You should be afraid, Najib

One of the more amusing articles that I have read recently was the story about Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak telling his Umno members yesterday that he was not afraid of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, the Opposition leader.

Najib said that he was willing to debate Anwar or something along those lines.

The PM must be one of those people who say they are not fixated with something yet spend an inordinate amount of time talking or paying attention to that person “who they are not afraid of”.

If he is not afraid of Anwar, why bring up the name at all?

The actions of his party and government suggest that they eat, sleep and breath Anwar more than even PKR members do!

That is why this flimsy sodomy charge was brought against Anwar and the government has persisted in carrying on with the charade in court. It wants Anwar in jail and out of the picture. Out of sight and out of mind.

That is also why former senior police officer Mat Zain says openly that the police and the Attorney-General Gani Patail fabricated evidence against Anwar in the first sodomy case. If Mat Zain is talking nonsense, he would have been charged with criminal defamation but Gani and the Najib administration have been silent.

If Anwar was a non-factor, why would the administration “interfere” in the ongoing Anwar trial? The Malaysian Insider reported that Umno lawyer Shafee Abdullah and a Najib aide were present at a briefing on the Anwar trial for the mainstream media.

I guess Umno is not frightened of Umno that is why the unholy Datuk Trio received the blessings of the party for their porn video show, abetted by the mainstream media and police.

Why do I single out the mainstream media and police? Because the mainstream media were invited to a screening by the Datuk Trio and only went, one presumes, because of the order from Putrajaya. Then there was the police providing security and bodyguard services for Eskay Abdullah while he swore on the Quran.

Sorry I forgot the judiciary which allowed Shafee Abdullah the unusual courtesy of providing an unchallenged report on the authenticity of the videotape.

So I guess we should believe Najib when he says he is not afraid of Anwar. Good joke, right?

Actually, Najib should not be afraid of Anwar. He is just one man, a flawed individual like any other man.

If Anwar is locked up, Pakatan Rakyat will live on because Malaysians realise that it is in our interest to keep our politicians on their toes.

Najib should fear the average Malaysian because we no longer fear the people in power, the police or any other security apparatus. And we no longer swallow everything politicians tell us, even if that man is the PM.

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