“With a general election still four years
away, the prime minister faces a threat from within his own party,
notably from conservative factions close to Dr Mahathir, who still pulls
strings from the wings. Whispers abound that an effort to unseat Mr
Najib is imminent. As always, the prime
minister touts policies intended to get Malaysia’s economy motoring. He
has never looked less capable of carrying them out.” (‘A lousy sequel‘, 30 Oct 2014)
Umno objects to repeal of Sedition Act
Umno and its party president do not see eye to eye on Najib Razak’s nod for the Sedition Act to be replaced by a National Harmony Act.
“Harmony” is an unrealistic expectation in Malaysia. And it is even
more unrealistic to expect that harmony can be legislated into existence
among the fractious ethnic communities simply through an Act of
Racial harmony has never really taken root in our country, the short
honeymoon period enjoyed by Umno and MCA during the Alliance era
Fake, hypocritical & manipulative Hannah Yeoh
Sultan sudah titah masjid itu tempat ibadah untuk orang Islam sahaja
Tun Razak’s nation-building exercise
For the sake of bringing the country together post-May 13, our second
prime minister painted the archetypal picture of Ali, Ah Chong and
Arumugam for public consumption. A modern contemporary to Tun Razak’s
method would be the Yasmin Ahmad Petronas ads.
Dr Mahathir Mohamad, on the other hand, believes that the rose-tinted
and nostalgic memory of harmony in the Tunku years was not something
real at all.
“What was taken for harmony was absence of
open inter-racial strife. And absence of strife is not necessarily due
to lack of desire or reason for strife. It is more frequently due to a
lack of capacity to bring about open conflict.” (page 14, The Malay Dilemma)
On the same page of his book, Dr M also writes that the values held
by Malays and Chinese are “not merely different but often conflicting”.
Dr M still holding same ‘Dilemma’ opinion
Dr Mahathir also believes that “whenever the Chinese are in a minority, they always avoid provoking the Malays” (p.15, Dilemma). However when the Chinese begin to feel that they have the upper hand, they become less than circumspect in their behaviour.
The Tun’s views appear not to have changed through the passage of 44 years.
On 12 June 2014, he commented on the National Harmony bills drafted
by the National Unity Consultative Council. Dr M wrote in his Che Det blog:
“Di Malaysia kita kekalkan bangsa asal
kita, bahasa dan budaya kita, sekolah kita, bahkan universiti kita.
Susulan dari itu kita tinggal di tempat-tempat berasingan, amalan cara
hidup dan kegiatan kita juga berbeza dan berasingan. Dalam bidang
perniagaan masing-masing mempunyai network sendiri berasas kepada
kaum/bangsa, bahasa dan budaya.”
We live apart each in our own separate world.
We belong to different races, we speak different languages, we
practise different cultures, we attend different schools, we live in
different neighbourhoods, we adopt different lifestyles, we carry out
different activities and we conduct different businesses to earn our
separate livelihoods.
So what commonalities are the Firsters yammering about when they accuse the pro-establishment camp of being “divisive”?
This kind of In-Denial is the same syndrome of insisting that Bak Kut Teh is not pork.
Hannah Yeoh: “True love narrows the differences. Racists must be taught how to love”
Does the Tun see pitchforks too?
In his blog posting ‘Harmoni dan Kesamarataan‘, Dr M wrote:
“Apabila National Harmony Bill dilulus
maka DEB tidak boleh dilaksanakan lagi. Ini bermakna negara akan amal
meritokrasi – iaitu mereka yang mempunyai merit atau kebolehan tertinggi
akan dapat segala-galanya.”

“Di Eropah di zaman industri, yang kaya
memiliki semua perusahaan dan yang miskin bekerja sebagai kuli. Tidak
ada peluang sama sekali bagi kuli yang miskin menjadi kaya, kerana tidak
ada pelajaran dan tidak ada modal, tidak memiliki merit.
“Ini bukan kerana diskriminasi. Kuli
sebenarnya tidak ada merit, justeru itu mereka tetap tinggal sebagai
kuli. Yang kaya memperolehi merit maka mereka tetap kaya dan menjadi
lebih kaya,” Che Det had blogged.
Nothing can appease the Yahudi Yeohs!
Dr Mahathir fears that equality will not produce fairness:
“Memusnahkan diskriminasi berasas kaum
atau bangsa akan menjadikan kita semua sama-sama sebagai warganegara.
Tetapi ia akan kekalkan ketidaksamaan dan ketidakadilan yang sedia ada”.
Talking about the Harmony laws slated to replace the
Sedition Act “which will have the effect of ending the affirmation
action of the NEP”, Dr M chided the Najib administration for acceding to
the opposition demands for meritocracy.
He blogged on 18 June 2014 that it is a mistake for the government to
meet the demands of the opposition and in the process displeasing,
upsetting and angering Umno supporters.

Zeus not happy … thunderbolts coming!
His advice went in one ear and out the other because Najib only
listens to his highly paid consultants and does not value free counsel.
