PKR secretary-general Salehuddin Hashim has denounced the “forces of repression” following the suspension of the party organ and the firing of tear gas and chemical spray at a rally in Bukit Selambau, Kedah.
“We have been anticipating the spectre of escalating repression to rise with Najib Abdul Razak taking over the prime ministerial post. But it seems that even before that, the forces of repression are fanning out, wreaking their own special havoc,” he told Malaysiakini.
He was responding to the three-month suspension imposed yesterday by the Home Ministry on Suara Keadilan, the PKR newsletter. Also banned was Harakah, the official organ of PAS, and a partner in the opposition coalition, Pakatan Rakyat.
“Najib is pulling out all stops in a government campaign to hobble the opposition’s efforts to communicate with the rakyat in advance of the three by-elections at Bukit Gantang, Bukit Selambau and Batang Ai,” remarked Salehudin.
“The firing of tear gas at the PKR rally in Bukti Selambau last night and the arrests made are cruder options within their arsenal of repression.
"They are trying out to see whether they can squelch the forces of political change in Malaysia.
“They will not succeed. For, greater than the tread of repressive forces is an idea whose time has come. The idea of political change is an irresistible wave. You cannot stem its flow in Malaysia.”
The face of defiance
Salehuddin also commented on the fielding of Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin as the PAS candidate in the Bukit Gantang by-elections in Perak.
“It is opportune that our coalition partner PAS has seen it fit to field (him). In circumstances like these, the people who are repulsed by what is happening would rally around the most recognisable face among the defiant, and that figure right now is Nizar (right).”
He congratulated PAS for being “politically savvy in the teeth of the government’s mounting resort to the cruder weapons of media control and voter intimidation”.
“One would have thought that in all the rhetoric of change that the Umno leadership has resorted to in the last several months, there would be - with Najib’s ascension to prime minister - a display of more subtle forms of political combat and persuasion,” said Salehuddin.
“Instead what we are getting to see is the crude display of a fist, not even sheathed in a velvet glove as one would minimally expect in these times of Internet fostered openness. You can’t have more damning evidence of intellectual and moral bankruptcy.”
Info Tok dapat tentang pegangan Mukhriz Mahathir di dalam syarikat Opcom Holdings Berhad dan Kosmo Tech.Tok tak sempat translate sekadar nak berkongsi dengan kengkawan bloggers dan pembaca semua.Kat sini tok bagitau tentang Opcom Holdings dulu pasal panjang sangat
1. Opcom Holdings Berhad
Mukhriz sebagai chairman atau managing director syarikat Opcom.Lt.Jen (B)dato' Seri Zaini b. Hj Mohd Said pula sebagai independent non-executive director
Produk syarikat ini ialah kabel fiber optik(Aerial Cable,All Dielectric Self Supporting (ADSS) Cable, Duct Cable,Direct Burial Cable,Anti-Rodent Cable.
The Group's major customers are as follows:
Telekom Malaysia Berhad
Tenaga Nasional Berhad
Celcom (M) Berhad
Maxis Broadband Sdn Bhd
Fiberail Sdn Bhd
TM International (Bangladesh) Limited (AKTEL)
Multinet Pakistan (Private) Limited (MULTINET)
Eastern Telecommunications Philippine Incorporation (ETPI
In the financial year ended 31 March 2008, Opcom attained a strong growth in earnings. A higher net profit of RM4.56 million was
recorded, on the back of revenue amounting to RM55.07 million. This profit figure was a significant increase of 113.1% in spite of
a 17.2% decline in revenue.
Opcom’s improved performance was a direct result of the implementation of strategic procurement plans leading to improvement in
the sourcing of raw materials and services, stringent cost controls, increased efficiency as well as proactive management of foreign
exchange exposure. Consequently, Opcom’s gross profit reached RM19.16 million, a significant rise of 35.3% when compared to
the preceding financial year’s figure of RM14.16 million.
The Group recorded earnings per share of 3.53 sen for the financial year ended 31 March 2008.
