The Great Malaysian Robbery

As the dust settles in the aftermath of the elections, many citizens are asking themselves the same question, “Where do we go from here?” This is the burning inquiry among my fellow Malaysians as we struggle to swallow the results of GE13. I guess in some ways you could say that we were cautiously prepared for this outcome, it was a dread that built up at the back of our throats but we never expected the results to be marred by such blatant fraud. Put it down to being a little green around the ears but I for one chose to believe in the democracy previously promised to us and enshrined in the constitution. I still believe that real democracy lies in the hands of the rakyat, what I’ve completely lost faith in are the structures that govern that democracy.
The injustice has been documented and laid bare in the public sphere for all to see -the phantom voters, the mass blackouts, the mysterious ballot boxes escorted to constituencies where the vote was on a knife’s edge. Coupled with the gerrymandering that has become endemic in the Malaysian electoral process, it almost seems that the Pakatan cause was lost from the word go. Barisan Nasional has even said that the results of the polls should be accepted and that the Election Committee was spotless. Grace in defeat is a value I’ve always believed in but I refuse to accept defeat when the rules that apply to the competition are constantly altered to skew towards the ruling coalition.
It is my personal opinion that we’ve witnessed the greatest robbery in Malaysian history and we now have the unenviable tag of being one of the world’s dirtiest “democracies”. Just to add insult to injury, Najib Tun Razak had the nerve to suggest that Barisan Nasional’s poorer than expected showing in the elections was down to a “Chinese Tsunami” He insults the intelligence of Malaysians who know for a fact that despite his coalition’s most concerted efforts, Pakatan Rakyat secured more than 51% of the popular vote and that ethnic Chinese make up only 24.6% of the Malaysian population. Perhaps more offensive than that, his bafflingly thoughtless statement suggests that the Chinese community has polarised voting trends and their alignment towards the opposition would be dangerous for the country.
What he fails to comprehend is that the results of the elections indicate not an ethic swing, but rather a national one especially evident in the more urban constituencies. It would be wickedly ironic if it were not so tragic, but Najib goes against the very principles of unity his gaudy 1Malaysia adverts extol when he suggests that the Chinese community is splitting this country apart. You sir, are completely out of line and you insult not only me, but also my Malay and Indian friends who have stood united under PKR, DAP and PAS flags over the past five years. Your coalition does not represent all Malaysians equally and you, Mr. Prime Minister, certainly do not represent me.
Where do we find silver linings as the clouds of ash settle around us?  For starters, we must be encouraged that 51% of Malaysians at least have some form of common sense and dignity. We must also be heartened that Malaysians came out in droves to cast their ballots in what was the highest ever turnout of voters – 13,268,002 voters for the 222 parliamentary seats with 11,257,147 voters or 84.84% casting their votes. At this juncture in time it is important that we channel our anger and disappointment into tangible plans of action. The sense of euphoric hope that was built up over the past few months has undoubtedly been dampened but we have to make doubly sure that it is not extinguished. It is easy to go into hiding after we’ve been knocked back but we can draw strength from the words of Theodore Roosevelt, “It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed”.
“What happens now?” I remember asking my Malay friend over the phone as I stared numbly at the final tally on my laptop in the early hours of Monday morning. “What happens now is that tomorrow we fill in and submit our membership forms for Keadilan” he replied without skipping a beat. It is this inextinguishable fighting spirit that will keep us going and as far as I can see, I’m not the only one who shares this sentiment. In the wake of the general elections I’ve witnessed Malaysians coming together to initiate grassroots demonstrations – be it in the form of blackout protests, online petitions or student movements. What’s important is that we do not allow the spirit of Reformasi to die, we must keep the flame burning bright and we must stoke the embers in those who still choose to remain passive. If you choose to remain neutral in times of great injustice then you have already chosen the side of the oppressor.
What’s equally important is that we throw all our efforts in albeit in a peaceful, thoughtful manner. Violence only begets violence and if we claim to be better than our opponents then we must also be careful not to stoop to their level. I’ve witnessed the xenophobic witch-hunts targeting foreign workers over the past few days and I appeal to your better senses not to allow this cycle of intolerance to continue. After all, how can we claim to be for equality when we do not practice what we preach? Let morality be your guide and ensure that your longing for justice does not cloud your judgement. If there’s anything I’ve learnt over the past few days, it is that we have emerged steelier and more united than before. The time for licking our wounds has passed, the time for us to stand up and be counted has come. All I’ve ever been relatively decent at is writing and this is my contribution. What will yours be? Lawan tetap lawan.

Chinese tsunami or Malaysian tsunami?

