling..

Anonymous said...

Emak kau memamng kurang ajar,sebab tak ajar yang betul bodoh nak mampus dawai koko.Kasta itu dirujuk kat orang macam kau yang totol dan biadab.

yusaini_yn said...

alrite kalau aku kurang ajar aku mintak maaf lah tu pun kalau lu nak maafkan..the fact aku nak tanya apa signifikan nye lu org pi tulis surat kat perdana menteri india mintak dia bagi scholarships kat pljr2 malaysia beragama hindu sedangkan kat negara india hang tu sendiri enrollment nak masuk ke uni pun masih penuh dengan diskriminasi ikut kasta..boleh ke lu bersetuju kalau aku cakap amalan etnik hang pa sendiri penuh dgn diskriminasi..ikut kasta.....so what the hell lu nak cakap lu org di diskiriminasi kan negara sendiri sedangkan amalan kasta lu org pun dah sah sah satu bentuk diskriminasi...tak de makna nye lu org nak junjung gambar gandhi kalau dia nye falsafah pun lu org tak bley paham rite? aku sendiri nk rakyat semua kaum negara nie di layan seadil nya tapi kalau lu org hindraf sendiri punya cara boleh di pertikai kan lu ingat majoriti org etnik lain boleh terima ka...
lu tgk sendiri dlm surat lu org bagi kat pm india tuh di tulis "malay-sia" ..kenapa nak di letak simbol sengkang...aku sendiri berjiran dgn org malaysia etnik india...rileks je...pakcik arun tuh siap ckp org etnik india kat malaysia jauh lebih bernasib baik kat malaysia...ye aku rasa mmg byk yang kurang lagi dr kerajaan utk bela nasib etnik india...tapi kalau nak kata terabai langsung mcm tak logik ja...lu org sendiri tak bley throw out samy vellu apasal????
sebab dia kasta lagi tinggi???
ke kasta nie aplikasi dr agama lu org??? kalau dr agama lu org sendiri yang impliment sistem kasta so no wonder lah lu org jadi mcm nie...by right answer me honestly, don't forget satu perkara,india themselves much worse...much much worse..cause i've been there...rumah di buat dr tanah...letak najis lembu sebagai penguat struktur batu rumah ...perempuan masih lagi menjinjing bekas air...please pursue our rights in the best way...lu org pun tak nak berkerjasama dgn pakatan...
infact ada yang pi join bn..

i've spill my arguments ...mungkin dlm bahasa yang kurang ajar...but spade is spade...kalau lu org nak anti org melayu...pls go on..wa peduli apa tapi jgn harap la org melayu mana2 side pun nak bagi muka kalau cara lu org mcm nie...
