The UMNO linked Sentul Raya Developer despite having delayed the building of low cost flats for 16 years is now sending SMS to the MIC Indian Deputy Federal Territories Minister mandore and not a formal letter. This is how much respect UMNO has these MIC mandores.
As it stands the UMNO linked developer has refused to preserve this last traditional Indian Railway village which has been in existence since the 1920s’ despite the Indians having built the Railways in Malaysia.
Having “ethnically cleansed” and wiped out this last traditional Indian Railway village UMNO is now also refusing to give the poor and ageing ex Railway workers even their very basic housing needs ie shelter and a roof over their heads.
P. Uthayakumar

As it stands the UMNO linked developer has refused to preserve this last traditional Indian Railway village which has been in existence since the 1920s’ despite the Indians having built the Railways in Malaysia.
Having “ethnically cleansed” and wiped out this last traditional Indian Railway village UMNO is now also refusing to give the poor and ageing ex Railway workers even their very basic housing needs ie shelter and a roof over their heads.
P. Uthayakumar

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