Utusan Malaysia published articles condemning the Malaysian Chinese with the headline ‘Apa lagi Cina Mahu?’ and Najib Tun Razak’s speech after the election stating the ‘Chinese Tsunami’ has further sparked agitation among Malaysian Chinese who have exercised their democratic right by supporting Pakatan Rakyat.
The Malaysian Chinese played a prominent role in development of Malaya since the Malacca days. The Chinese diaspora occurred from the 19th century to 1949. The major reason for Chinese emigration is because of starvation, war and political corruption in mainland China. The Chinese migrated to various parts of world as coolies to replace African slaves. A British Guinea planter quoted that the Chinese labourers are strong in their physique and eager to earn a living.
The Chinese in the past suffered because of the exploitation by the Europeans. The first wave of emigration occurred in 15th century during the Malacca sultanate. Diplomatic ties were established between China and Malacca and Sultan Mansur married Puteri Hang Li Po (subject still debated by historian). Puteri Hang Li Po was accompanied by a senior state minister and five hundred youths and maids.
The inheritors of these people, mostly from Fujian province, are called the Baba (men) and Nyonya (women) or Cina Peranakan. The culture integration between Malay and Chinese dates back from the 15th century. The Straits Chinese adopted the Malay culture into their lives in the context of language, food, clothing, etc. Most notable Peranakans are Tan Cheng Lock – founder and first president of the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA), Tan Siew Sin – third President of MCA, Lee Kuan Yew – first Prime Minister of Singapore and Lee Hsien Loong – third Prime Minister of Singapore, son of Lee Kuan Yew.
In response to Ali Rustam’s comments published by Utusan Malaysia, based on historical facts, MCA was formed by Tun Tan Cheng Lock and he understands the cultural integration and unity between Chinese and Malay has been the core strength for the coalition. The founding father of Umno recognises the Chinese contribution to this country and forged ties with Chinese to build Malaya. On that note, as a leader you should recognise the contributions of a community that has worked along with other Malaysian.
If the Chinese community has rejected your leadership, accept your defeat and work on building your reputation back with the Chinese community. A mark of a true leader is his ability to accept defeat and prove to the people that he is a leader capable of handling the defeat. Mahathir and Lim Kit Siang have lost in the past. They did not blame anyone but took it as part of a democracy system and worked harder to win the hearts of the people. Please do not make any further racial remarks because it sends a wrong message to the people and the modern leadership in Malaysia requires a leader to lead based on liberal thoughts rather than communal thoughts.
Malaysian has progressed towards a multiracial political ideology instead of communal political ideology as introduced by the British. Being a former Chief Minister of Malacca, you should possess greater knowledge in Chinese-Malay relationship dating back to the 15th century and the progression of the two communities in building Malaysia. The common folk of Malaysia have moved on from the communal ideology to multiracial ideology.
As a politician, in agony of defeat, issuing an official statement of blaming a community does not promote harmony and is not in tandem with 1Malaysia programme introduced by your party. As a Malaysian, we desire for a leader to build a stronger bond between the communities not dismantling the ethnic relationship. On that note, please go back to the drawing board and rework on your leadership ideology.
According to Sir Frank Swettenham, K.C.M.G. (1850-1946) in his book, ‘British Malaya – An Account of the Origin and Progress of British Influence in Malaya’ stated that the Chinese played a major part in developing the economy of British Malaya. The following are the contribution of the Chinese community under British Malaya:
a The Chinese were responsible for half of the world’s tin supply during that period because of the hard work, law abiding and capability.
b The Chinese were the miners, traders, planters and fisherman way before the British made way to Malaya. Before the British invasion, it was the Chinese energy and industry that paid for the infrastructure projects in British Malaya.
c The Chinese were the pioneers in tin mining and went into remote jungles, cleared the forest, took the risk and made profit for their hard work.
d The Chinese built the schools, government buildings, roads, railways, water works, etc.
e The Chinese invested their capital and brought in Chinese labour to develop British Malaya when the British were afraid to invest.
f The Chinese labour and enterprise were the reasons for the evolution of British Malaya.
The above reflects the contribution of the Chinese community in Malaysia. The ‘Chinese Tsunami’ comment does not recognise the hardship that the Chinese community endured towards building this country. It was not a Chinese tsunami but rather a Malaysian tsunami as stated by Lim Kit Siang. However, passing a racial remark on a community that has been an integral part of this nation destroys the Malaysian sentiment in Chinese community. The political leaders should take the responsibility for the defeat in the election, instead of passing racially provocative remarks towards a community that has suffered building this country.
Relating to the historical evidence and role of Chinese community in socio-economics activities, they have contributed significantly. Their participation in socio-economic activities has uplifted the country. These contributions must be recognised and as a democratic nation, it is their right to choose leaders. MCA and Gerakan have failed in addressing Chinese community issues and the component parties of Barisan Nasional should tackle the issues delicately without stirring racial sentiments.
Relating to comments from Saravanan (MIC), in a democracy the people have the right to choose. No one put a knife to your neck and asked you to serve the community. The choice of career in politics in decided by the individual, and part of the political career is ability to accept the people’s choice. Despite the blunder at the electorate, Barisan Nasional is still the government and the leaders are required to deliver the manifesto promised during the election.  We request political leaders to commence activities that have been promised in the manifesto instead of making harsh remarks on Chinese community.
The Malay, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan, Iban and others have decided that the way to move forward is through multiracial cooperation. The new generation identifies themselves as Malaysian first before anything else. The election has proven our desire to be governed by liberal leaders with progressive thinking instead of traditional communal backwards leaders. The political ideology by PKR, DAP and PAS has captured the hearts of the young Malaysian. The popular votes have proven the rise of Generation Y in deciding the direction of this country.
We urge the coalition leaders to stop these racial remarks on our Chinese brothers. We stand united to defend the rights of every Malaysian regardless of his ethnicity. As a Generation Y representative and on behalf of decent Malaysians, we require the coalition leaders to nurture the Malaysian spirit in their political agenda. We have rejected two racist leaders from Perkasa and if the racial propaganda continues, Malaysian will not hesitate to reject race based leadership. The people have trusted the coalition with another mandate and we require the leaders to deliver it open heartedly.
To the Chinese and Malay community, we appeal for you to ignore the remarks on ‘Chinese Tsunami’ and ‘Apa lagi Cina mahu?’. We have rejected racism and a paradigm shift has taken shape in mind of the Malaysian. History has proven that the Chinese and Malay community share a close bond since the Malacca Sultanate. Let’s continue to foster the relationship instead of falling for a racial political ploy. The British invented the ‘divide & rule’ system to segregate the Malay, Chinese and Indian in the past, we have matured as a society and the system is no longer applicable.
History has proved the role and contributions of Chinese society in this country.  The Malaysian public has sufficient knowledge and understands the importance of racial harmony. The real power is with the people and no one can take that away from us. We continue to exist and fight for our rights regardless of the condition. We have come a long way to give up on the Malaysian dream. The Inikalilah spirits lives on with us and it was a Malaysian tsunami not Chinese.

Emotionality leads to irrationality

Having built up euphoria among BN parties through the giving out of all sorts of goodies in cash and kind, throwing free dinners and organising world-class entertainment events, to win the hearts and minds of the voters, and believing that that objective would surely be achieved, it must be devastating to face the reality that BN only managed a popular vote of 46.8% compared to PKR’s 50.3%. Najib’s job is now at stake as the de facto PM had warned he could lose his job if he does not deliver a two-thirds majority.
Emotionally upset people can lose their rationality. When this happens, they can hallucinate and say things irrationally. Thus, instead of carefully analysing the election results, and considering the factors that must have moved the voters in different localities to vote the way they did, scapegoats are quickly looked for and flogged.
Blaming and flogging a certain community for the dismal performance of the BN is clearly misplaced. Even rational Malays and Umno members have said so.
The picture is very clear. Voters in urban areas voted differently from those in rural areas, regardless of race or religion. This is because urban voters used a different criteria to evaluate the performance of the incumbents. A different criteria was used because people living and working in urban areas have problems and needs that are different compared to those experienced by people in rural areas.
For example, urban people face housing problems, transport problems, they don’t feel safe with murders, robberies, snatch thefts happening around them all the time. A lot of schools in urban areas are in a mess with discipline completely broken down. Rural people do not face all these problems. So when the authorities say that crime is down, the rural people may believe it, but surely not the urban people who feel, see and even suffer the effects of what they consider broken law and order on the streets. The authorities are in denial mode about school discipline, but the people, and surely the teachers as well who suffer from this indiscipline, cannot stomach the indifference of the authorities to this serious problem. Again, rural schools do not have such indiscipline problems.
People in urban areas are also better educated, IT savvy and more discerning. They can, for example, easily recognise selective prosecution for what it is but which is not an important matter to those in rural areas. They are not prepared to accept things lying down, but want accountability. They want to know why all the financial hanky-panky reported by the Auditor General is not acted upon. They want to know what happened to the findings of the various Royal Commissions.
These are but just a few issues that affect all regardless of race or religion. When the authorities would rather sweep these issues under the carpet than take measures to tackle them, the people, and definitely no particular race or religion, can be blamed for wanting a change. The Umno candidates who lost, lost because Malays too did not vote for them.
This should be a lesson that telling a lie and repeating it often enough so people would finally believe it is the truth does not work anymore with the urban people. Therefore let rationality prevail over emotionality. It is too late to cry over spilt milk.

