The disclosure of an earlier medical report on Saiful’s allegations against Anwar has now been followed by a widely circulated – though not available in the mainstream mass media - copy of the report lodged at Hospital Pusrawi Sdn Bhd at 2.14 pm on July 28, 2008.
This new report – and all the doubts and questions it raises – should not be concealed or kept out of public scrutiny by the mainstream media, the Government authorities or other interested parties for their own selfish interest.
Given the high political leadership stakes as well as enormous national and international interest in the new sodomy charge against the country’s most prominent opposition leader, Anwar Ibrahim – and indirectly against the newly formed opposition front, Pakatan Rakyat - it is imperative that all Malaysians – in their individual and organizational capacities – should raise their voices to show their concern for the full, transparent, and fair disclosure of all the facts and developments in the case, and to demand that swift justice should prevail.
Further attempts at one sided or politically biased and manipulative handling of the case will cause the nation even more grievous damage than what has already been inflicted.
Kuala Lumpur, July 29, 2008
Press statement by Dr. Lim Teck Ghee
Director, Centre for Policy Initiatives
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