Just one comment to add though:
Hindraf is saying that Pakatan does not even have a national Indian leader to showcase. Well my friends, that’s your tragedy. ‘Indian’ is a taboo word, but they can replace it with what’s to them more acceptable, i.e. “hitam metalik”.
And DAP Aduns would prefer to record their children’s keturunan to be ‘Cina’ despite the father having an Indian name.
Plus even if Pakatan (i.e. DAP or PKR) did have an ethnic Indian leader of national stature, he would never agree to your description of himself being “a national [level]Indian leader”. Rather he’d confess himself be a Malaysian First leader equally for all Malaysians.
But if the candidate was Malay, like DAP Malay Great Hope Sakmongkol, DAP Malay “Opinion Leader” Hata Wahari or DAP Malay Young Talent Zairil Khir Johori, then the DAP man’s Malayness is sounded loudly to the clash of Chinese cymbals and gongs.
But no such drumroll for the Indian-ness of any candidate. In any case, you folks would already have known all this from Mano.
Behold, I managed to compile this photo gallery:
YB Hannah Yeoh leads DAP into the mosques
Got any wearing the pottu? Any taken in a Hindu setting? Sorry, I don’t recall coming across one. The Indian look tak lakulah untuk dijaja DAP. — Helen
*** *** ***
By Hindraf
It has been rather obvious that PM Najib has in recent months been seen to be trying to woo the Malaysian Indian population with several high profile public relation exercises. He has been attending Indian religious and cultural festivals, mostly making celebrity-style entrances into these functions to impress the Indians.
Joining Hindus during Thaipusam at Batu Caves as well as the national level Ponggal celebration organized by MIC, PPP, MMSP, IPF and Indian NGOs in Klang recently, Najib has been doing his level best to win over the Indian voters.
He has been promising to build Tamil schools, increasing matriculation seats of Indian children from 559 to 1,500; regular photos are appearing in local mainstream dailies showing some elderly Indians obtaining Malaysian citizenship’s etc.
As PR leaders seem to be only concentrating on the Malay and Chinese population, and increasingly not paying any attention to the Indian woes, Najib is seen feverishly trying to win back the BN’s traditional loyal supporters. Why is this so? Does Najib know something that the PR leaders are ignorant about?
In the last general elections, PR was the main beneficiary of the overwhelming seismic shift of the Indian voters away from BN. From a 72.4% share of the Indian votes that went to BN in the 2004 general elections, that number had shrunk to a measly 8.3% in the 2008 general elections. Meaning almost 88% of the Indians voted for PR (the remaining being spoilt votes).
Hindraf had been credited for the awakening of the Indians voting mindset to shift their loyalties to the opposition. However, ever since coming to power, PR has been focusing primarily on the Malays and Chinese population in particular, probably because they form the two largest ethnic compositions in Malaysia.
The Indians were subtly pushed out of PR’s radar of vision.
This phenomenon did not bring any good to the Indian community as they had lost a meaningful representation in the Federal government in the form of MIC and worse still they did not control the agenda of the PR either.
Hindraf was conveniently left out of the PR state governments and was not consulted even once regarding Indian issues even though it has been more than 4 years now since almost 100k Hindraf-inspired Malaysian Indians took to the streets to express their grouses.
No doubt PR has numerous Indian representatives to showcase but the very fact that hardcore, bread and butter issues that the Indian community are suffering from like statelessness, Tamil school neglect, land issues concerning squatters, Tamil schools, temples, cremation and burial grounds as well as their poor economic welfare were not addressed was proof that PR did not have Indian representation.
At the most PR was dealing with these issues on a piecemeal basis, quite similar to what MIC had been doing for umpteen years before. The “hamper/schoolbag giving – photo shoot” mentality still very much prevails. None of these issues were debated with any gusto in parliament.
Convenient excuses like we are not in Putrajaya yet, Indians are a minority so don’t ask for anything, don’t be a racist, if you’re not happy with us go back to MIC lah etc were flung at the slightest of convenience to subdue the Indian woes and demands.
At the recent PR national convention, it became very evident that PR did not even have a national Indian leader to project. Priority attention was reserved for the Malays and Chinese. ’Aminurlrasyid’ and ‘Teoh Beng Hock’ were national issues as compared to ‘Kugan’.
It is this vacuum that Najib is instinctively moving into to take advantage of, just as how Anwar Ibrahim capitalized on the Indian votes that fell on his lap with the Hindraf uprising in the last general elections.