Umno-BN should back down

Of all persons, I think Dr Mahathir Mohamad should be asking himself, rather than the BN strategists, why Najib’s administration did even worse than Abdullah Badawi.
Compared to Abdullah Badawi, who won a bigger mandate when he was prime minister in 2004, Najib and his successor, Muhyiddin have in fact lost the people’s mandate to become the prime minister.
The main cause of Najib and Umno’s decline is Dr Mahathir himself. I shall elaborate further but before I do that, I wish to point out one thing about Najib’s position as prime minister. It is not up to him to choose how long he wants to remain in power. The rakyat have spoken, and across the country, the people are saying that they have enough of Umno Barisan Nasional. After all, 56 years in power, what else do you still want?
For Dr Mahathir, he is only concerned about his son. As the proverbial saying goes, Greed knows no boundary, for him and his family, nothing matters other than what he can amass for himself and his children. The rakyat suffer, it is because the rakyat is stupid. I remember the words of a journalist from Bernama who told me that her hatred for Dr Mahathir was much longer than what I saw of the former prime minister.
For me, it was only a matter of five or six years when Dr Mahathir started whacking Pak Lah. For her, it has been more than 15 years. She related an incident when she asked Dr Mahathir, “Does that mean that all of us would have to pay toll everywhere we went?” That question was asked during a press conference, to which Dr Mahathir replied, “Kalau tak nak bayar tol, baliklah kampung.”
For a Malay to hate the “old Mamak”, as we call him, it was hard for me to comprehend, but the truth is she is not the only one. Another pakcik I met over dinner said the same thing, “You only started hating that old Mamak, I have hated him more than 10 years ago!” I call him a Mamak not in a derogatory sense, but just to remind him of his lineage. If I, a Chinese, can be proud of our Mamak food, why can’t Dr Mahathir accept his father’s lineage, unless he is telling me that Indian Muslims adopt their mother’s family tree, for which I will suggest to him to change his name to Dr Mahathir bin Wan Tempayan.
For too many years, the minds of the Malays have been controlled by this one man. He created a “Malay dilemma” in order to gain control of their minds by giving them his set of answers. This was the past generation. He tried to create a new set of dilemma, but this time around, he was roundly bombarded from all corners. Thank God that the modern Malays in urban cities are now more intelligent and can think independently.
Playing the game of divide and rule, and trying to play race cards again, will not work against the backdrop of a huge tsunami in GE13, far bigger than the one that hit the five states in 2008. This time, it runs across all races. For once, I saw the awakening of the Chinese community. They have now joined force with their Malay counterparts in both PAS and PKR because they have seen too many injustices done to one man, Anwar Ibrahim. The Indians have also openly rejected Waythamoorthy and rallied behind Anwar Ibrahim.
Everywhere Anwar went, the audience would swell into tens of thousands just by word of mouth. People like me who would never shout in a soccer game found emotions welling up within and finally bursting out at the top of my voice, “Ini kalilah!” I also found myself for the first time coming out to campaign, and I chose to campaign for a PAS candidate. Like many other constituencies with Malay majority, there is no way that a Chinese tsunami has taken place but with only two choice between Umno and PAS, the Chinese have opened that their eyes to the fact that PAS Malays are more friendly because of their fear of Allah.
For that one simple reason, they now choose the MOON. After all, the rocket can only exist when there is a moon and an eye to see. What the Chinese saw in Umno was basically the kris, not the fear of Allah. Between PAS and Umno, of course, I put my ‘X’ on PAS without a doubt this time!
If Dr Mahathir still wants to play racial cards, he, too will be booted out like the people he backed personally. Ibrahim Ali lost to the son of Tok Guru Nik Aziz, while Zulkifly Noordin on Najib’s winnable candidate lost to PAS’ Khalid Samad by a big majority. It goes to show that it’s not only the Chinese who reject Umno, but even the Malays themselves would not tolerate Zulkifly Noordin and Ibrahim Ali.
Even in presumably Malay-majority Temerloh, Saifuddin Abdullah lost to a fellow Malay from DAP, whom I cannot even remember! Therefore, Dr Mahathir and Najib’s game of Chinese tsunami is too shallow, and probably ill-intentioned.
Umno and MCA’s efforts to play up hudud issue using the mainstream media has also failed to divide the people. The people can boycott the papers for one month, and they can still pick up the latest development in the country through the Internet. On the hudud issue, both DAP and PAS have spoken up this time. While it is acknowledged that it is PAS’ desires to implement hudud in the country, they too have to follow the consensus of the people. Respecting PAS’ wishes, DAP is also fully aware that PAS would not push for hudud, as long as there is no consensus within Pakatan – and if the rakyat are not ready for it.
Look at Kelantan. Tell me how many hands have been chopped? I can tell you, instead, that in Pekan, where Najib came from, a Malay girl was caught for drinking, and she was nearly whipped for it. The people are now awakened to the fact that they have been brainwashed to think of each other as enemies. National reconciliation has happened within Pakatan. Dr Mahathir should therefore stop playing up the hudud issue to scare the Chinese from the PAS Malays. No one buys that kind of story anymore.
As it goes, people know that Dr Mahathir is trying to play the racial game again by blaming the poor performance of Umno on the Chinese community. We know who was behind the mini-coup that overthrew Tunku Abdul Rahman; or else, why did Tunku hate Dr Mahathir till the day he died? Let me say this as a word of caution to the old Mamak: If tomorrow, an Apek is being beaten up by a group of Malay youths, it is not the Chinese who will retaliate; instead, it will be the Malays and the Indians!
I saw that, during Anwar’s Sodomy II trial, when the verdict was read, it was not only the Malays, but the Indians and the Chinese who rallied behind Anwar Ibrahim. So, Dr Mahathir should think twice, while clemency is still being extended to him by Anwar Ibrahim, he should not try to be funny. Dr Mahathir has abused the government machinery for his own political expediency.
The reason I am speaking up is not because Anwar is now in power, but I know this is the tipping point. My word of advice to Umno Barisan Nasional is for them to accept defeat for once, move one step backwards and allow Anwar Ibrahim to take over as prime minister. By playing dirty in the 13th General Election, and fighting the rakyat over three Bersih demonstrations, with each time it growing bigger, Umno Barisan Nasional will find itself not being forgiven for at least two generations to come. This, too, would be unhealthy in a democratic nation.
Umno Barisan Nasional should in other words take a bold step to accept Anwar’s clemency for once, return to its drawing board, before gearing itself for a return to power, perhaps in the 15th General Election. It has to learn how to play clean politics, instead of showing all sorts of sex scandals of which we are now sick and tired. Umno BN has to abide by the book, and over the next 10 years, win back the people’s confidence. After all, 56 years in power is far too long.
If it still chooses to fight, by hook and by crook to stay in power, I can only imagine the overwhelming people power that is rallied behind Anwar Ibrahim. He did not use money or public relations campaign to drum up people’s support. He is what he is today because of what Dr Mahathir had done to him these past 15 years! Every where he goes, Anwar commands great respect from people of all races.
Najib and the entire Umno regime has totally lost his credibilty. Not only the Penang people who shouted “NO!” to him, I would be one of many who would give him the thumbs-down even when I meet him in person. You cannot buy people’s respect with money now or by using slogans like “I love PM.”
With only a 46.8% popularity vote, Najib is still sworn him as prime minister. We, the rakyat, are fully aware of the gerrymeandering and the delineation of electorates that will always allow Umno Barisan Nasional to stay in power, despite having only a 17% popularity vote. Therefore, no matter how you argue, the people would still say in their hearts, this government is not elected by the people.
Dr Mahathir, if he cares to revisit what he did in the past, should realise that he can no longer use old methods to fight modern warfare. The attitude of Malaysians have changed drastically in the past 10 years. I want to ask this question, “Dr Mahathir, are you ready for the rakyat of Malaysia? If you say, “Yes!” you should back off and repent the wicked deeds that you did in your lifetime. You can no longer hide them.”
From being someone who used to defend Dr Mahathir during his quarrel with Paul Keating, I, too, am Dr Mahathir’s own ‘creation’. Because of what he did to Pak Lah, I have become a 100% critical of that Old Mamak, and willing even tell some of my friends what I think of him now – he is nothing but a curse to this nation! The country would have done better without him.
There is no reason to believe that if not for him, Malaysia would not have gone anywhere; unless you give others a chance, you will never know how much the country could have become if led by another prime minister in the likes of intelligent people with good hearts such as Nurul Izzah Anwar or Rafizi Ramli.
For now, Anwar is still the prime minister of Malaysia based on the electoral results.

