The Police cannot keep silent a single second on the latest shocking revelation in the second Anwar Ibrahim sodomy charge – that the first medical report on Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan found no evidence of sodomy four hours before he lodged the police report of sodomy against Anwar on June 28.
The revelation, which first appeared in Raja Petra Kamaruddin’s Malaysia Today news portal, and is reported in Malaysiakini, is based on a two-page medical report by Dr. Mohamed Osman Abdul Hamid, the medical officer in Hospital Pusrawi (Pusat Rawatan Islam) in Jalan Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur after examining Saiful at about 2 p.m on June 28 – some four hours before Saiful lodged the police report against Anwar.
The account in Malaysiakini:
According to a copy of the two-page medical report obtained by malaysiakini yesterday, Saiful went to the hospital complaining of ‘tenesmus’ - a medical term for difficulty and pain in passing motion.
He was examined by Dr Mohamed Osman Abdul Hamid, the medical officer on duty.
The doctor said that the patient had alleged he was assaulted by the intrusion of a piece of “plastic” in the anus.
Mohamed Osman, according to his medical report which was recorded at 2.14pm, found “zero active bleeding”, “zero ulcer or pus”, “zero tear and scar” in Saiful’s anus.
He also stated that Saiful appeared “alert”, “comfortable”, “not pale” and did not show any fever symptoms.
Raja Petra in his blog alleged that Dr. Mohamed Osman, a Burmese Muslim, who has 20 years of experience as a doctor who had previously worked in government hospitals before joining Pusrawi about a year ago, was detained by the police for three days but refused to “doctor” his report to “implicate Anwar”.
Raja Petra further alleged that Dr. Mohamed Osman “has now taken his entire family and has gone into hiding because the police are looking for him and want him to change his medical report”.
These are very disturbing turn of developments in the latest sodomy allegation against Anwar and police investigations, and will subject Malaysia to a new and most adverse spate of international bashing unless police can come forward without a single second of delay to categorically throw light on the first medical report on Saiful and the whereabouts of Dr. Mohamad Osman – especially in the light of the outrage and scandal of the disappearance of private investigator Bala Subramaniam in two conflicting Statutory Declaration (SDs) within 24 hours, shaking national and international confidence in institutional integrity to their very roots.
Or is the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar contemplating orchestrating a second briefing for foreign diplomats in Malaysia on the medical report and disappearance of Dr. Mohamed Osman – where Hamid can be assured of getting an even better turn-out by hitting over a century of diplomats?
Lim Kit Siang

The revelation, which first appeared in Raja Petra Kamaruddin’s Malaysia Today news portal, and is reported in Malaysiakini, is based on a two-page medical report by Dr. Mohamed Osman Abdul Hamid, the medical officer in Hospital Pusrawi (Pusat Rawatan Islam) in Jalan Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur after examining Saiful at about 2 p.m on June 28 – some four hours before Saiful lodged the police report against Anwar.
The account in Malaysiakini:
According to a copy of the two-page medical report obtained by malaysiakini yesterday, Saiful went to the hospital complaining of ‘tenesmus’ - a medical term for difficulty and pain in passing motion.
He was examined by Dr Mohamed Osman Abdul Hamid, the medical officer on duty.
The doctor said that the patient had alleged he was assaulted by the intrusion of a piece of “plastic” in the anus.
Mohamed Osman, according to his medical report which was recorded at 2.14pm, found “zero active bleeding”, “zero ulcer or pus”, “zero tear and scar” in Saiful’s anus.
He also stated that Saiful appeared “alert”, “comfortable”, “not pale” and did not show any fever symptoms.
Raja Petra in his blog alleged that Dr. Mohamed Osman, a Burmese Muslim, who has 20 years of experience as a doctor who had previously worked in government hospitals before joining Pusrawi about a year ago, was detained by the police for three days but refused to “doctor” his report to “implicate Anwar”.
Raja Petra further alleged that Dr. Mohamed Osman “has now taken his entire family and has gone into hiding because the police are looking for him and want him to change his medical report”.
These are very disturbing turn of developments in the latest sodomy allegation against Anwar and police investigations, and will subject Malaysia to a new and most adverse spate of international bashing unless police can come forward without a single second of delay to categorically throw light on the first medical report on Saiful and the whereabouts of Dr. Mohamad Osman – especially in the light of the outrage and scandal of the disappearance of private investigator Bala Subramaniam in two conflicting Statutory Declaration (SDs) within 24 hours, shaking national and international confidence in institutional integrity to their very roots.
Or is the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar contemplating orchestrating a second briefing for foreign diplomats in Malaysia on the medical report and disappearance of Dr. Mohamed Osman – where Hamid can be assured of getting an even better turn-out by hitting over a century of diplomats?
Lim Kit Siang

Why all the hue and cry?
Well let us do it 'Malaysia Style'. Arrest all those fellas who write / publish anything. Next remove people mysteriously.
Worst come to worse, just get some C4 approved and finish the job.
Last but not least remove all traces of records from all systems.
Welcome to Malaysia folks. You asked for it right?!
Mr. PM before you get angrier, let me say: what I am saying is called the prevailing PUBLIC OPINION.
And when public opinions do not matter anymore, democracy is dead.
y u so racist?u live in this harmony country and got all the privillage as non-bumiputera still hated government for no reason and support anwar?omg!
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