Blogger claims new video places Anwar at scene of sex clip

September 17, 2011
A still image is taken from a video depicting two men, said to be Anwar and Shazryl, exiting a lift.
KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 17 — A new video clip showing Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim entering a lift at an apartment building where a sex video allegedly of the opposition leader and a prostitute is believed to have been made, was released today by a pro-Umno blog.

The clip, published on the Papagomo blog, showed closed-circuit television (CCTV) footage of Anwar entering an apartment building elevator accompanied by businessman Datuk Shazryl Eskay Abdullah, who has alleged that he was with the PKR de facto leader the day of the incident.

In the full-colour video, Anwar, clad in a purple shirt, is seen entering and exiting the lift with a black-suited Shazryl Eskay.

The timestamp showed they entered the lift at 10.09pm and exited at 10.52pm on February 21, the same date Anwar was alleged to have had sex with a prostitute from China.

“The colour CCTV recording clearly shows Anwar’s face. The time of the recording also corresponds with what Datuk Seri Anwar did with the Chinese prostitute,” Papagomo wrote on his blog, in reference to the sex video released by the “Datuk T” trio on March 21.

“Even before this, it was pointed out that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was absent from Twitter and Facebook during the time the sex intercourse took place.”

Anwar has refuted this absence and denied being the man in the sex video.

He lodged a police report on March 22, a day after Shazryl Eskay, former Malacca chief minister Tan Sri Rahim Thamby Chik dan former Perkasa treasurer-general Datuk Shuib Lazim — known collectively as “Datuk T” — screened the video to the media.

The black-and-white sex video was then widely disseminated on Umno blogs following the closed screening, which took place at the swanky Carcosa Seri Negara hotel.

On June 24, the “Datuk T” trio admitted to screening the sex video and were fined a total of RM5,500 by Magistrate Aizatul Akmal Maharani.

Shazryl Eskay and Shuib had been jointly charged for openly screening pornographic material while Rahim was charged for abetting them.

During their defence, the court heard that an American expert had determined that the man in the video was Anwar.

Based on this claim, several parties, including Puteri Umno, have in recent weeks called on the police and the Attorney-General to investigate Anwar for allegedly making a false police report.

Anwar’s supporters have said the clip was yet another attempt by Umno to destroy the former deputy prime minister’s political career in the run-up to the next general election.

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