In respect of the financial year ended 31 March 2008, the amount of dividends paid by the Group were as follows:-
(i) an interim ordinary dividend of 0.75 sen per ordinary share tax exempt totaling RM967,500 in respect of the year ended 31
March 2007 on 8 May 2007; and
(ii) an interim ordinary dividend of 1.35 sen per ordinary share less tax at 26% totaling RM1,288,710 in respect of the year ended
31 March 2008 on 31 January 2008.
The market for fiber optic cables is expected to remain vibrant over the next 12 months
with demands being driven by Malaysia’s national broadband programme. Phase 1 of
this project, known as High Speed Broadband (HSBB) and to be undertaken by Telekom
Malaysia Berhad (Telekom), would involve investments of RM11.3 billion to be made over
the next 10 years, with the Government co-investing RM2.4 billion over a period of 3
years. Trials using fiber optics are currently being undertaken in the Klang Valley.
According to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC),
broadband subscriptions have increased from 0.7 million users in 2006 to 1.0 million
users in 2007. In view of this continuing trend, the HSBB initiative is expected to further
increase broadband penetration from 15.5% per 100 households at the end of 2007
to 50% by year 2010. Consequently, a higher demand for fiber optic cables capable of
higher bandwidth for HSBB would be observed.
Of interest is the Memorandum of Understanding recently signed between Telekom
and Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA) to provide broadband
telecommunications infrastructure that will cater to approximately 718,000 commercial
and residential premises within Iskandar Malaysia; including Nusajaya, Central Business District, Western Gate Development, East
Gate Development and the Senai-Skudai corridor(s). Telekom is investing RM1.9 billion to provide broadband telecommunications
infrastructure in Iskandar Malaysia. This investment would cover a 10-year period with the implementation of HSBB scheduled for
the end of 2008.
Opcom believes that the fiber optic cable sector will maintain its upbeat trend given the proposed network infrastructure investments
in areas such as Metro Ethernet, Next Generation Networks and High Speed Broadband Networks that are being carried out by
Telekom and other licensed telecommunications companies. The Group estimates that there would be a minimum increase of
30% in the demand of fiber optic cables for the year 2008 as compared to 2007 as a result of the cable portion of these New
Generation Internet Protocol-based networks being deployed for the nation’s transport and access networks. In view of this,
Opcom is targeting to supply up to 50% of the cable requirements for the Malaysian market.
The Board is positive that the Group’s performance for the financial year ending 31 March 2009 will continue to further improve
as Opcom is expected to benefit from the capital investments made by telecommunication companies to cater to the growing
number of applications requiring large bandwidth. Notably, both the HSBB and IRDA initiatives would translate into a higher
demand for fiber optic cables.
July and October 2007 saw Opcom receiving a variation order valued at RM54.6 million from Telekom. Together with new contracts
secured over this financial year, including a RM2.1 million award from Celcom in January 2008 and a RM1.5 million contract from
Fiberail Sdn Bhd in April 2008, these are positive indications of a healthy demand for fiber optic cables in the local market.
Since mid-2007, Opcom has also been working very closely with our technical partner, Ericsson Network Technologies AB of
Sweden (Ericsson), in the latter’s bids for contracts in Asian countries. Due to our proximity to other Asian countries, Ericsson is
leveraging on our manufacturing facilities to supply fiber optic cables and related accessories to these regional markets.
Ericsson is one of the shortlisted consortiums for Singapore’s Next Generation National Broadband Network project that is
estimated to involve investments of between RM3.0 billion and RM5.0 billion. The result of the bid is expected to be known in the
period between July and September 2008.
At the same time, Opcom is also looking at diversifying its current markets for fiber optic cables, including pursuing markets in the
region such as Bangladesh, the Philippines, Pakistan, Indonesia and Sri Lanka. We are actively building relationships in these target
markets by collaborating with local companies as well as working with local Ericsson companies within these respective markets.
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Independent Non-Executive Director Kosmo Tech
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bukti elit atau golongan bangsawan kuasai UMNO
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