YOURSAY 'This is what Umno is made of - thuggery and gangsterism. Nothing more, nothing less. Pure unadulterated animalistic violence.'
Umno activist: Anwar's car hit protester before fracasLim Chong Leong: As the ‘eyewitness' of the Johor incident said, the car accidentally hit one of the protestors. Accidentally, but the retaliation was deliberate and was aimed to hurt life and property.
This is what Umno is made of - thuggery and gangsterism. Nothing more, nothing less. Pure unadulterated animalistic violence.
And what's with the firecrackers? Aren't they banned? How come Umno supporters can carry them?
TakeMiddlepath: After reading the news report and comments; I agree that Umno came prepared to cause trouble. Where would you get the rotten eggs if you don't bring them along?
These fellows came with the intention to disrupt whatever people are doing. The Hindraf's ‘Anything But Umno' function was held in a hall. The police, I believed, were there but as usual when Umno is involved, they became mere spectators and possibly enjoying themselves instead of diffusing the situation.
When I saw a group of mat rempits entering the hall with their motorbikes, I just could not believe what I see. If this is what Malaysia is heading to, forget about attaining developed status - not in another 50 years under Umno.
Restless_Native: The point is that any opposition member should be able to move freely in any constituency, make speeches and act non-violently and not be harassed or, in this case, attacked.
The police failed to provide the necessary presence that might have deterred the incident. My guess is that the police knew what would happen and timed their arrival (as is their modus operandi) just after the incident.
ADIL: Is this Umno youth guy thinking we are fools? Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim's car hit them than they went to the market to buy eggs and came back to throw at his car?
Swkdayaks: The fact that you disagree or hate somebody because of his different political policy or ideology does not justify your action to harass, threaten or assault someone or to damage his car or property.
There is no such law in this country. Of late, this has been Umno's action and behaviour starting from the time they threatened to burn down the PKR headquaters.
Umno has failed to get support from Malaysians for their conspiracy to falsely charge Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim of sodomy I and II and the sex video and to discredit him for his statement on Israel.
So it became desperate. But that is Umno's own fault. To make a false accusation against someone definitely will backfire because people will not believe it.
Now Umno has run out of ideas to discredit Anwar so it resorted to paying its youths and supporters to threaten and use violence against Anwar. What a shame.
Anwar, PKR, PAS and DAP did not disturb Umno's and BN's ceramahs. So Malaysians, vote Umno out once and for all.
Carpe Diem: The next time any of the BN leaders have a ceramah, can I safely throw firecrakers and rotten eggs at their vehicle when they are heading to the venue?
Onyourtoes: For what reasons the ‘eyewitness' and the rest of the group were there? The road is meant for cars passing through and if they tried to block it and it resulted in an accident, why must they be angry?
Why must they stop others from passing through and from talking to the people there? What right have they got? NGOs, my posterior.
Versey: Can't these kids' parents tell them to be civilised and inform them that Malaysia is a democratic country whereby any party has the right to hold a ceramah anywhere in the country so long it is within the bounds of law?
Why must they try to stop DSAI's people from holding a ceramah there? Even if it is true that 70 percent of the people there 'hate' DSAI, the other 30 percent still have the right to listen to Anwar.
Even if there was not a single soul interested to listen to him, DSAI and his party still have the right to hold a ceramah.
Unless you lots are telling us that Malaysia is not a democratic country and that you people are the law itself. If so, don't hold elections and don't employ PRDM (Royal Malaysian Police) - it's a waste of taxpayers' money.
Ferdtan: Aidila Razak, as an experienced journalist, you are not doing justice to yourself to write a whole article based on one unnamed eyewitness - a so-called Umno activist. What he said were rather illogical and laughable (which of course, is not the journalist's fault).
The only fault of the journalist is not to get at least one named witness: it may be seen as lack of transparency in reporting. By the way, is this piece of news written to make it saleable for your client, Malay Mail?
There is no point in rebutting what this Umno man said as they are quite nonsensical.
One question to them - why do you want to disrupt other people's ceramah? If you want to make some statement, go and organise your own ceramah.
Jiminy Qrikert: To all here who are knocking Malaysiakini and journalist Aidila Razak over this report, let's look at it this way.
I think it is fair that we have comic relief when we read Malaysiakini's articles, right? Also, if we don't read Umno lies, soon we might end up thinking Umno-BN does not spread lies.
Also, I find it hugely entertaining to read all the comments knocking Umno for being so utterly stupid in their attempt to spin.
Up2U: Another typical denial by Umno. Even if the car 'glanced' a member, it does not warrant this kind of reaction.
Just imagine what they will do if they were to lose in the GE?
Editor's note: In the earlier version of this news report, Malaysiakini did name the Umno activist. However, an hour after the report was uploaded, he came under pressure from what he claimed to be an aide of a minister. While Malaysiakini was against removing his name from the report, he was very adamant about the matter. We reluctantly decided to do so.
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