Cash lodges report against Petronas

Kota Kinabalu: The Consumer Association of Sabah and Labuan (Cash) wants the police to investigate the accountability, transparency and performance of Petronas.

Its deputy president Joshua Kong also said a Royal Commission of Inquiry is needed to look into the Petroleum Development Act.

"In the public interest, I urge the police, the relevant authorities and a Royal Commission of Inquiry conduct a detailed investigation on the accountability, transparency and performance of Petronas, the control and directions of the Prime Minister since 1974 as well as the responsibility of the NP Advisory Council," he said.

He lodged the report at the Karamunsing police station here on Friday.

Meanwhile, he also lodged another report against an east coast assemblyman, asking police to investigate the latter's MyKad.

Joshua lodged the report after picking up a posting from the Malaysia Today blog, which questioned the authenticity of the YB's MyKad.


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