Abolish ISA Movement which consists of more than 83 organisations made up of non-governmental bodies, political parties, trade union, human rights bodies, women and student bodies, hereby wishes to demand from the political parties and candidates contesting in the 12th General Elections on the following items:

To respect the Federal Constitution, especially Article 10, as primary reference on rights and freedom of the people
To respect one’s rights to be presumed innocent until proven guilty, rights to trial and rights to be defended. Violation of these rights is a transgression of international human rights norms and the belief of any religion.
To provide security to all levels of society from threats of cruelty, mala fide, abuses, torture and criminal acts. Peace and security of the nation should be defended but not at the expense of basic human rights and justice.
To support and uphold efforts to abolish detention without trial laws especially Internal Security Act (ISA) 1960.
To place high priority on campaigns to abolish ISA as use of ISA is politically motivated. Its arbitrary nature and wide array of powers is dangerous to the livelihood of the people. Since trials do not exist under the ISA, the Government has the power to cover-up any case without the necessity to conduct investigation and produce evidence in courts. With no transparency and accountability, ISA is one of the main reasons for the rise in corruption, police brutality and abuse of power.
To support demand for the immediate release of all ISA detainees. The prolonged detention without trial and proof is a serious act of cruelty and tyranny to the detainees and family.
To support SUHAKAM’s recommendation for the repeal of ISA dan raise efforts to escalate the recommendation and SUHAKAM’s annual report to Parliament. Many international human rights bodies have demanded the Government to respect SUHAKAM’s recommendation.
To avenge the well-being and welfare of the wives and families of ISA detainees including from the harrassment and mental torture of the Police Special Branch, Detention Camp and Ministry of Internal Security.
To bring to justice perpetrators who have victimised and tyrannize ISA detainees and their family members. Many reports and complaints have been filed to the Police, SUHAKAM and Ministry on the abuse and torture that have happened. Even civil suits have been filed.
To take into consideration recommendations made by the Independent Commission to improve the operations and management of the Police to establish an Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commissions (IPCMC) especially to limit the police power and duration of detention under Section 73 of ISA.
To close down Kamunting Detention Camp in line with the Prime Minister’s suggestion to close down Guantanamo Camp on the basis of the existence of torture and violation of rights to fair trial.
To respect judiciary system as an element of checks and balance on the powers of the police and Ministers and return freedom of the judiciary.
To deny the practise of amassing and abuse of powers which have compromised the integrity and credibility of important Government institutions, consequences of which prosperity and security of the people have been in jeopardy.
To practise separation of powers in totality to ensure healthy and efficient democracy. Executive powers must be denied of the powers to influence legislative and judiciary body arbitrarily.
To provide more space for civil society bodies to play the role of garnering the people towards the struggle to uphold justice and truth.

Abolish ISA!
Release All Detainees!
Close down Kamunting Detention Camp!

Posted by JD
Makkal Sakti

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