YOURSAY 'She is holding the trump card and ever ready to spill the beans if she is pushed to the corner by her peers.'
No cabinet decision on Shahrizat, says MuhyiddinCalvert Yap: Common sense tells us that someone higher than Women, Family and Community Development Minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil is behind this.
It tells us that there are many interlinks of corruption and fund mismanagement among different factions in Umno through different projects.
They are one big fat happy family anyway. So this is the time they show the unity and stick to their plan of ‘you scratch my back, I scratch your back' or the more famous, ‘you help me, I help you'.
Assuming the election is within the first quarter of 2012, Umno's major programme now is ‘buffet' - all you can eat for the next three months.
Mirror Thyself: Why should Shahrizat resign? She is holding the trump card and ever ready to spill the beans if she is pushed to the corner by her peers. The whole cabinet is shivering in their pants. Expect more ‘sandiwara' in the pipeline.
Inspektor Klueso: As usual, it is gross stupidity and arrogance on the government's part to issue the "tak ada" (no problem here) imbecilic responses.
As if the nation (most of it anyway) would believe that the largesse of RM250 million would be granted to Shahrizat's family - if it were not Shahrizat's family.
The tomfoolery that ensued, including buying a Mercedes car, luxury Bangsar condos, friendly non-arms length transactions to non-cattle related family-owned enterprises, luxury housing lots, raising less than half the livestock projected, would make any third world despot proud.
For goodness sakes, the proper response should be "sudah goreng" (she's fired). To hide behind the lame "tak ada" is pure insult to the nation's suffering masses.
A promising young man is hounded to death over an imaginary transgression of RM2,500. And a grand RM250 million larceny is dealt with by a simple "tak ada". Weep, Malaysia, weep.
Ksn: Is DPM Muhyiddin Yassin saying that there has to be a cabinet decision before the woman in question resigns or is sacked?
Is not a minister holding the position at the pleasure of the PM? In other words, if the cabinet, majority of minsters being from Umno, decides she can stay, she stays?
Why is the DPM interfering in this matter? Is it because the soft loan of RM250 million was given out when he was the minister of agriculture and most probably on his recommendations, overruling and overlooking other choices available for such a project?
By the way, is action to recover the RM250 million of public funds being taken? Some answers are called for.
Trumpet Call: The longer the cabinet waits before making a clear stand on the Shahrizat scandal, the worse it will be for the BN government.
The confidence in the integrity of the ruling coalition is diminishing by the week. After all, silence is consent.
It just affirms what every right-thinking Malaysian already knows, i.e. that the top leadership of the country is too cowardly to take corruption by the horns and deal with it because of reasons known to themselves and others as well.
This lack of courage to deal with blatant and widespread corruption within the rank-and-file of the BN government will be a major factor contributing to its demise.
Cala: If past action can be relied on as a way to predict its future line of action in a similar situation, we are wrong to expect Umno would discipline Shahrizat over the NFC (National Feedlot Corporation) fiasco.
Indeed, Umno as shown in the past have been notorious to allow the state apparatus to apply harsh laws on any party member who steps out of line, but not on corruption (Ramasamy, 2009; Marzuki Mohamad, 2007).
In the latter cases, it would only do it after persistent public uproar.
Mr KJ John: I thought the cabinet had set a standard that ministers must remain 'whiter than white' on matters of conflict of interests and transparency of governance. Why wait for cabinet; resign-lah!
DPM, you too should resign as I heard that the loan was approved during your term as agriculture minister.
Luke 1v37: How can Shahrizat resign when she knows Muhyiddin needs her Wanita Umno support to stay on as DPM?
Kgen: Shahrizat is too thick skinned to resign. And who is that fall guy taking the rap when Shahrizat's family is still untouchable? Another comical sandiwara from the studios of Bolehwood.
Bluemountains: Shahrizat is not going to let her fellow Umno ministers have it easy. She would pull all of them down if they ever try to make things difficult for her and her family.
You see, when you roll up your sleeves they won't dare to touch you and that's why they dare not make any decision. They will have to sink or swim with you.
Blind Freddo: Resignation is too easy. She will just walk out the door taking the money with her. She should be sacked.
Why should Shahrizat quit? Cabinet in it together. The whole cabinet is shivering in their pants.
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