Do I hate Indians? Yes. Am I prejudiced against Indians? Yes. Do I have Indian friends? Yes. Am I ashamed that I hate Indians? Yes.

Then, Why? Why do I hate Indians? The list could go on and on. But really, I do not know why I hate Indians. Actually I don’t really hate Indians, I just don’t like them as much as Chinese. And I don’t like Chinese as much as Malays.This, I blame the government. Yes, They taught me to hate the other races and it saddens me and I regret that I feel the way I feel. I am aware of my prejudice and I do make an effort to change.

So, lets take a look at what happened today. I am at work and blogging illegally from work. This is because I am angry and sad.

I SUPPORT the Hindraf RALLY I support them because We all have a RIGHT to Voice our Concerns. I support 100% what they are fighting for and I understand where they are coming from.

Lets face it, the Indians are pretty marginalized and there is a reason for that. I believe that the shackles of culture and tradition can be broken, but we need to be in the right environment. Anyhow, FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!!. I am seething with anger too.

It is sad about how people hate a person because the persons ethnicity and race. It goes to show how shallow and immature people like you are inclusive of this pembebel.

Believe me, it doesnt give me an inch of pleasure writing this but allow me to say that majority of the so called “Educated Indians” are nothing but Hypocrites. Its just the handful that are good & reasonable.

Althought they are “Educated, they still believe in slef enriching; refuse to cooperate with people unless there is somthing beneficial for them! The list is endless as people who’ve associated with them know better..

It really hurts! when people hate each other…its not about the race its an individual experience. Abstraction on the basis of petty experiences that you personally had makes no sense at all. Good, bad, annoying, irritating…all kind of people exist in every corner of the world and only their proportion matters.

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