Thank you, Anwar

RK Anand | May 8, 2013
He has now accomplished so much more than what he could have as just another Umno president and default prime minister.

Fifteen years ago, Anwar Ibrahim came within a few feet of becoming the prime minister. Then it all fell apart. But unlike others who had their political ambitions decimated by Dr Mahathir Mohamad, this man refused to fade.
He has now accomplished so much more than what he could have as just another Umno president and default prime minister. He would have just been another photograph on the PWTC wall.
What unravelled in 1998 was a bane for him but a boon for Malaysia.
It is because of Anwar, the fortress called Barisan Nasional suffered its biggest crack and it was he who showed Malaysians that change was possible.
When he formed PKR from behind prison walls, he started the ball rolling for a true multi-racial political platform.
While Umno still struggles to court PAS, Anwar managed to convince the Islamic party and secular DAP to sit at the same table to form Pakatan Rakyat.
The emergence of a powerful opposition also amplified the voice of the civil society, which began to play a more instrumental role in checking the powers-that-be and exposing wrongdoings.
And the 13th general election showed that the majority of voters had cast their ballots in favour of Pakatan to govern this nation and for Anwar to become prime minister.
Wherelse Najib Tun Razak had assumed the post not because of popular support but rather due to the first-past-the-post system.
In their hearts, BN leaders know that the coalition had lost the polls.
And one wonders if not for their choke-hold on the media, police, Election Commission, what would have been the real percentage of support? Not to mention if the allegations of a tainted electoral roll, vote-buying and foreigners casting their ballots hold water as well.
So Anwar failed to capture Putrajaya but he managed to secure something more significant, the people’s mandate to become prime minister. If this was the presidential elections, Najib would have been vanquished.
The powers-that-be threw everything at him except the kitchen sink but he conquered the odds. A lesser man would have relented.
And the wave of change which Anwar started had grown larger than him and Malaysians must thank him for providing us with an alternative.

A bitter pill for Mahathir

The election result had been a bitter pill for Mahathir to swallow because it was also a rejection of his legacy. And as expected the octogenarian spewed an endless stream of gibberish.
First, he accused Chinese voters of not accepting the Malay hand of friendship, which was another glaring example of the delusion which Umno suffers from, thinking that it represents all Malays.
The fact is, Chinese voters rejected the courtship of Umno, preferring to embrace PAS and the Malays in DAP and PKR instead, who unlike Mahathir, never questioned their citizenship.
The Malays in PAS, PKR and DAP are not the patrons of movements that call for the torching of Bibles and Pakatan did not field a candidate who labelled them as illegal immigrants.
The Malays in Pakatan do not run a newspaper that constantly stokes racial and religious tension.
In actual fact, the so-called “Chinese tsunami” was an urban wave that witnessed voters of all races rejecting BN in the polls. Number crunching would show that a significant number of Malays also voted for the opposition.
Mahathir described the Malays who voted for DAP as the “educated and sophisticated” ones. Going by his logic, one must ask what kind of people voted for Umno, BN as well as for his son then?
Mahathir also remarked that he never expected Najib to perform even worse than Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, completely ignoring his role in both the 2008 and 2013 election debacles for BN.
The former premier could be considered as one of the coalition’s greatest liabilities. His so-called project IC was the main reason that Sabahans are fuming.
Mahathir’s successors are struggling to contain the damage done during his 22-year reign and he has the audacity to question their leadership capabilities.
The more this man speaks, the more it becomes evident that his century-old mind is a stumbling block and threat to this nation.
The former Umno president also predicted that Najib would face internal resistance in Umno, and similar signs are emerging in MCA and MIC as well.
But changing the leadership is not going to make a difference. The people voted for change! So the end is nigh. Goodnight BN.

Anwar: I will never give up

G Vinod | May 9, 2013
The former deputy prime minister said this in a rally attended by nearly 100,000 people at the Stadium MBPJ, Kelana Jaya
PETALING JAYA: PKR supremo Anwar Ibrahim vowed that he would never give up until he exposes on how the Election Commission (EC) and Barisan Nasional (BN) had “stolen” the election from the rakyat.
“I tell you, I will never surrender. We will fight all the way until we reach Putrajaya and restore the mandate to the people,” said Anwar, to the thunderous applause of the nearly 100,000 people gathered at Stadium MBPJ, Kelana Jaya last night.
Present by his side were Pakatan Rakyat top guns such as Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, Nurul Izzah Anwar, Tian Chua, Rafizi Ramli, Mohamad Sabu, Hatta Ramli, Lim Kit Siang and others.
Also present were Bersih chairpersons S Ambiga and A Samad Said.
The thousands gathered to hear Pakatan leaders speak despite threats of police arrest and rain.
However, no police presence was spotted during the rally.
Anwar spared no time in criticising Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, who he referred as leading an “illegitimate” government.
“We won 52% of the popular support but we were denied our victory.
“However, Najib was crowned the victor by the fraudulent EC by only winning 48% of support, which included Bangaladeshis, Indonesians and Filipinos. It shows he does not even have confidence on his own people,” he said, which tickled the funny bones of the attendees.
The former deputy prime minister also urged the masses not to fall into Utusan Malaysia’s trap, which he said was trying to incite racial disharmony via its articles to divert attention on the electoral fraud.
“Do not fall into their racist agenda. It is not the Chinese alone who rejected BN but also the Malays, Chinese, Indians and our East Malaysians brothers. I salute all of you for rejecting a corrupt and arrogant government,” said Anwar.
Earlier, DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang also reiterated the fact that it was Malaysians at large that rejected BN and not the Chinese community alone.
“Even for Gelang Patah, I could not have won the seat without the support from Malays and Indians,” he said.
He also said that Pakatan had found irregularities in 30 parliamentary constituencies during the election and vowed to get to the bottom of the matter.
On that note,. Rafizi vowed that Pakatan leaders would devote their time to find the people responsible for “stealing” the election away from the people.
“We will find and expose them. From the EC officers to the bus drivers who ferried the foreigners, all of them,” said Rafizi, to the thunderous applause of the thousands.
The Pandan MP also warned Najib and Utusan Malaysia not to victimise the Chinese community.

Dr M the reason for Najib's poor showing

YOURSAY 'Mahathir is setting Najib up to fail. How can Najib do any better when Mahathir is constantly contradicting Najib's policies.'

Dr M: I didn't expect Najib to do worse than Pak Lah

your sayPemerhati: Malaysia has been correctly described as a false democracy or a dictatorship in democratic clothing. The dictators in this case are the Umno leaders.

All the institutions of the state such as the enforcement agencies, the judiciary and the Election Commission (EC) are under their complete control.

To fool the people and the world, these highly corrupt and criminal Umno leaders regularly hold elections which are rigged so as to return them to power through various types of fraudulent and unfair methods.

The 13th general election results clearly show how unfairly the Umno crooks have gerrymandered the whole country.

Tabulated results show that for the Parliament, the opposition got 53% of the votes and 40.9% of the seats while the crooked and dictatorial government got only 47% of the votes but a whopping 59.9% of the seats.