Nonetheless, Dr M further reminded [Najib] that the opposition is
“not really interested in issues” but rather will exploit any legitimate
public concerns for their purpose of “blackening the governing party”.
Even when the government manages to resolve issues, says Tun, the
opposition “will either belittle the Government’s decision or they will
come up with new issues”. After all, Pakatan’s objective is only to
bring down the government and to take over, warned the ex-premier.
Dr M: Oppo keep on attacking gomen
Citing Najib’s decision to abolish the ISA, Dr Mahathir said the
Opposition never said Thank You nor praised the liberalism of the BN
He noted:
“Certainly they would not support the
Government because it had met their demand. The attack against the
Government continued. And the result was the performance of the
Government party becoming worse than when the ISA was in the statute
“On the Government side compliance with
the Opposition stand angers its supporters. They would regard the
Government as weak and withdraw their support.”
On top of Tun’s unhappiness with Najib over the ISA and Sedition Act,
there is the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA). Writing in the
NST, he worries that agreement will allow the big economies to plunder smaller ones.
“We will be colonised again. President Sukarno was right about neo-colonialism,” Dr M cautioned. See, ‘TPP will be another bad pact‘ (NST, 12 July 2013). Tun is against the lopsided terms but fears that the Ministry of International Trade and Industry looks set on signing the TPPA.
Tun has queried the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) operations,
which channelled RM7.18 billion worth of investment to the Cayman
He also likened Najib’s advisors to the courtiers in King Canute’s
court who told the Danish sovereign that he could stop the waves, and to
the conmen who sold invisible new clothes to the Emperor in Hans
Christian Andersen’s fable.
It is quite clear that the Tun has a number of issues with Najib.
I don’t know about you but the current prime minister is beginning to make me panic for the future of our country
We’re on verge of civilizational clash
See minute 2:53 of the video where Dr M says “this country is a very basically unstable country”.
Dr M warns:
“If you want to quarrel, you want to
fight, then you can follow the way of some of these other countries
where they are killing each other. Do you want that or do you at least
restrain yourself? Have some discipline, try not to annoy people, then
this country will be peaceful.” – from minute 1:46 onwards
Tun also said, “For 50 years we had no problem, now it comes out.”
Well, for the last 50 years, we’ve had the ISA and the Sedition Act to keep the Dapsters in check.
It’s really a tough call to make on whether PM#5 or PM#6 should bear
the greater responsibility for letting the genie out of the bottle. I’m
inclined however to plump for No.6 and in agreement with the Tun that
Najib has been more damaging than Sleepy Dollah.
ABOVE: Najib all ears for J-Star CEO Wong Chun Wai
“Sesungguhnya banyaklah dasar, pendekatan
dan perbuatan Kerajaan pimpinan Dato Seri Najib yang merosakkan hubungan
antara kaum, merosakkan ekonomi dan kewangan negara.” – Che Det menegur pada 18 Ogos 2014
Pakatan has been making capital of the Najib administration shortcomings and cluelessness.
Worse still, Ah Jib Gor has not only allowed the Dapsters and
Scissorati to get away with spinning and bullying, he is inadvertently
and indirectly funding their propaganda campaign too.
Yahudi Yeohs lie all the time
Tun Daim Zainuddin had observed that “Chinese votes for the Pakatan reached 90% because they believed in Pakatan’s propaganda”.
Daim told China Press in a May 2013 interview when analyzing the GE13 results:
“DAP have always told the Chinese that
they are victims, marginalised; that the cup they have is always half
empty; that this is the time to teach MCA and Gerakan a lesson for being
under Umno’s control, that Umno (and by extension the Malays) were
dominant, and this was a Malay-led government, and the Chinese by voting
out all the Chinese parties in BN is saying that they have had enough
of being bullied by Umno/Malays.
“If this is not racist, I don’t know what is.
“Their cybertroopers were at work, 24
hours a day, sending misinformation, spins, rumours, lies, untruths etc.
Where were the Banglas? Where was the blackout? How many people whose
ink washed off, voted twice? Tun M flew away in a private jet? Lies and
lies and the Chinese believe in ‘ubah’ and ‘Ini kali lah’.”
(English translation here)
No hope, no cure
Yup, the Chinese will swallow all the opposition lies. MCA must take
the blame for losing 90 percent of the Chinese community to the scheming
and conniving Yahudi Yeohs.

According to Dr Mahathir, freedom is almost total where “just about
anyone can put anything they like to say on the internet directly”.
An outcome of this freedom is that abusive language and racist
remarks have caused increased tension within society, he feels, adding:
“Allegations of all kinds are made without any bases.” See ‘The alternative media‘ (Che Det, 17 Feb 2013).
Najib Razak has allowed the online and social media to become cowboy
towns. This Wild Wild West environment favours the cucu-cicit kominis
because they are brutal and ruthless.
