50 over years of trusts in Malaysian Apartheid Government not enough?

Democrat 53: The Indian Malaysians have already given Umno-BN the trust for 50-plus years. What more do you want, PM Najib Razak?

Umno does not consider the Indians as needing assistance. If they did, why aren't the Indians getting the assistance under NEP (New Economic Policy) and subsequent programmes?

The poor Indians are chased out of plantations acquired by PNB (Permodalan Nasional Berhad) and other GLCs (government-linked companies) without assistance.

There are enough cases - the most recent involving the DBKL (Kuala Lumpur City Hall). Private developers use the authorities to remove people from homes. Courts are used (abused) for this purpose.

Entry into MRSM (Maktab Rendah Sains Mara) is not for the poor Indians and Chinese and yet the institution is funded with money from the government's coffers - the Chinese being the biggest taxpayers.

House buyers get 5 percent discount in Selangor and 15 percent in Johor. Who actually bears this cost of discounts - the Indian and Chinese buyers. So please stop fishing for votes only during the elections.

Superstar: Najib, if you want our trust, open up an MRSM for poor Indians from estates and the poor Chinese from new villages. These people have toiled for years and years to improve the economy of the country and yet they are not given the 5% discount when they buy a flat.

Many of these children struggle and have done well in the UPSR even without tuition, yet they drop out in the later years as many stay far away from their secondary schools.

Place them in residential schools. After all, they are citizens too. ‘Nambikei', my foot!

Anonymous_3f68: It sounds like the Kaa the Snake from the Jungle Book when he hypnotises Mowgli, saying, "Trust in me."

Bert: The Indians have trusted the government for five decades, and what have they got to show for? They have been cheated all these years. The BN leaders were only interested in taking care of themselves and lining their pockets. So is the MIC.

You still want the Indians to trust the government for another 50 years?

Pitbull: PM, you have the audacity to ask us to trust you when you have been lying all the time.

Fulfill your promise to Teoh Beng Hock's family. You are only good at misusing taxpayers' money and buying votes. We have not seen a single good thing from you.

By the way, when are you going to launch 1Curi Malaysia?

Geraldo: How to trust the PM when he can't even handle one of his ministers, Shahrizat Abdul Jalil.

Keturunan Malaysia: Najib, don't be silly. Never ask people to trust you. You need to earn their trust.

Jiminy Qrikert: Nice move by Najib to call on ‘Indians' to trust him. After all, there are close to eight or nine mosquito ‘Indian' parties all claiming to represent the ‘Indians'.

Then, there is Hindraf for the Hindus later morphed into HRP (Human Rights Party) for everyone but focused on ‘Indians' after they decided to be more inclusive than just Hindus and Tamils, and finally you have the one and only MIC, the champion of all ‘Indians' in Malaysia.

Considering that ‘Indians' are about 10% of the population, no wonder they are so confused, not only by the fact that ‘Indians' really means Tamils while the rest rather be known as Malayalees, Telugus, Punjabis, Gujeratis, Sikhs but also because the nine mosquito parties plus Hindraf/HRP and MIC all claim to champion the ‘Indian cause' but have totally divergent political visions, objectives and paths.

Cutting through all of this is Najib's ‘nambikei' for the poor - illiterate Indian masses displaced from his former safe haven estates. Indeed, Najib's ‘nambikei' is more reassuring than the 11 Indian ‘champions'.

PaperRoses: Trust me, my wife didn't spend your money on diamond, handbags and boutiques. Those were all bought with our own money.

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