Best Deepavali Present from Malaysian Government

Since 2007, Prime Minister of Malaysia had presented some valuable and memorable gift to all Malaysian Indian. The so called Prime Minister for all Malaysian and his racist party systematically commence ploy to isolation Malaysian Indian from it’s future history books similar to Parameswara diminish from current school text book.

They commenced new Chapter of Malaysian Indian obliteration and probably with hidden desire of their religion by demolishing 100 years old Maha Mariamman Temple in Padang Jawa on Oct 30, 2008 a week before Deepavali Celebration.

Then Barisan Nasional lead state and Federal Government arrogance continue unknowingly the Karma committed by Former Chief Minister Muhammad Taib by issuing stop work order to a Temple in Shah Alam resulted his Chair hauled away by his own party members.

However, UMNO’s continue to show off their dominance and supremacy by holding its General Assembly on Deepavali Day a gazetted PUBLIC HOLIDAY, without even a WISHES from any of them to their counterparts.

The Premiers’ Son In Law and Deputy Youth Leader Khairy Jamaludin offended Hindus and the Indian community by attacking Indian newsvendors at General Assembly. He blamed Indians as the cause why Umno President Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s presidential address at the Umno General Assembly was not published on Thursday, which is deepavali day, and a press shut down day. What a foolish to blame newsvendors for your own foolishness to fix the UMNO assembly on a deepavalli day.

Basic physics law applies here, what ever goes up must come down. You need people to respect your Festival Mood but you failed to respect others. UMNOputrans do realize now days KARMA been paid immediately.

Despite losing two third majority in Parliament, UMNO still in Denial state of PEOPLE’s Power and the influence of minority. They instead are going all out to please Malays by creating abhorrence among races in Malaysia. As UMNO General Election approaching Raja Petra (Malaysia Today Editor) , Teresa Kok ( Selangor State Exco) and Press reporter was arrested under ISA to show of their extremism and still in control attitude.

They banned Hindraf movement, their only Villain knowing very well there are touch the nerves of Malaysian Indian. Their keep presenting us additional Deepavali presents

Holding Meeting of Head of PMR Examination Marking Group on Deepavali Eve

Arrest of 6 years old Vwaishnavi with her Mother for attempting to present a Deepavali Open House Invitiation

Remanded of friends whom accompanied Vwaishnavi to Prime Minister’s Office.

Any many more surprise yet to come?

A mark of respect for the sacrifice of our 5 Hindraf Leaders arrested under ISA , 1 leader living in Exile and all other ISA Detainees Member of Parliament, Kapar had decided not to hold any Deepavali open house and scale down celebration to much modest level.

Deepavali marking the end of evil and begin of good as Malaysia yet to see Real Malaysia.

Let’s ALL MALAYSIAN celebrate this Deepavali as modest possible and avoid attending open houses by any Barisan Nasional leaders as it’s unlawful for attending such events in Malaysia.

MP Kapar

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