An example of the endorsement from Mongolian NGOs sent to me by Shariibuu’s lawyer. Please circulate far and wide.
Shaariibuu Setev, Altantuya’s father, arrived in Kuala Lumpur yesterday with a representative of Mongolian non-governmental organisations. The NGO representative, who wanted only to be known as Muugi, said she represented some 20 46 (see inside) child and women rights organisations in her country. Both of them would be attending the trial today (NST).
Before the duo arrived in KL, the Mongolian NGOs have issued an appeal to International organisations to step up their campaign to seek justice for Altantuya beyond Malaysian borders.
Their appeal, a copy of which I’ve received, reads like this:
Sh. Altantuya was brutally murdered using military C4 explosives by security officers of the Malaysian government on the 19th of October 2006. The security officers facing trial now were personal body guards of Malaysia Deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak. Sh. Altantuya was avisitor to Malaysia. She was there to meet Najib’s political ally and a political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda. The trial has been in progress since June 2007.
Sh. Altantuya was the mother of two boys. The children have been suffering from grave social and health issues since the loss of their mother. The murder has caused serious psychological trauma and further crises for the two boys in their daily lives. The youngest son suffers from peripheral nerve paralysis and his health continues to deteriorate daily.
We ask that Malaysia and the world that is watching to please not forget that Sh. Alatantuya cared for the health and social wellbeing of her two sons as well as her extended family before her untimely death.
The wellbeing and livelihoods of these two young boys must not be forgotten and we strongly encourage that care and acknowledgement of Sh. Altantuya’s sons be taken into consideration during this trial.
We are asking those who are aware of this case to join our struggle and demand a FAIR TRIAL. We should stand together in this issue of human rights and demand that the Malaysian authorities and judiciary NOT FORGET the livelihoods of these two children that have been devastatingly affected by the murder of their mother.
As the brutal murder of the Mongolian citizen took place in Malaysia’s territory and was committed by government special security guard, orphaning two young children, we demand that the Malaysian Government provide compensation for the loss of the breadwinner to the victim’s children, including support for living and medical treatment costs for the youngest son for the duration of his lifetime, in compliance with the United Nations Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power adopted by the General Assembly Resolution No. 40/34 in 1985.
We hope and trust that YOU, as International Human Right organizations will support our struggle and demands for the right to life.
Recommended Action:
Please write to the authorities listed below. Remind them of the government’s obligation under CEDAW and Child Right Convention to ensure equal protection of the law to women and children. Urge them to find ways to ensure that the case of the murder of Sh. Altantuya in Malaysia is appropriately investigated and punished, in particular, by prosecuting all the defendants.
Please call on authorities to bring justice by prosecuting the responsible defendant and not to forget to ensure compensation for the loss of the breadwinner to the victim’s children.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Kementerian Luar Negeri
Minister: Datuk Seri Rais Yatim
Deputy: Datuk Joseph Salang Gandum
Wisma Putra, 1 Jalan Wisma Putra, Precinct 2, 62602 Putrajaya
Tel: 03 8887 4000, 03 887 4570 (After Hours/Emergency), Fax: 03 8889 1717
Ministry of Women, Family & Community Development
Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluaga & Masyarakat
Minister: Datuk Dr Ng Yen Yen
Deputy: Senator Noriah Kasnon
Aras 1-6, Blok E, Kompleks Pejabat Kerajaan Bukit Perdana, Jalan Dato’ Onn, 50515 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03 2693 0095, Fax: 03 2693 4982
Ministry of Defence
Kementerian Pertahanan
Minister: Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak
Deputy: Datuk Wira Abu Seman Yusop
Jalan Padang Tembak, 50634 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03 2071 1333, Fax: 03 2691 7217
Ministry of Rural & Regional Development
Kementerian Kemajuan Luar Bandar & Wilayah
Minister: Tan Sri Muhammad Mohd Taib
Deputy: Tan Sri Joseph Kurup
Deputy: Encik Joseph Entulu
Blok D9, Parcel D, Kompleks Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62606 Putrajaya
Tel: 03 8886 3500, Fax: 03 8889 2104
This urgent appeal was endorsed by:
1. Mongolian Women’s NGOs’ National Network
2. Mongolian National Network on Prevention from Child Abuse
3. ÅÑÐÀÒ- network
4. National Center Against Violence
5. Citizens’ Alliance Center
6. Center Human right and development
7. Sustainbale Development and Gender center
8. Pure Intention Women’s NGO
9. Gal Golomt Movement
10. Youth development Foundation
11. Image association
12. Women writers’ Tsagtsai association
13. Rural Women’s Development Foundation
14. Iveel association
15. Creative women’s association
16. Ulaanbaatar city’s Women’s consul
17. Princess center
18. Women and social progress association
19. Mongolian Democratic Socialist Association
20. Mongolian Nature and Women’s association
21. Mongolian Leadership foundation
22. Protecting citizens from Drug and Alcohol association
23. Urban ger districts’ development foundation
24. Woman caption foundation
25. Mongolian businesswomen’s association
26. Mongolian women’s lawyers association
27. Liberal Women’s Intellectual Foundation
28. Democratic women’s association
29. High educated women’s association
30. Ladies XXI century
31. Child and women’s development center
32. Motherland, family and women’s association
33. Women’s justice association
34. Green Gold
35. Disability citizens’ right center
36. Gender equal right center
37. Equal way center
38. ’Youth mind’’ Foundation
39. Mongolian child development and protection association’
40. Preventing and protecting child from violence
41. Mongolian professional social worker’s association
42. Child welfare and service “Gerelt” center
43. Development Nisora foundation
44. One world- adolescent center
45. Mongolian Youth Development foundation
46. Mongolian Volunteer Organizations’ network
Susan Loone's Blog
1 comment:
I think Altantuya's father should try to bring the case to EU, which has law punishing members countries/companies for offering bribery to get contracts. The three persons including Altantuya went to France to negotiate a submarine purchase contract.
Another hope is US government, which investigated Lucent's bribery in Malaysia to gey biz. Lucent was recently fined by US government.
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