What a bloody shame. The MIC Deputy Minister proudly declares that the Tamil schools have come a long way. There is now a toilet and one classroom for each standard from only two toilets for the whole school. .
Article 8 of the Federal Constitution provides for Equality before the law.
Article 12 of the same provides for in effect no discrimination in Education. Providing for free primary education is the law, norm and practice in any part of the World . Primary education is foundational and great care must be taken to ensure quality for primary education. But for these deceiving MIC mandores a toilet and one classroom for each standard is an accomplishment and this after 50 years. These mandores continue to keep the poor Indian hand outstretched so they can continue to make a picture of generosity in the newspapers . We do not need such generosity, it is false generosity. True generosity is when we work to never have that hand outstretched any more. But this is not in the paradigm of the parasites in our society.
MIC mandores please stop this bloody nonsense.
The theme in Indian Primary education system is one of always trying just to get the basics in place – proper classrooms, proper facilities for the school, own land for the school, playgrounds for the school, adequate and well trained teaching staff for the schools – this is where the Tamil primary schools are at today. Under UMNOs’ MIC mandores and mandorism one classroom for each Tamil schools and a toilet for each room is a big deal after 50 years of opportunity (NST 21/2/10 at page 24).
Almost all Malay and Chinese schools have multi storey concrete school buildings full financial aid and fully equipped for the best studying and learning environment. The focus in the Chinese and Malay Primary education system is on producing excellence or world class and competitive junior citizens. Malay and Chinese schools are targeting 100% graduate teachers.
For Tamil schools which cater to the mostly poor and working class, alumni and well wishers (MO 17/2/2010 at page 9) have to chip in to even buy the elementary and basic necessities of tables and chairs, computers, library books, note books, school bags, uniforms etc for the 110,000 Indian children in the 523 Tamil schools nationwide. There are even 600 untrained teachers in Tamil schools.
MIC should be ashamed of what it has not done for the Indians in the country. It should not be putting out nonsense like this in the media – it is utterly shameful.
P. Uthayakumar

Article 8 of the Federal Constitution provides for Equality before the law.
Article 12 of the same provides for in effect no discrimination in Education. Providing for free primary education is the law, norm and practice in any part of the World . Primary education is foundational and great care must be taken to ensure quality for primary education. But for these deceiving MIC mandores a toilet and one classroom for each standard is an accomplishment and this after 50 years. These mandores continue to keep the poor Indian hand outstretched so they can continue to make a picture of generosity in the newspapers . We do not need such generosity, it is false generosity. True generosity is when we work to never have that hand outstretched any more. But this is not in the paradigm of the parasites in our society.
MIC mandores please stop this bloody nonsense.
The theme in Indian Primary education system is one of always trying just to get the basics in place – proper classrooms, proper facilities for the school, own land for the school, playgrounds for the school, adequate and well trained teaching staff for the schools – this is where the Tamil primary schools are at today. Under UMNOs’ MIC mandores and mandorism one classroom for each Tamil schools and a toilet for each room is a big deal after 50 years of opportunity (NST 21/2/10 at page 24).
Almost all Malay and Chinese schools have multi storey concrete school buildings full financial aid and fully equipped for the best studying and learning environment. The focus in the Chinese and Malay Primary education system is on producing excellence or world class and competitive junior citizens. Malay and Chinese schools are targeting 100% graduate teachers.
For Tamil schools which cater to the mostly poor and working class, alumni and well wishers (MO 17/2/2010 at page 9) have to chip in to even buy the elementary and basic necessities of tables and chairs, computers, library books, note books, school bags, uniforms etc for the 110,000 Indian children in the 523 Tamil schools nationwide. There are even 600 untrained teachers in Tamil schools.
MIC should be ashamed of what it has not done for the Indians in the country. It should not be putting out nonsense like this in the media – it is utterly shameful.
P. Uthayakumar

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