The most important question that one should ask is why is Najib even bothered at all to woo the Indian vote if it is indeed so insignificant?
For years now, the national census has been portraying a progressive decline of the overall percentage of the Indians in this country as compared with all the other races.
1911 - 10.23%
1921 - 15.10%
1931 - 15.12%
1947 - 10.81%
1957 - 11.09%
1970 - 9.04%
1980 - 8.39%
1991 - 7.83%
2000 - 7.68%
2010 - 7.33%
This statistic has been used very shrewdly by politicians to continue to subdue any demands from the Indian community.
However on obtaining the ‘Population Distribution and Basic Demographic Characteristics 2010’ book from the Department of Statistics and going through the numbers, a very interesting observation was made. If the statistics of the population based on age group from 20 and above (as it would show the voting eligibility age of 21 and above in year 2012) is used, the Indians is seen to comprise 7.82% of the total Malaysians.
If you were to remove the states of Kelantan, Pahang, Perlis, Sabah, Sarawak and Trengganu, Indians who are age 21 and above would comprise 10.71% of the remaining states. The breakdown of these states are as follows:
Johor (stratum : Urban) 8.59%
Kedah (stratum: Urban) 10.89%
Negeri Sembilan (whole state) 15.55%
Negeri Sembilan (stratum: Urban) 18.03%
Perak (whole state) 12.69%
Perak (stratum: Urban) 15.07%
Penang (whole state) 10.45%
Penang (stratum: Urban) 11.13%
Selangor (whole state) 13.92%
Selangor (stratum: Urban) 14.07%
Kuala Lumpur 10.55%
Total number of Parliamentary seats in these states are 126.
Total number of Adun seats in these states are 311.
No doubt these values do not represent the exact figures of those who had registered to vote but it does however indeed give a reasonable clear overall picture of the potential impact of the Indian vote. In fact it is widely known that Indians comprise between 10-20% in 63 parliamentary and 130 Adun constituencies in Malaysia. Buntong has more than 40%, Kota Raja more than 30%, Kuala Selangor more than 23% etc.
The Indians are also noted to be a community that can get easily excitable. This excitement during elections fever can reverberate throughout the west coast of the peninsula.
In the last general elections, thousands of Indians wore green bandanas, carried PAS flags and were on the streets during elections day waving these flags in high spirits. This indeed gave a very strong moral support to PAS/PR. The coming general elections will see no such display as the Indians feel completely left out of the PR agenda.
There is also a strong Indian stateless Diaspora within Malaysia that some estimate number up to 450k. They do not fall into national census but they have close relatives that do. Their plight will carry a lot of weight in the outcome of the voting trend of the Indians.
Since independence the Malay votes have been shared almost equally between Umno and PAS give or take a few percent. In the last general elections the Malay popular vote that went to Umno was 35.5% and PAS/PKR 34.8%. That’s how close it has been.
This time around a big portion of the Chinese votes will be going to PR however their impact is going to be neutralized by the unfair tactics that BN will be employing namely postal votes. There are rumours that BN will be registering the Rela members as postal voters. There are also numerous accusations by the opposition that foreigners are being given citizenship in order to be registered as voters to neutralize PR areas.
Tainted electoral rolls, bias Election Commission, unfair mainstream media coverage, abuse of government machinery, election goodies, money politics are the many complaints by PR of BN. Rest assured, the upcoming general elections will be a no holds barred and some say dirtiest ever. Some chosen candidates may even not turn up at all on nomination day.
Sabah and Sarawak candidates will just follow the victors of peninsular Malaysia.
No doubt the Malays being the majority, PR cannot afford to neglect them, however though, as was seen in the 1999 general elections where Anwar’s reformasi campaign only concentrated on the Malays predominantly and yet was successful in the polls goes to show that no particular race in Malaysia can be afforded to be overlooked.
That certainly would include the Indians too. If at all PR fails to do as well as they did in 2008 in the next general elections, then in their post mortem analysis thereafter, they will know where they went wrong.
Got any wearing the pottu? Any taken in a Hindu setting? Sorry, I don’t recall coming across one. The Indian look tak lakulah untuk dijaja DAP. — Helen
*** *** ***
By Hindraf
It has been rather obvious that PM Najib has in recent months been seen to be trying to woo the Malaysian Indian population with several high profile public relation exercises. He has been attending Indian religious and cultural festivals, mostly making celebrity-style entrances into these functions to impress the Indians.