Add to that the many other crooked methods used such as the phantom and illegal voters, you thus clearly have an illegal government, thanks to EC.

Ablastine: Dr Mahathir Mohamad, you are as much responsible for BN's poor performance as PM Najib Razak. The urban voters and the learned amongst us know that the Umno government is not really a government, but more of a mafia.

They exist for the sole purpose of exploiting the nation for their self gain. If not, why do Umno supreme council members pay millions to get themselves elected. They know that once they are up there, they can make more millions by being top dogs.

Service to the nation is just an excuse to line their own pocket. Only the poor, uneducated and ignorant villages who are not in touch with reality will want to continue to support you. But this breed is diminishing and the young, well informed, tech savvy and learned progeny or citizen will eventually kick you out.

You cannot depend on the ignorant to keep you alive forever because they will someday also learn of your evil. Believe it. Once Pakatan Rakyat fix the gerrymandering, which is the sole reason why BN is still around, you will find yourself rotting in jail.

LittleGiant: The rakyat should thank Mahathir, who held the premiership for 22 years, for "helping" Najib to fare worse than Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, the former PM.

If Mahathir can continue with his "magnanimity" and keep helping Umno with his advice and guidance, we can be certain that not only Umno but the whole of BN will be vanquished well before the next general elections.

Doc: "Dr M warned that BN must learn from its mistakes in the 2013 polls in the next election."

BN, and especially Umno, has failed to learn from the lessons of 2008 and applied the same failed principles (race segregation) of 2008 for the 2013 election and did even worse.

Soon after this election, Utusan Malaysia/Umno has taken off on racial rants. So, am I safe to state that Umno is too stupid to learn from its mistakes.

As for MIC, MCA, PPP and Gerakan, it too late for them as they already descended into the abyss of Malaysia politics.

Anonymous #40538199: How come with Mahathir returning to Umno and involved with campaigning for BN, the result for BN is worse than when Mahathir was out of BN and campaigning against BN?

Ez24get: Mahathir is setting Najib up to fail. How can Najib do any better when Mahathir is constantly contradicting Najib's policies and spewing racist comments, dividing the Malays and non-Malays.

Now that his son, Muhkriz Mahathir, is put nicely in power, the long knives are already out for Najib.
It is not even three days after the elections, Mahathir has already begun targeting Najib. He knows his time in this world will soon be up and he is in a haste to put Muhkriz in place for the prime minister's post.

Justice Pao: DAP does not represent the Chinese only as they have more Indian MPs (six) compared to only four from MIC and two MPs of Malay descent.

The DAP chairperson is Karpal Singh and he definitely does not look anything like anyone with Chinese ancestry. This old Tun and Perkasa advisor must be getting senile for not being able to see beyond racial lines.

OMG!!: If Umno needs to blame someone for its worst electoral performance, it should blame this creature who is behind the daily blasts of the Chinese community via Perkasa.

It is also under his premiership that corruption, cronyism and nepotism has become a deeply-rooted Umno culture. And not to mention, the endless scandals and the treacherous act of granting citizenship-for-votes that have angered most right-thinking Malaysians.

Adsertor: The more upheaval in Umno the better. They can be as racist and as corrupted as they want for all I care. My sight is on GE14. Then it will be payback time for them, their cronies and co-conspirators in the civil services.

Anonymous_4031: Now that Najib 's leadership managed to win only 133 parliamentary seats against Abdullah's 140 seats, will Dr M launch a campaign to oust Najib?

Since he criticised Abdullah, shouldn't he now do the same for Najib? What is worse is that he campaigned on behalf of Najib.

Don't forget that during Abdullah's rule, some Umno leaders were equally to be blamed for their brash, arrogant attitude. Raising the keris was one. Stomping on a cow's head was another.

And was it not Dr M's suggestion that two Perkasa leaders - Zulkifli Noordin and Ibrahim Ali - be supported as candidates?

Without Fear or Favour: Mahathir, you were responsible for the loss of at least one parliament seat for Umno in Kelantan (Pasir Mas). Have you apologised for that?

Holden: Mahathir, the more you talk, the worse Najib and Umno fare. Either you have been too dense to realise this, or it is some twisted plan on your part to sabotage your former party, possibly to prove the superiority of your leadership in comparison to the younger ones.

Whatever your plot may be, just keep talking and watch the opinion polls plunge. - Malaysiakini

Gross distortions in Malaysia's voting system

The recently completed May 5 general election (GE13) revealed some interesting facts and figures based on the results as published by the Election Commission.

There have been, for a long time, much criticism of the ‘first past the post' (FPTP) election system we practise in Malaysia, because of what is inherent in this antiquated system.

The FPTP is one of the legacies of the British rule in Malaya and was based on giving all segments of the populace a voice in Parliament. Hence, constituency boundaries were drawn based on this segmental need for representation.

kuala terengganu by election voting day 170109 voters queueThe original intention was noble indeed, that people in Sungai Buloh should have a voice in Parliament, just as those from Shah Alam, even though the Shah Alam constituency may have a population five times larger.

To prevent abuse and disproportional representation, certain limits were set when our founding fathers drew up the federal constitution. One important feature was that there should not be a population variance greater than 20 percent between the smallest and largest constituencies.

This safeguard was gradually eroded by successive ruling governments, since they enjoyed two-thirds majority Parliament to amend the country's laws, until this sanity check on societal representation was totally removed.

As a result of this, today we have 26,000 voters in Putrajaya, Igan (18,000) and Lubok Antu (19,000) commanding the same parliamentary voice as those in Kapar (144,000), Serdang (133,000) and Gombak (123,000).

This hardly seems fair when three small zones command an equal representation in Parliament, compared with their brethren who are at least five times larger, at least from the perspective of a majority rule.
Disproportionate representation

Criticism of such disproportionate representation led to some countries, such as New Zealand, Australia and Israel, modifying their electoral constituencies to be more representative and hence, the FPTP no longer applies in toto in these countries.

In a related example, besides throwing 90,000 tonnes of tea into the Atlantic Ocean, a new country was born some 237 years ago simply because its ‘rakyat' couldn't accept taxation without representation. One can draw similar parallels, if this inequitable scenario was to ensue here in Malaysia.
The greatest disservice of this FPTP system was shown clearly in Malaysia in GE13 when 915,560 voters in East Malaysia sent 48 BN candidates to our Parliament, or simply put, the average vote cost per BN lawmaker was 19,074.

Because of the severe skewering (aka gerrymandering) of the constituency delineations, it cost an average of 84,053 votes to get one Pakatan Rakyat MP in East Malaysia, or 4.4 times more expensive.

azlanOn the national average, it cost BN 39,381 votes per MP as opposed to Pakatan's 63,191 votes. Quite frankly, Pakatan had to work 60 percent harder than the BN had to.

What this means is that unless the present delineation boundaries are redrawn to fix this severe misrepresentation of societal voice, any opposition will need about 60 percent of the national votes to be on par with BN come election time, forever.

Here, I dare opine that GE13 was largely won by BN by capitalising on the severely disproportional FPTP system, rather than on phantom voters, repeat voters and such. Several jumbo jets full of Bangladeshis, Burmese and Nepalese could not have caused the damage to Pakatan as done by this antiquated Westminster delineation system.

From a strategic point, there should have been more focus in the territories where the opposition could have got more "bang for its ringgit" (pun intended) because the voter distribution and pattern (based on past election results) would have been known upfront anyway.

