PAS chief calls Umno/BN a ‘disease’

September 14, 2011

Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang’s comments were part of a strongly-worded Malaysia Day message released today. — file pic
KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 14 — PAS President Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang urged voters today to throw out the Barisan Nasional (BN) federal government in the next general election because he said the Umno-led coalition was a “disease” that future generations should not be forced to endure.

In a strongly-worded Malaysia Day message, Hadi blamed Umno and BN for the decline in the country’s competitiveness, rising cost of living and election fraud.

“Do not let Malaysia become weaker under the Umno-BN government, because it is our children and grandchildren’s generation who will suffer,” he said.

Hadi’s comments come amid the backdrop of an intense row between PAS and Umno over allegations that Mohamad Sabu, his deputy in the party, had labelled a Communist as an independence fighter.

Utusan Malaysia had carried a front-page report on August 27 alleging that Mohamad had said that the communists who attacked the Bukit Kepong police station during the communist insurgency were heroes.

The Umno-owned daily reported that Mohamad made the remarks at a political ceramah in Tasek Gelugor, Penang on August 21.

Mohamad had repeatedly said that Utusan’s coverage of his speech at the time was filled with falsehood, and that immediate legal action was required as the “lies” could affect him and his family.

“PAS would like to emphasise that we are against all colonialists, whether communist or non-communist, from the east or the west,” Hadi said today.

“It is the instinct of all human beings regardless of background, race, religion and language to live as free and independent people, with a body and mind independent from all forms of slavery. There will be no sane person who wants to live under the shackles of any occupation, let alone have their minds and actions controlled.”

The party president added that the party appreciated the roles played by all parties and personalities like Sultan Abdul Samad, Sultan Zainal Abidin, Raja Abdullah and Abdul Rahman Limbong, Tok Janggut, Dr Burhanuddin Helmy, Tunku Abdul Rahman and Tun Abdul Razak Hussein who had contributed to shaping the country into what it is today.

“They have laid the foundation of our country, even though we do not agree with some of their actions because of its weaknesses. Nevertheless, it is not appropriate for us to respond to the weaknesses of those who had passed away with insulting words. What should be done is that we ask for forgiveness from the God Almighty.

“It would be great if the life of different races and religions, cultures and languages that exist in our country, is able to become the main recipe for the birth of Malaysia that truly protects the welfare of its citizens,” he said.

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