Joining Hindus during Thaipusam at Batu Caves as well as the national level Ponggal celebration organized by MIC, PPP, MMSP, IPF and Indian NGOs in Klang recently, Najib has been doing his level best to win over the Indian voters.
He has been promising to build Tamil schools, increasing matriculation seats of Indian children from 559 to 1,500; regular photos are appearing in local mainstream dailies showing some elderly Indians obtaining Malaysian citizenship’s etc.
As PR leaders seem to be only concentrating on the Malay and Chinese population, and increasingly not paying any attention to the Indian woes, Najib is seen feverishly trying to win back the BN’s traditional loyal supporters. Why is this so? Does Najib know something that the PR leaders are ignorant about?
In the last general elections, PR was the main beneficiary of the overwhelming seismic shift of the Indian voters away from BN. From a 72.4% share of the Indian votes that went to BN in the 2004 general elections, that number had shrunk to a measly 8.3% in the 2008 general elections. Meaning almost 88% of the Indians voted for PR (the remaining being spoilt votes).
Hindraf had been credited for the awakening of the Indians voting mindset to shift their loyalties to the opposition. However, ever since coming to power, PR has been focusing primarily on the Malays and Chinese population in particular, probably because they form the two largest ethnic compositions in Malaysia.
The Indians were subtly pushed out of PR’s radar of vision.
This phenomenon did not bring any good to the Indian community as they had lost a meaningful representation in the Federal government in the form of MIC and worse still they did not control the agenda of the PR either.
Hindraf was conveniently left out of the PR state governments and was not consulted even once regarding Indian issues even though it has been more than 4 years now since almost 100k Hindraf-inspired Malaysian Indians took to the streets to express their grouses.
No doubt PR has numerous Indian representatives to showcase but the very fact that hardcore, bread and butter issues that the Indian community are suffering from like statelessness, Tamil school neglect, land issues concerning squatters, Tamil schools, temples, cremation and burial grounds as well as their poor economic welfare were not addressed was proof that PR did not have Indian representation.
At the most PR was dealing with these issues on a piecemeal basis, quite similar to what MIC had been doing for umpteen years before. The “hamper/schoolbag giving – photo shoot” mentality still very much prevails. None of these issues were debated with any gusto in parliament.
Convenient excuses like we are not in Putrajaya yet, Indians are a minority so don’t ask for anything, don’t be a racist, if you’re not happy with us go back to MIC lah etc were flung at the slightest of convenience to subdue the Indian woes and demands.
At the recent PR national convention, it became very evident that PR did not even have a national Indian leader to project. Priority attention was reserved for the Malays and Chinese. ’Aminurlrasyid’ and ‘Teoh Beng Hock’ were national issues as compared to ‘Kugan’.
It is this vacuum that Najib is instinctively moving into to take advantage of, just as how Anwar Ibrahim capitalized on the Indian votes that fell on his lap with the Hindraf uprising in the last general elections.
The most important question that one should ask is why is Najib even bothered at all to woo the Indian vote if it is indeed so insignificant?
For years now, the national census has been portraying a progressive decline of the overall percentage of the Indians in this country as compared with all the other races.
1911 - 10.23%
1921 - 15.10%
1931 - 15.12%
1947 - 10.81%
1957 - 11.09%
1970 - 9.04%
1980 - 8.39%
1991 - 7.83%
2000 - 7.68%
2010 - 7.33%
This statistic has been used very shrewdly by politicians to continue to subdue any demands from the Indian community.
However on obtaining the ‘Population Distribution and Basic Demographic Characteristics 2010’ book from the Department of Statistics and going through the numbers, a very interesting observation was made. If the statistics of the population based on age group from 20 and above (as it would show the voting eligibility age of 21 and above in year 2012) is used, the Indians is seen to comprise 7.82% of the total Malaysians.
If you were to remove the states of Kelantan, Pahang, Perlis, Sabah, Sarawak and Trengganu, Indians who are age 21 and above would comprise 10.71% of the remaining states. The breakdown of these states are as follows:
Johor (stratum : Urban) 8.59%
Kedah (stratum: Urban) 10.89%
Negeri Sembilan (whole state) 15.55%
Negeri Sembilan (stratum: Urban) 18.03%
Perak (whole state) 12.69%
Perak (stratum: Urban) 15.07%
Penang (whole state) 10.45%
Penang (stratum: Urban) 11.13%
Selangor (whole state) 13.92%
Selangor (stratum: Urban) 14.07%
Kuala Lumpur 10.55%
Total number of Parliamentary seats in these states are 126.
