Corrupted politicians

Systematic looting of national wealth within a democracy is much more scary than dictatorship as majority of us just got to tolerate since everything were done within the legal framework where rules were followed except that such rules were meant to justified the end.

You still see development albeit with apparent flaws and at much higher costs, both financial and social. As long as the self interested group is taken care of , the govt actually garnered more support. In our scenario, the institutions were automatically attracted to become govt supporters as the system recognise them as part of the self interested group who entitle to share the cakes of corruptions.

Corruption leads to inefficiency, this is the mantra of the modern economists. So, could we hope Malaysia to prosper economically when corruption index continue going south ?

A buddhist monk once said ” When a person losses his sense of shame, he cannot be rehabilitated any more” Perhaps this is the best description to our corrupted politicians who openly condone corruption as a norm in our daily life.

There are simply too many decision to be made, and the worst is when u need to choose the better between two devils. Ultimately u decide for your own future. Not so bad, at least u still have a choice.


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