All Malaysians are encouraged to call on the Government to release all the ISA detainees and to repeal the ISA.
The programmes for the campaign are as follows:
1. Distribution of open letters written by the wives of the detainees addressed to the Prime Minister of Malaysia
This particular programme was conducted and completed successfully during the 12th General Elections campaigning period. Open letters written to the PM were distributed by candidates to the public to raise awareness of the issues.
2. Petition Signing
A Petition has been drafted and it is up here: http://www.petitiononline.com/NoISA/petition.html Kindly sign the Petition if you are in support of its contents.
This programme aims to buttress a strong collective voice to repeal the ISA and release all the detainees.
3. Letter Signing
Kindly download and send the attached letters which are addressed to:
(a) Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar, Minister for Internal Security and Home Affairs
(b) Ms Louise Arbour, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
4. Postcards Signing
A specially designed postcard calling for the repeal of the ISA and release of all detainees is being crafted, and which will be distributed soon. The proposal is to have several collection centres where the postcards may be deposited such as the Bar Council, Kuala Lumpur Legal Aid Centre and SUARAM office. The postcards will then be sent to the authorities.
5. Vigil in Kamunting and Hunger Strike
This event will be held in June 2008. All Malaysians are invited to participate. The details for the vigil in Kamunting and the proposed hunger strike will be informed soon.
It is also to be noted that the Bar Council Human Rights Committee has been actively involved in these on-going efforts. Apart from providing legal representation to the detainees, the Committee plans to conduct fortnightly rotational visits by teams of lawyers to the Kamunting camp in batches of 8 lawyers per team. For those who are interested to be part of the teams, kindly email Syamsuriatina Ishak at syamsuriatina@yahoo.com.
In the spirit of justice, it is our responsibility to be part of this cause and end this flagrant injustice and uphold the spirit of humanity. One minute of your time gives great hope and strength to those who have been oppressed by the use of the ISA and their family members. One minute of our time will decide the fate and face of our nation. We can make a difference by being part of this noble cause. Your immediate action is important.
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