Total number of Adun seats in these states are 311.
No doubt these values do not represent the exact figures of those who had registered to vote but it does however indeed give a reasonable clear overall picture of the potential impact of the Indian vote. In fact it is widely known that Indians comprise between 10-20% in 63 parliamentary and 130 Adun constituencies in Malaysia. Buntong has more than 40%, Kota Raja more than 30%, Kuala Selangor more than 23% etc.
The Indians are also noted to be a community that can get easily excitable. This excitement during elections fever can reverberate throughout the west coast of the peninsula.
In the last general elections, thousands of Indians wore green bandanas, carried PAS flags and were on the streets during elections day waving these flags in high spirits. This indeed gave a very strong moral support to PAS/PR. The coming general elections will see no such display as the Indians feel completely left out of the PR agenda.
There is also a strong Indian stateless Diaspora within Malaysia that some estimate number up to 450k. They do not fall into national census but they have close relatives that do. Their plight will carry a lot of weight in the outcome of the voting trend of the Indians.
Since independence the Malay votes have been shared almost equally between Umno and PAS give or take a few percent. In the last general elections the Malay popular vote that went to Umno was 35.5% and PAS/PKR 34.8%. That’s how close it has been.
This time around a big portion of the Chinese votes will be going to PR however their impact is going to be neutralized by the unfair tactics that BN will be employing namely postal votes. There are rumours that BN will be registering the Rela members as postal voters. There are also numerous accusations by the opposition that foreigners are being given citizenship in order to be registered as voters to neutralize PR areas.
Tainted electoral rolls, bias Election Commission, unfair mainstream media coverage, abuse of government machinery, election goodies, money politics are the many complaints by PR of BN. Rest assured, the upcoming general elections will be a no holds barred and some say dirtiest ever. Some chosen candidates may even not turn up at all on nomination day.
Sabah and Sarawak candidates will just follow the victors of peninsular Malaysia.
No doubt the Malays being the majority, PR cannot afford to neglect them, however though, as was seen in the 1999 general elections where Anwar’s reformasi campaign only concentrated on the Malays predominantly and yet was successful in the polls goes to show that no particular race in Malaysia can be afforded to be overlooked.
That certainly would include the Indians too. If at all PR fails to do as well as they did in 2008 in the next general elections, then in their post mortem analysis thereafter, they will know where they went wrong.
Please allow me to introduce you to Dr.Jeffry Kitingan. Dr.Jeffry Kitingan is a Christian Kadazan from Sabah. Dr.Jeffry Kitingan graduated from Harvard University. The Hindu Malaysians and Dr.Jeffry Kitingan have more things in common than we probably realize.
Dr.Jeffry, in the past, was detained under the infamous ISA. Many Hindu Malaysians and Chinese Malaysians, in the past, have also been detained under the ISA.
When Dr.Jeffry Kitingan is detained under ISA, it is a case of Muslims/UMNO detaining a non-Muslim. This is very hurtful. When Hindu Malaysians and Chinese Malaysians are detained under the ISA, again, it is a case of Muslims/UMNO detaining a non-Muslim. This is very hurtful too. You have to understand that Muslims detaining Muslims on the one hand, and Muslims detaining non-Muslims on the other hand are not the same. If you pause and think about it, you will understand me.
Dr.Jeffry Kitingan is a Christian Kadazan, and thus, a non-Muslim. Hindu Malaysians and Chinese Malaysians are also non-Muslim Malaysians. That is, both Dr.Jeffry and Hindu Malaysians and Chinese Malaysians are non-Muslims.
Hindu Malaysians and Chinese Malaysians have tried many political parties to seek better representation. Dr.Jeffry Kitingan also has tried many political parties before bringing together his Borneo Agenda/United Borneo Front and Third Front in Malaysian politics. I think, for Sabah, they must choose between Malaysia First or Sabah First. If the Sabahans cannot get the Federal government to accept Malaysia First at all levels, then the same Sabahans must go for secession by insisting on Sabah First. Sabah First means secession. In short, Malaysia first or secession for Sabah.
Christian Kadazans, Chinese Malaysians, and Hindu Malaysians have been alienated by Article 153 of the Federal Constitution.
