If previously BN’s homophobic politicians spared no effort in
screaming their lungs out when gay performers like Elton John and Adam
Lambert turned up on Malaysian shores to entertain their fans, the
federal government’s on-going attack on the LGBT community has now taken a turn for the worst.
On Sept 13, Chinese newspaper Sin Chew Daily reported that the
Education Ministry had endorsed a parenting guide that describes
symptoms of homosexuality purportedly for the benefit of parents and
The guide was launched during a seminar in Penang on Sept 12. The
event, billed as “Parenting in addressing the issue of LGBTs (lesbians,
gays, bisexuals and transgenders)”, was officiated by Deputy Education
Minister Mohd Puad Zarkashi.
However, three days later, the Education Ministry denied ever endorsing any such LGBT-bashing guidelines.
The ministry’s denial, despite the guide being published by Yayasan
Guru Malaysia Bhd and the Putrajaya Consultative Council of Parents and
Teachers Associations, will go down in the country’s history as the most
outrageous of attempts at “strengthening” prejudice and hatred towards
the LGBT community.
The guide, among others, stereotypes boys who enjoy wearing V-necks
and sleeveless tops as “gays in the making”. And should such boys take a
liking to tight and bright-coloured clothes or fancy carrying handbags
meant for women, they are “definitely gay”.
Aiyo! Should wives whose husbands have no qualms carrying their
handbags start having sleepless nights worrying that their husbands are
closet gays?
Indeed, how more preposterous can the Education Ministry get? How and
where did the idea dawn upon it that a preference for bright-coloured
clothing is the tell-tale sign of a “gay” identity?
The same approach is taken by the guide in identifying whether a girl
has lesbian tendencies. If a girl keeps away from women in general and
prefers the company of her “girlfriend”, she is a confirmed lesbian.
Clearly, the guide is the work of those who have not the slightest
idea of what makes for a gay man or gay woman. Taking potshots at the
LGBT community by making random assumptions has only belittled the
so-called credibility of the Education Ministry.
LGBT is not a ‘disease’
The homophobic’s twisted logic is that LGBT is a “disease” and is
contagious, hence the abhorrence towards the likes of Elton John and
Adam Lambert.
For some mysterious reasons, the LGBT community has become the BN
government’s enemy number one and numerous attempts are being made to
bring the curtain down on this marginalised community, with the
guideline being the latest endeavour.
But in a country where sex involving minors is on the rise and so is
the rate of HIV infections among those below the age of 18, why the
focus on condemning the existence of the LGBT community? A clear case of
misplaced priority, is it not?
The government pretends to be coy when it comes to implementing sex
education in schools and has made it clear that no mention of condoms be
made to students by non-governmental organisations that speak to them
about HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases.
No surprise then when our schoolchildren have no clue on what is a
condom and its use. But when teenage pregnancy repeatedly makes news,
the government starts behaving in the most hypocritical way possible,
looking for whom to blame.
Politicising the LGBT cause
The guide, if anything, is a by-product of the hatred the BN
government has for the LGBT community, which escalated after the deputy
inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar deemed Seksualiti Merdeka,
an annual platform for the LGBT community, a “threat to the nation”.
Since when did this community pose a danger to the nation’s safety?
And as publishers of this implausible guide, are both Yayasan Guru
Malaysia and Putrajaya Consultative Council of Parents and Teachers
Associations cronies of the BN administration, who are willing to
instigate the already prejudicial society against the LGBT group?
Just where did the publishers of this guide get their information from?
The national news agency Bernama quoted Mohd Puad as saying parents
and teachers should know these symptoms so that they could address
social problems among teenagers, especially those still in school.
“It is now time that this LGBT issue be discussed openly and not treated as taboo,” he was quoted as saying.
What an irony that Mohd Puad wants the LGBT issue to be talked about
openly and not be seen as a taboo. Is this anti-LGBT guide not all about
taboo against this community?
The guide, as quoted by Sin Chew, has the gall to say: “Once the
children have these symptoms, immediate attention should be given.”
No doubt this guide is the work of ignorant and homophobic minds out to malign the LGBT community.
Had the publishers of this guide been “knowledgeable”, they would
have extensively studied the issue of LGBT and not make irresponsible
remarks, liking homosexuality to a disease.
Shape good minds, not evil thoughts
Our education system keeps failing us; instead of developing critical
minds, it is busy working at producing a future generation that will be
morally bankrupt and hideous in its treatment of others.
If this what the Education Ministry is up to, how worthwhile then is
its recently unveiled national education blueprint? What really is the
ministry up to each time it engages in one revamp after another to the
system when clearly the system ends up teaching children how to hate
those who are “different”?
Why is the ministry, which is headed by Deputy Prime Minister
Muhyiddin Yassin (who in November last year said that Seksualiti Merdeka
was “a deviationist activity that did not bring any benefit to the
people in the country as a whole and is against the tradition, culture
and religion practised by the various communities in the country”) not
teaching the children and parents the “symptoms” of a paedophile, rapist
or molester?
What is the purpose of the education system then? Is it to teach
children that “good” people attract the opposite and that “bad” people
attract people of the same orientation?
Has the education system taken it upon itself to send across the
message to the young minds that it is all right to disrespect human
rights and persecute people based on their sexual orientation, despite
the international human rights charter saying otherwise?
If yes and if this is what our schools have come to, it is time a
guide is made available detailing the downfall of our education system.
Jeswan Kaur is a freelance writer and a FMT columnist.
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