Admittedly, getting Pakatan's voice to the people in the jungles of Borneo would have been a Herculean task, given the physical and political hurdles.

However, mathematically speaking, if Pakatan had won the same number of seats from the 915,560 voters and maintained the same results in the peninsula, it would be firmly in power now.

Perhaps that's the reason why the BN is believed to have chartered several flights to carry voters from the peninsula to Sabah and Sarawak. I'm inclined to believe that the BN knew, from day one, that this was how it would win GE13.

Some interesting facts

Based on the Election Commission website, let me highlight these other interesting facts from the FPTP vis-à-vis GE13:

1) BN received 46.2 percent of the popular votes in Peninsular Malaysia and 54 percent in East Malaysia, or a national average of 47.4 percent.

2) Based on this, BN was able to garner almost 51 percent of the parliamentary seats in the peninsula and 87.3 percent of those in Sabah and Sarawak, for a national average of 60 percent, or 133 seats.

3) Interestingly, 8.2 percent of the voters (in Sabah and Sarawak) gave BN 22 percent of the parliamentary seats, meaning 39.2 percent of the voters (in the peninsula) gave it the remaining 38 percent in Parliament.

4) Pakatan received 54 percent of the popular votes in Peninsular Malaysia and 35 percent in East Malaysia, for a national average of 51 percent.

5) Based on the above, Pakatan was only able to garner 49 percent of the parliamentary seats in the peninsula and 12.7 percent of that in Sabah and Sarawak, for a national average of 40 percent, or 89 seats.

6) It cost Pakatan 21 percent and 441 percent more votes per MP in the peninsula and East Malaysia respectively, to be on par with BN. On average nationally, Pakatan had to work 60 percent harder per MP than the BN.

azlan7) Because they only formed 29.8 percent of the voters in GE13, contrary to the "Chinese tsunami" conspiracy theory, even if 100 percent of Chinese Malaysians (and for good measure, let's also throw in 100 percent of Indian Malaysians as well) voted for the opposition, there is no way Pakatan could have logically garnered the support of 5,623,984 Malaysians.

Conservatively adjusting for a 25 percent Chinese support for MCA and Gerakan (as was seen where there was a large Chinese voter base), at least three million voters therein were Malay/bumiputera.

This means, conservatively, 42 percent of the Malay/bumiputera electorate in Malaysia actually voted for Pakatan nationally. To put this into proper context, there was no such Chinese tsunami but instead, it was a Malay/bumiputera tsunami because 56 percent of the opposition's votes actually came from the Malays/bumiputera.

For Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to have made this arithmetic blunder publicly was totally ill-advised and it has now caused needless uneasiness among the rakyat.

8) Finally, as explained earlier, 915,560 people, who are basically very removed from urban and national politicking, more or less sealed the fate of 11,054,577 voters or about 29 million people in Malaysia - thanks to the FPTP system.

Seriously and practically speaking, would anybody consider 3.2 percent (915,560) of Malaysians deciding the future of the country a fair run of democracy under the FPTP voting system?

Without a concerted effort from our MPs to make our country fairer by insisting on equitable representation in Parliament, it will indeed be very difficult for Najib to ask for national reconciliation when the very premise of his assertion was fundamentally flawed.

If you don't know what's broken, how can you fix it?

Anwar vows more rallies to challenge BN mandate

Anwar (centre) speaks at last night’s rally to protest Sunday’s election results. — Reuters picPETALING JAYA, May 9 — Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has pledged more rallies across the country for a “national consensus” to question the legitimacy of the re-elected Barisan Nasional (BN) government over allegations of electoral fraud, starting with Penang this weekend.
He told over 60,000 people at a rally in Stadium MBPJ here last night that their attendance would send a message to BN that its lacklustre election victory was not due to a “Chinese tsunami” as Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had said, but a “Malaysian tsunami” of all races.
“I want to show Najib this is not a Chinese battle, this is not a Malay battle. We will go to every corner of this country to show we have the support of Malaysians,” Anwar said in a rousing speech.
Observers said the multiracial crowd that packed like sardines into the stadium — usually with a capacity of 25,000 — reflected his claim. The roads outside the stadium were a giant parking lot for kilometres as more tried to cram into the stadium.
A mixed group of young people who had just met held up placards reading “Cina Kawan Saya” and “Melayu Kawan Aku” while they took a photograph together.
Khamis Ahmad Kamil, a 67-year-old ex-soldier, told The Malaysian Insider: “What was Najib talking about? There are so many races here. Everyone is here sitting and standing for one thing — clean elections.”
A view of the crowd at last night’s rally. — Picture by Saw Siow FengAnwar told the crowd: “There are people who ask me to retreat, but I want to tell you, Pakatan Rakyat (PR) won! Because PR won, I will never retreat!”
The Permatang Pauh MP and electoral reform group Bersih have announced that they are withholding their recognition of BN’s win in the general election until the allegations of vote-rigging are fully verified and investigated.
During the campaign and polling period, BN had been accused of vote-buying with cash handouts, conspiring with the Election Commission (EC) to use “indelible ink” that proved to be easily washed off to allow double voting, and flying planeloads of foreigners from east Malaysia to vote in crucial constituencies in the peninsula.
Riding on the popular vote, Anwar pointed out that despite BN’s cheating tactics, 51.4 per cent of Malaysians and about 55 per cent of Perak folk supported PR though this did not translate into an opposition win at the federal level or in the northern state.
With only 48.6 per cent of the popular vote, BN managed to keep its mandate to rule the country due to a history of gerrymandering and delineation of constituencies skewed in favour of BN.
He said that as a consequence, the results of some 30 federal seats are in doubt, bringing into question the standing of the BN government that was formed with just 133 seats, 21 seats more than the 112 required to win by a simple majority.
“It does not matter if you crown yourself, Najib knows there is the problem of legitimacy,” he said, to rip-roaring hoots from the crowd.
Despite the sombre dress code of black to connote the “death” of democracy, colourful party flags and umbrellas brightened up the dark sea as Anwar led the crowd in unison chants of “Reformasi!” and “Ubah!”
The swelling crowd was alive with energy and a sense that an injustice had been done, as Anwar added a new battle cry to his already-formidable ammunition: “Suara rakyat, suara keramat!”
“I see all these people here, and I am surprised how Pakatan can lose with all this support. How is it that BN can win? They must have made a mistake. I want a recount, or a re-election,” ex-soldier Khamis also said.
Another view of the huge crowd at last night’s rally. — Picture by Saw Siow FengAnwar urged the crowd not to be afraid through the coming weeks, saying: “We are on the side of a just, peaceful struggle against a corrupt and arrogant Umno/BN.”
He has 21 days to file a court petition for a review of the results and if the existence of electoral fraud is proven, a High Court judge will declare the election result invalid and call for a re-election.
A 21-year-old Malay student told The Malaysian Insider that attending the rally had made him feel united in a common cause with his fellow Malaysians and that he was optimistic about what might happen in the next few weeks.
“I think this rally has given Malaysia new hope. I think something could change. There could be a re-election and the results could change,” he said.
Kumaravignesh Jagatheesan, a 23-year-old student, also said he wants a re-election because he wants Anwar to be the new prime minister as a man of “calibre” who stands for democracy.
When asked how he would feel if re-election did not pan out, he joked: “I’ll change country!”
The rally was a peaceful one and no police presence was seen or felt.
In a show of unity and neighbourly civic-mindedness, rally-goers helped each other navigate some of the logistical difficulties.
When the stadium was filled to the brim and there was no longer any way in on street level, groups of Malaysians helped each other scale the stadium walls with only a rope, buffered by support on both sides.
When the rally concluded and the crowd had to pick their way out in the dark, Malaysians stood guard at every gaping drain in the ground, shining their torches into it to prevent others from falling in.
Several also acted as citizen traffic police in an attempt to control and ease the jam in the area, which saw many rally-goers park several kilometres away from the stadium and walk the distance.
The rally was attended by several personalities including Anwar’s eldest daughter and Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar, DAP leader and Gelang Patah MP Lim Kit Siang, and Bandar Tun Razak MP and former Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim.

