Uthaya must be daydreaming

September 15, 2011, From Gerard1968, via e-mail

I refer to the article, ‘HRP demands 23 seats from Pakatan’. Uthaya must be daydreaming. Why not go to the BN and MIC and ask for these seats? It is odd that the HRP keeps quiet when it comes to the BN despite 54 years of marginalisation and mistreatment of Indians but they constantly make unrealistic demands and threats at PR.

The Indian problems cannot be solved overnight by any party. The BN had five decades to do this but they failed. HRP should either work with the PR to help the Indians and solve their deep rooted problems or just ship out.

Uthaya’s constant pandering to race and religion is not going to endear him to the Malays and Chinese, so they are not going to vote for the HRP. Even with the maximum number of Indian votes in these seats, the HRP is not going to win.

I doubt that they will even split the votes because most voters opt for tactical voting in any three-cornered fight since the enemy here is the BN. If the HRP wants to burn its bridges with the PR so be it.

The PR cannot be Indian-centric just because Uthaya demands that it so be. There are also very poor Malays, East Malaysian natives and Chinese in new villages that are clamouring for the same things as the poor Indians.

Does the PR just neglect all of them and only prioritise the Indians? Is that fair, just and equitable? PR has to be realistic and pragmatic. Uthaya and the HRP should just concentrate on their legal case in the UK against the British government and forget about playing politics over here.

As an Indian, I’m just fed-up with Uthaya’s ravings and rantings which are clouded by his myopic view of Indian issues and his over-sized ego. Tamil schools and temples alone are not going to feed the Indians or make them successful in the future.

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