I don't quite believe in reincarnation. I know many of you do but not being a very religious person myself, I still pretty much believe in Stephen Hawking. Anyways, say you believe in reincarnation. Who decides where you get reincarnated? There's the karma system isn't it? Do good this life and you will get a better life in the next. If that is true, then we know that bad people get reincarnated at Indians in Malaysia. If you are born into Malaysia via an Indian womb, you are screwed I tell you. Screwed big time.
It sucks to be an Indian in this country. If you are born an Indian in India, you stand a chance of being born in the north where you may one day be the richest man in the world or you may be born in the south where you will be just... poor. (Ok, that's a generalisation but you get the drift). But if you are born an Indian in Malaysia... aiyoyo...
Look at this article, (Indian) Lady Arrested While Making (Police) Report. For those who are too lazy to read... Plain clothes anti-narcotics police raided Indian lady's house for no reason. Coppers took her pawn papers and her son's PS2. Coppers made the 14 year old son sit in the police van and poked fun at him telling him they will arrest him when he grows up. Indian lady then went to police station to make report and claim back belongings, but they nabbed her because her report will get the coppers in trouble.
That's Malaysia. It doesn't matter if the above story is true or not. It doesn't matter if the woman has some untold stories. The point I am trying to make is if you are an Indian, you are heavily discriminated in Malaysia. Everyone knows that. You know that, I know that.
If you are an Indian, and you kena tangkap masuk balai, your chances of dying in there is higher than any other races. Innocence not important. Type of offence also not important. And the chances are extremely high that you will get bashed up by the coppers if you are an Indian.
1 Malay, 1 Chinese and 1 Indian run out of 7-11. If someone shouts pencuri, the coppers will go after the Indian fella. Guaranteed.
A young Malay drives a Honda with super mods, a young Chinese drives a Honda with blue lights all over and a young Indian drives a plain Honda. The police on a road block will stop the Indian chap and ask for his identification.
A group of 5 Malays travel in a Myvi. A group of 5 Chinese travel in a Myvi. A group of 5 Indians travel in a Myvi. The police at the road block will stop the Indians, make them alight the car, and check all their identifications.
The Indians have a special status in this country - the least respectable category. Nobody gives a hoot about the Indians. Now Samy Vellu is even claiming that MIC's education arm belongs to him personally. Hahahaha... brilliant.
What is so different about the Indians that they deserve this? I have many Indian friends. I have many Indian relatives. Heck, I don't care if they are Indians, they are just my friends and relatives. Some are really intelligent, some are brilliant in the office, some are super polite and soft-spoken, some love to drink (a lot), some are just downright lazy, some are out to make a quick buck out of you, some are perpetual trouble makers, some are religious to the core, some are... I know many Malays and Chinese who are just like that too! Why pick on the Indians?
Just because many of them are poor does not make all of them thieves. Come on, it is no secret that the Indians are the poorest among the lot of 3 although some of them have made in big. But look at the majority. Just because Ananda Krishnan is rich doesn't mean that the Indians are all doing well.
And why are the Indians the poorest of the 3 races in the very first place? Why are they always treated as the anak tiri? The government just could not give a damn about them and many continue to get stuck in a vicious cycle. The Brits brought them over as estate workers. Many are still stuck there. Why? Because they have been continuously denied proper education. Without proper education, how are they going to break out from poverty? But that is exactly what the BN government does not want to do - keep them in the trap. I am willing to put 500 bucks on the table that the poorest kampung of the 3 races belong to the Indians. (For discussion sake, lets exclude the Orang Asli).
How are the Indians going to break away from stereotyping? They can't. It is not them who stereotype themselves, but the society who stereotype the Indians. Unfortunately, racism in Malaysia is getting worse. The real Malaysia is a horrible place to live in. Back in school, nobody gave a flying fark what color your skin is. We were simply classmates, friends.
For now, our Indians comrades will just have to 'just take it all in'. Nobody influential is fighting for them. The Indians are unable to rise in numbers because of fear and lack of knowledge. I guess they will just have to wait for a messiah.
Here's a little for you stereotyping Malaysians out there. According to The Malaysian Society Guide Book:
If you are a Malay, you are lazy, stupid and benefits from lopsided preferences.
If you are a Chinese, you are a gambler and you'll do anything for money.
If you are an Indian, you are an alcoholic and a trouble maker.
This is the Malaysia we live in. 1Malaysia my farking arse!
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