Polis Sahkan Papagomo Adalah Wan Muhammad Azri

KUALA LUMPUR 8 MEI: Peguam, Latheefa Koya hari ini mengesahkan identiti Wan Muhammad Azri Wan Deris yang kerap memapar kandungan video fitnah lucah pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat sebenarnya adalah Papagomo, blogger pro-Umno.
Menurut Latheefa yang juga Pengarah Guaman KEADILAN, beliau terserempak dengan Papagomo bersama wakil peguamnya dari Majlis Peguam di Balai Polis Dang Wangi pagi tadi.

“Kami (bersama peguam, Eric Paulsen) terserempak dengan Papagomo yang sedang digari di Balai Polis Dang Wangi, dan polis sendiri sahkan beliau adalah Wan Azri,” kata Latheefa kepada Keadilan Daily.

Wan Azri sebelum ini menafikan beliau adalah Papagomo.

Beliau ditahan semalam di bawah Akta Hasutan 1948 ekoran kiriman berunsur perkauman terhadap kaum Cina sebelum ini.

“Polis juga menasihatkan orang ramai agar terus membuat laporan terhadap Papagomo yang telah banyak mengirim berita-berita berunsur fitnah dan lucah,” kata Latheefa.

Sebelum ini, Ketua Umum KEADILAN, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim memfail saman RM100 juta terhadap Wan Azri berikutan perbuatannya menyebar video seks palsu yang terbit dalam blog Papagomo 16 Mac lalu.

Dalam perkembangan lain, blogger pro-Pakatan Rakyat, King Jason atau nama sebenarnya, Mohd Bustamam Omar akan ditahan untuk siasatan sehingga esok, juga di Balai Polis Dang Wangi.

King Jason ditahan untuk siasatan tengahari semalam di bawah Seksyen 223 Akta Multimedia dan Seksyen 500 Kanun Keseksaan kerana kirimannya berkaitan pengundi hantu.

“Polis pada mulanya mahu tahan sehingga hari tetapi setelah berunding, polis setuju untuk tahan sehingga esok,” kata Latheefa yang mewakili King Jason.~keadilandaily

KUALA LUMPUR 8 MEI: Peguam, Latheefa Koya hari ini mengesahkan identiti Wan Muhammad Azri Wan Deris yang kerap memapar kandungan video fitnah lucah pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat sebenarnya adalah Papagomo, blogger pro-Umno.
Menurut Latheefa yang juga Pengarah Guaman KEADILAN, beliau terserempak dengan Papagomo bersama wakil peguamnya dari Majlis Peguam di Balai Polis Dang Wangi pagi tadi.

“Kami (bersama peguam, Eric Paulsen) terserempak dengan Papagomo yang sedang digari di Balai Polis Dang Wangi, dan polis sendiri sahkan beliau adalah Wan Azri,” kata Latheefa kepada Keadilan Daily.

Wan Azri sebelum ini menafikan beliau adalah Papagomo.

Beliau ditahan semalam di bawah Akta Hasutan 1948 ekoran kiriman berunsur perkauman terhadap kaum Cina sebelum ini.

“Polis juga menasihatkan orang ramai agar terus membuat laporan terhadap Papagomo yang telah banyak mengirim berita-berita berunsur fitnah dan lucah,” kata Latheefa.

Sebelum ini, Ketua Umum KEADILAN, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim memfail saman RM100 juta terhadap Wan Azri berikutan perbuatannya menyebar video seks palsu yang terbit dalam blog Papagomo 16 Mac lalu.

Dalam perkembangan lain, blogger pro-Pakatan Rakyat, King Jason atau nama sebenarnya, Mohd Bustamam Omar akan ditahan untuk siasatan sehingga esok, juga di Balai Polis Dang Wangi.

King Jason ditahan untuk siasatan tengahari semalam di bawah Seksyen 223 Akta Multimedia dan Seksyen 500 Kanun Keseksaan kerana kirimannya berkaitan pengundi hantu.

“Polis pada mulanya mahu tahan sehingga hari tetapi setelah berunding, polis setuju untuk tahan sehingga esok,” kata Latheefa yang mewakili King Jason.~keadilandaily


Everyone knows voting in a general election is kept a secret. The only people who will know who voted for whom is the Election Commission although they may deny this but by verifying the serial number in the ballot papers, the EC official will be able to say for sure who voted for whom.

The Prime Minister had remarked that the Chinese betrayed the Barisan Nasional by not voting for their candidates.

Unless the EC officials had disclosed this confidential information to the Prime Minister, could the Prime Minister confidently say that the Chinese had not voted for the Barisan Nasional. There are also Malays, Indians and others in the urban areas, but why were they not blamed.

It seems the Election Commission had failed to uphold the basic principle of secrecy.


We Are Not Malay
We Are Not Chinese
We Are Not Indian

We Are Malaysian

hemmmmm..... bila rakyat marah dan rakyat bersuara kata rakyat tak bersyukur lah... tak berterima kasih lah... tak beradab lah... tak bersopan lah... dan macam-macam lagi lah demi mengaku diri baik... diri jujur... dan mengatakan rakyat yang bersuara sebagai pengkhianat... tapi sendiri perangai mcam haramjadah tak sedar beb... kah kah kah... umporno perkasam jati... betul-betul meloyakan heeeee... A B U

120,000 show of force at post-GE13 rally

7:48PM May 8, 2013  
11.40pm: Traffic congestion worsens and motorists continue to snake their way home. Some are even still trying to get to the stadium.

NONEMalaysiakini reporter Aidila Razak was unable to make it to the stadium as she has been stuck in traffic for four hours.
Including those caught in traffic jams all around Petaling Jaya, the crowd is estimated at 120,000 - making it one of the biggest rallies in recent times.
11.27pm: Although the event is over, there are still people dressed in black walking towards the stadium from a couple of kilometres away.

Traffic is at an absolute standstill from least five kilometres away in various direction and many who were heading to the rally are still stuck.

NONEThis includes the Damansara-Puchong highway from the Federal Highway in one direction and Kelana Jaya LRT station in the other. Many have parked their cars on major roads leaving only one lane for traffic.
11.25pm: Met by reporters later, Anwar says he is impressed by the spontaneous turnout despite the rally only being called on Monday.

"I would not quit until we reach Putrajaya, until we expose all (fraud) and claim Putrajaya for the rakyat.

"They deserved it as we, Pakatan, won the popular vote,” he says.

NONEAnwar then announced that there is to be another rally on Saturday in Penang, while they are still considering holing one in Ipoh on Friday.
11pm: Despite the drizzle, the crowd is still trickling into the stadium. Cars have been parked as far as 2km away and the party doesn't seem to end anytime soon for supporters.
Many cannot not make out their leaders' speeches but still chime in with chants of reformasi and ubah.
The rally then ends with the singing of 'Negaraku'.
10.45pm: Gelang Patah MP Lim Kit Siang takes to the stage, after having earlier arrived via the back of a motorcycle.

