PKR is a Malay party in multi-racial clothes with a Malay Task Force. Why not an Indian Poor Task Force.

We (Hindraf) were the very first batch to ever leave PKR, (then PKN) way back in 1999, as PKR had no place for the Indian poor.

Since then and in the last twelve years PKR has championed almost zero Indian issues let alone seriously address state level Indian poor problems in Selangor. And the same with DAP and PAS in Penang and Kedah.

The Party President and PKR Supremo Anwar Ibrahim’s wife in her speech had announced the setting up of a special task force to research issues affecting the Malay community and that would also look into widening the party’s support base. Among the issues that are being looked into are the state and future of Felda plantations, improving the skills of civil servants, and Islamic property management. “I guarantee that the teams which will be made up by various races will be tasked (with their own responsibilities), as the “malay” issues aren’t exclusive to the Malays only. It is a responsibility that will be undertaken by all the leaders.

HYPERLINK Special Task Force

( 29/5/2010)

This has been UMNO’s racist and supremacist policy in over the last 53 years, ie., the majority and the minorities are to focus on the malay muslim majority’s issues. In return the Malays are never to speak up for the Indian poor.

PKR, DAP and PAS, a la UMNO, creates their powerless and toothless Indian DCM II, Exco, MP, Adun and even JKKK Indian mandores to do the usual wayang kulit illusion in place of resolving the real Indian poor problems.

How is PKR going to be any different from UMNO when they get to Putrajaya? Similarly how are DAP and PAS going to be any different?

But then this is multi-racialism a la PKR, DAP and PAS like UMNO’s One Malay-sia that we are asked to believe in!


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