The Price of UMNO's Racism

I've never believed in Najib's 1Malaysia thingy. Just look at the hatred and racism spewed out by BTN , Perkasa and Utusan. These bodies are directly under Najib and he continues to allow them to run wild spewing race hatred.

All UMNO's slogans, tak boleh pakai, lah, from the time of TDM wiith his "Clean, Effjicient, and Trustworthy Government" to Najib's 1Malaysia. TDM's Clean, Efficient, and Trustworthy slogan was followed by his introduction of the mother of all corruption, "the negotiated tender" or direct tender policy. This most corrupted form of tender continues to this day, even after TDM has stepped down for more than 8 years. This is understandable, as, once you have taken heroin/dadah, you cannot stop.

The warning signs for this inept UMNO government is coming from all directions, the latest being from Eygpt and other Mid-Eastern countries. Despite PM Najib's cautioning Malaysians not to ape what is happening there, it still cannot be controlled if such unfortunate political phenomenon is ultimately meant to be washed onto our shores. Whether it is to happen immediately or gradually, it may still happen because of the accumulated long time adverse effects of bad UMNO National Policies which had systematically divided this Malaysian Nation along racial lines since the early 1970s and especially after the 1980s under the Mahathir era. The only difference is whether it will be a sectarian punch-up between Malaysians or a combined national revolt against the government-of-the-day. If it is the former, Malaysians' miseries will only be prolonged and future further compromised and weakened.

Most Malays, the common Malays, had not become better after the decades of the warped and abused affirmative UMNO programs. Many young Malays are still on drugs, wasting their time on side-walks and running wild with their motor-bikes on night streets. Many had remained uneducated and migrated from the villages to the urban areas and looked forlorn without a promising future. The common young non-Malays are not doing much better either, suffering too, but in an almost premeditated way under UMNO's discriminative policies and enforcements. They are grossly deprived of open opportunities in most if not all educational and public sectors normally accorded to all citizens of any fair country. It is a no gain situation. Both sides are not reaching the shore.

It would be unending to list out all of UMNO's failures here but UMNO as the government-of- the-day must change positively to arrest the quick slide. Be truly Malaysian in approach. Otherwise, public warnings on this and that won't do. Their effects have time limits. What will happen must happen eventually. Be warned. The symptoms are all here... the public grievances on incessant rising costs of fuel and food, exorbitant tolls charges, poor educators, weak language medium, compromised standards in education system and a very very colossal corruption situation.

After suffering from so many years of bottled-up miseries, these are sure ripe and common denominators for Malaysians, irrespective of race and religion, to hold the national culprits responsible, just like what's happening in Eygpt and elsewhere now. It cannot be helped, the tide will not go backwards, the government must change politically and positively as a truly multi-racial Nation or be swept off soon by the combined forces of Nature's and Human's call for all the aggrieved to react naturally, by vote or by force.

It would be very interesting if all the Chinese and Indians leave this morons lead nation. Much like the 70's Uganda. Look at Uganda now, it took 30 years to recover from that exodus. It's people starved, jobless, died even from oppression. The irony is that more and more nations are more than willing to take in the talents that flow out of this morons lead nation; Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, US, and even Taiwan welcome our young talents. Soon this morons lead nation will be filled with dumb morons and zombies

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