He begins by thanking all Malaysians, even those who did not support the Pakatan coalition, for their commitment towards making the country and people stronger and states that now is the time to “turn our resolve into the tasks that can move our country forward”.

“Foremost is the need to properly account for all of the irregularities during an election that was not only the dirtiest election in our country’s history, but also the most marred in its process.

post-ge13 rally in kelana jaya stadium crowd 7“We support Bersih’s people’s tribunal as an essential step for justice and transparency. We call on all Malaysians to come forward to share their experiences and help us get to the truth,” he says, and adds Pakatan also supports electoral petitions.
"In our initial assessment, we can point to multiple seats where serious irregularities occurred - Labis, Tapah, Segamat and Bentong, to name just a few. We believe that the irregularities are extensive and nation-wide and minimally affect up to 30 seats. 
"As the irregularities impact more than 21 seats, the margin for which we would have won government, and involve at least two state governments - Perak and Terengganu.
"The DAP, working in collaboration with our partners in Pakatan Rakyat, will work to gather and present the evidence. If Malaysia had free and fair elections, we would be in Putrajaya and many other state capitals across the country. Malaysians know this, and the BN knows it." 
post-ge13 rally in kelana jaya stadium crowd 8The DAP supremo says a victory that is earned through money, lies and manipulation is not a victory at all.
"The Malaysia I know is one that believes in fairness. The Malaysia that I know is one that believes in decency."
10.40pm: The way out of the stadium, heading towards Paradigm Mall is clogged as the car ferrying Abdul Khalid Ibrahim is forced to slow down as many people ask the latter to roll down his window so that they may take snapshots with him.

Khalid, meanwhile, smiles and graciously accomodates the requests of the crowd comprising of those leaving the stadium and those just heading in.
10.39pm: Pakatan Rakyat supremo Anwar Ibrahim declares that the people of Malaysia, be they Malay, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan or Dayak, want free and fair election.

He is taking a dig at Utusan Malaysia’s inflammatory headline yesterday, "Apa lagi Cina mahu?".

post-ge13 rally in kelana jaya stadium crowd 2Anwar says every Malaysian, regardless of race, want to reclaim their rights and they want BN to fall.

The crowd, which has now swelled to 80,000 responds enthusiastically, raising their fists in a show support.

10.26pm: With no traffic police guiding traffic, civilians have taken it upon themselves to help unclog the roads.

Almost all cars have their windows down and most are honking rhythms, in what appears to be the most jubilant traffic jam in the Klang Valley.

Along the LDP, people are still making their way to the stadium on foot.
Most of them wear black, to symbolise protest against what they allege as "electoral fraud".

Columns of cars and motorbikes, parked along the road and believed to belong to Pakatan supporters, have contributed to the traffic congestion. 
NONE10.19pm: Many are also walking to the stadium from Paradigm Mall, undeterred by the fact the rally was to have started two hours ago.
Those seen walking comprise of youth of various races. 10.15pm: Those still on the road start unwinding their windows to chat with each other. Among them are middle-aged Malay women and a group of young Chinese men.

"There was a bus which came all the way from Johor!" a man tells another.

"Well, I came from Kedah!" another man replies.

Then a young Malay man flies a PAS flag out a window and a car ferrying group of young women of different races honk wildly in support.

The traffic light has changed several times but there is no room to move.
10.05pm: Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim arrives. His arrival is greeted with wild cheers from the crowd, who also begin shouting, "Kami anak Malaysia".
post-ge13 rally in kelana jaya stadium crowd 3 bicycles10pm: Four kilometres from the venue, passengers on a bus and several cars alight from their vehicles and begin making their way to the rally on foot. All are dressed in black.

Meanwhile, men in a pick-up truck waves a PKR flag, to honks of support.
DAP leader Lim Kit Siang is spotted riding pillion on a motorbike in the effort to beat the traffic jam so that he could get to the stadium on time for his speech.
PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim is also seen being ferried to the venue on a motorbike.
9.33pm: The traffic jam from Kelana Jaya goes as far as the NPE toll near Sunway. According to Google Map Traffic, the whole of Petaling Jaya is in a gridlock.
9.30pm: The audio system in the stadium is not fully functioning, making it difficult for the speakers to be heard from outside the stadium or even from certain areas inside.

NONEParticipants inside are also still having difficulty accessing active phone lines. Meanwhile, there's a substantial spillover crowd at the entrance and spaces have run out inside the stadium.
9.25pm: Motorcyclists passing by drivers dressed in black but stuck in the traffic crawl on the LDP, yell out “Ini Kalilah”.

The roads around the stadium are clogged for several kilometres, with no sign of having eased over the past two hours.

Many people, adorning 'Ini Kalilah' T-shirst, are observed leaving their cars parked along the side of the highway and are legging it towards the stadium.
9.05pm: Stalls selling food and Pakatan memorabilia such as T-shirts, sashes and stickers, surround the stadium complex.

Meanwhile, people continue to stream into the stadium. All the seats have long been filled and so the crowd begin to sit on the field and running track.
9pm: PKR director of strategy Rafizi Ramli warns Utusan Malaysia that if they still play the racial card, they will face the wrath of Malay people.

NONE“I am Malay, but I support Pakatan Rakyat,” he told the 50,000 crowd.
They are chanting "Najib, tipu", "Ubah" and blowing the noisy vuvuzelas.

Many of them have brought yellow flowers, symbolising Bersih, or clean and fair elections.
8.40pm: Many Pakatan Rakyat leaders tweeted that they are trapped in the traffic jam, including Tian Chua and Elizabeth Wong.
The drizzle has stopped and the participants of 'Suara Rakyat Suara Keramat' rally are packing up their umbrellas.
Newly-elected MP for Kelana Jaya Wong Chen takes the stage to address the excited crowd. 
Telephone lines around the stadium are congested.
NONE8.35pm: The rain has caused roads near the area to be jam-packed from the junction with the Federal Highway until Paradigm Mall.

Some of the participants have parked their cars at the side of the main road and are walking about 1km to the Kelana Jaya stadium.

Some of them are wearing black T-shirts and are walking while shouting “Hidup! Hidup! Hidup rakyat!”
8.35pm: Massive traffic jams are reported in the vicinity of the stadium. Some participants have to walk more than 2km to get the venue.
"I am stuck in the biggest 'carpark' in the world. Haven't moved an inch for close to 15 minutes," reports Malaysiakini journalist Aidila Razak.
NONEThose who have reached the stadium are finding it difficult to find a parking space.
8.15pm: Tens of thousands are already inside the stadium. The slight drizzle continues with the crowd unfurling their umbrellas or donning raincoats. 
7.30pm: PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim will today address his supporters for the first time since Sunday's elections, which he alleged were marred with fraudulent practices that ensured BN’s win.

The rally in Kelana Jaya today is expected to draw a large crowd eager to listen to their leaders after an election that has left many Pakatan Rakyat supporters unhappy.

The crowd is slowly trickling in, with the stadium about a quarter full as a slight drizzle falls on the grounds of the Kelana Jaya stadium.

No police presence has been spotted yet despite speculations that there will be tight police control around the stadium, which housed 50,000 supporters during a pre-election rally.