Photo Gallery & 3rd Anniversary Hindraf Hunger Strike on 25/11/2010


Hindraf Hunger Strike today: Live Reports: 11.00 a.m some 40 Hindraf supporters started off this morning at 9.00 a.m at the main entrance of KLCC Twin Towers by signing the Thriyambagam mantharam 9 times shouted “Hindraf Valga” and “Hindraf Makkal Sakthi Valga”, “kami mahu hak kami”. All are sitting down peacefully in a group at the entrance of KLCC the world’s tallest Twin Towers and symbol of Malay-sian prosperity but in direct contrast the Indian poor living in misery and excluded and segregated from the national mainstream development of One Malay-sia.

There is heavy police presence in and around KLCC.

S. Jayathas

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Hindaf 3 25 Hindaf 3 25ject
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