By showing that Suaram is a company, the Najib administration can tell the French authorities that Suaram has not legal standing to bring the Scorpene inquiry, says Raja Petra.
The government intends to show to the French authorities that Suaram is a
profit-motivated company and not an international NGO as it had claimed
itself to be at the French courts.
“As such, Suaram has no locus standi in the ‘class action suit’ [over
the alleged corruption in the Scorpene deal],” popular blogger Raja
Petra Kamarudin said today in a posting in his Malaysia-Today portal.
Raja Petra said that the French investigation into the sale of the two
submarines to Malaysia was launched mainly because of an application
made by Suaram, which had applied to the French court for the
investigation to be launched on the basis that it was an international
He said that Suaram had claimed that it has suffered damage because France sold the two submarines to Malaysia.
He added that Suaram was also seeking compensation.
“Suaram has managed to convince the French court that it is an
international NGO and therefore has locus standi to take this ‘class
action suit’ against the Malaysian government.”
Raja Petra also attached a document submitted to the French authorities
to indicate that Suaram was “an international NGO that was eligible to
sue for compensation as it had personally suffered damages because of
the obvious phenomenon surrounding the corrupt sale of these
“The Malaysian government, therefore, now has to defend itself against a possible legal action.
“And to do that, it has to bring into question Suaram’s status as an
international NGO. And if the Malaysian government can prove that Suaram
is not an international NGO but is a registered company [and hence
profit-motivated], then it may be able to torpedo the submarine
investigation,” he said.
In recent weeks, Suaram has come under intense attack over its funding
and organisational structure. The government has accused it of being
funded by foreign powers to “destabilise the peace of the country”.
Last week, Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Minister Ismail Sabri
Yaakob said that six government agencies are taking action against Suara
Inisiatif Sdn Bhd, the operating entity of Suaram, for breaching five
sections of the Companies Act 1965.
Suaram has consistently denied any wrongdoings.
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