Our police chiefs are worried
Former IGP Tun Hanif Omar had expressed his consternation over how the alternative media is used to “spread slander and lies without shame or the fear of Allah” – see ‘Ex-IGP: Malays hurt by challenges on taboo topics‘ (Malaysiakini, 11 Dec 2013)
“Provokasi yang melampau oleh pihak tertentu boleh mengakibatkan
perkara yang buruk. Sesal dahulu pendapatan sesal kemudian tidak
berguna.” – former IGP Tan Sri Musa Hassan (tweet on 2 Sept 2014).
Current IGP Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar wants the ISA reinstated.
Yet ISA repeat offender Lim Kit Siang is audacious enough to turn the
tables and accuse his opponents of being the “hate merchants” instead.
The DAP’s posturing is the height of hypocrisy, ranging from Papa to Mama to Grandpapa Dapster.
Lim Kit Siang’s signature shill about “good governance, public
integrity, accountability, respect for democracy, human rights,
moderation and tolerance” – slickly rolled out in one breath – merely
debases those very words that he bandies about.

Completing the Mama-Papa and Grandpapa troika is Lim Guan Eng’s proclamation of the Malaysian Dream. He
proclaims that “national unity should be based not on race or religion
but on a common identity centered on democracy, freedom, justice,
integrity and human dignity”. He is laughable.
Race is a concrete identity marker. Religion too is a concrete identifier.
Since when do people ever group themselves in the community of
“Freedom Fighters” or “Upholders of Justice”? Do we fill official forms
classifying ourselves under the category of “Promoters of integrity and
human dignity”?
Guan Eng’s idea of “common identity centered on democracy, freedom,
justice, integrity and human dignity” is about as tangible as
Rumpelstiltskin’s spun gold. Our common identity is race, religion,
language and culture.
Most ironically, the DAP does not even struggle for or protect Chinese interests. They are an evangelical party.
“The DAP is really not pro-Chinese, but rather it is anti-Malay and Malay Rights.” – Akhramsyah Muammar Ubaidah Sanusi (pix below, seated on Dr M’s left)
Tun warns against politicizing religion
Dr Mahathir reminded the 3G politicians that those who live by the
sword will die by the sword – “yang memperalatkan agama akan dimakan
oleh agama”.
Writing in Utusan, the Tun said:
“Apabila agama dijadikan isu politik, tak
dapat tidak ia akan tercemar. Politik kerap kotor. Apabila yang bersih
dicampur dengan yang kotor, yang bersih akan jadi kotor, bukan
“Kita sedang menyaksikan pencemaran ini
berlaku kepada agama Islam bukan sahaja oleh musuh Islam tetapi oleh
orang Islam sendiri. Kehormatan terhadap agama, Nabi bahkan Allah sudah
berkurangan.” – ‘Bahana agama dipolitikkan‘ (Utusan, 3 Feb 2012)
In other words, religion will not help make politics cleaner. On the
contrary, bringing religion into politics will only serve to sully
the religious faith.
Politicians like the DAP evangelistas who exploit religion are very
dangerous. They’re dragging the church into a fiery confrontation with
the Muslims.
People drunk on J-Juice
Understand the kind of people we’re dealing with. Dr Mahathir does; Najib Razak does not.
Tun has warned about the possibility of religious riots happening in
Malaysia. He is not voicing this warning lightly. The Christians and
Muslims are on a collision course.
First and foremost, we need to face up to reality. The perpetually
hysterical opposition supporters are so delusional. The opposition
leaders and their mouthpieces blame the Tun for everything.
Ponder on three Malaysiakini reader comments below, from the article ‘Mahathir: Little chance for non-racial Malaysia‘ (16 Aug 2014), which illustrate their warped way of thinking.
Malaysian First
One commenter msian1st said: “Malaysia will be non racial if racial party and racial policy is banned”.
If msian1st demands the banning of the United MALAY
National Organisation (Umno), the Malaysian CHINESE Association (MCA)
and the Malaysian INDIAN Congress (MIC), then we should demand the
banning of Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan CINA and Sekolah Rendah Jenis
Kebangsaan TAMIL in tandem to make Malaysia “non racial”.
This is the way to respond to the Yahudi Yeohs but Najib is incapable
of doing it. Instead he goes to the MCA assembly and gives them the
impression that SRJK(C)s are guaranteed by the Federal Constitution,
which they are not.
Anak Bangsa Malaysia
A Christian calling himself anak,bangsa,malaysia alleges that the Tun’s 22-year rule is the cause that “all these are happening in M’sia”.
Evidently the Christian Firsters possess no capacity for self-examination.
Another fella Kilgore has the theory that “the country must remain racially divided for Mahathir to hold on to his ill-gotten fortunes”.
Hullo. The Tun is a hundred years old. What do you think he plans to spend a fortune on?
The constant putar-belit and fitnah of Yahudi Yeohs has become intolerable. And Najib is incapable of doing anything about it.
We, BN voters, did not put Najib in power for him to continually
appease the bullies. Umno has 88 seats in Parliament but behaves like a
church mouse.