When Mr.Lee Kuan Yew, in the 1960's, insisted on Malaysia First at all levels, the honorable Tunku Abdul Rahman responded by expelling Singapore from the Federation. Now we have Dr.Jeffrey Kitingan from Sabah who has his Borneo Agenda/United Borneo Front. We will wait and see what happens? Will the Federal government expel Sabah from the Federation? If the Federal government expels Sabah from the Federation, then it may be good news for Sabahans. We will wait and see.
I would like to commend Dr.Jeffry Kitingan for attempting to assemble a Third Force in Malaysian politics. The Third Force is the Borneo Agenda/United Borneo Front. The creation of the Third Force has strengthened People Power in Malaysia. Rightfully, it is People Power that should rule Malaysia. People Power is higher than the Constitution, the Rulers and whoever else. Dr.Jeffry Kitingan, the Christian Kadazans, and other people power groups may end up being kingmakers. In addition, the Third Force is the Borneo Agenda/United Borneo Front needs to bear in mind that the rise of China and India will shift the balance of power.
I understand that both Brunei and Singapore are doing better than Sabah and Sarawak because they do not have a parasite called UMNO/Article 153 of the Federal Constitution.. The parasitical habits of UMNO/Article153 have made UMNOputras rich at the expense of Sabah. Today, Sabah is among the poorer states in Malaysia. It is time for People Power to demonstate itself. The creation of a coalition called the Third Force in Sabah and Sarawak will definitely increase People Power and may even lead to Sabah being a sovereign independent nation with closer relations with Singapore. I have nothing against helping the poor but it should be done in an unbiased non-racial, non-religious way.
For the Malays to say that the non-Malays must be grateful for the citizenship the Malays have given the non-Malays is a lame excuse. I wonder who gave the Malays citizenship, in the first place? The indigineous people of Malaya are the Orang Asli, and to my knowledge both Malays and non-Malays have yet to get citizenship from the Orang Asli. Besides, the Chinese and Hindu Malaysians have worked and contributed to the growth and development of this country for more than 100 years. Today, Malays have (with the help of UMNO/Article 153) developed an efficient parasitical relationship with Chinese and Hindu Malaysians. Hopefully, a Third Force will increase People Power and reduce UMNO power and the power of Article 153 of the Federal Constitution. We have to choose between People Power and UMNO power.
Now, let's discuss the Malay Regiment. Tha Malay regiment has nothing to do with Malaysia First or People Power. Unlike other Malaysian Regiments, the Malay Regiment is a special regiment. The Malay Regiment is the only regiment that is allowed to recruit Muslims and Malays. Yes, only Muslims and Malays can join the Malay Regiment. Why only Muslims and Malays? The Malay regiment is a segregated regiment. Why? The Malaysian armed forces must be integrated. We, the non-Muslims, need an answer. It is all about Malaysia first or Islam first. The non-Muslim Malaysians need unambiguous answers. Does the Malay Regiment serve the Muslims or Malaysia? Does the Malay Regiment fight for Malaysia or Islam? The Malay Regiment has to choose between Islam and Malaysia because they cannot have both. As a matter of fact, all Malaysian citizens should put Malaysia first. Even the King/Agung should always put Malaysia first. Even the Constitution of Malaysia should put Malaysia and People Power above everything else.
When the constitution itself is biased, then people power become justifiable. When the police, military, and bureaucracy are biased, then people power becomes justifiable.
Dr.Jeffry Kitingan has often been called a frog because he has hopped from one political party to another. He most certainly is a frog. There are advantages at hopping from one political party to another. Being branded a frog is sometimes the best thing. Each time you move from one political party to another, you gain experience. Thus, he has gained a lot of experience. Through trial and error he has learned a lot. Yes, it is true that Dr.Kitingan has hopped from one political party to another, by he has always had Sabah in his heart. He has always been Sabah centric. It does not matter how many political parties he has tried, he is always Sabah centric. Over the past few decades Dr.Kitingan has seen Sabah become poorer and increasingly marginalized under UMNO rule. UMNO armed with Article 153 of the Federal Constitution has become parasitical and turned Sabah into a colony.
Thomas Alva Edison said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work". Robert F. Kennedy said, " Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly".
Failure is success if we learn from it. I am sure Dr.Jeffry Kitingan has learned a lot. I hereby would like to ask all Hindu Malaysians to give their support to Dr.Jeffry Kitingan. . I hereby would like to ask all Hindu Malaysians to form an alliance with Dr.Jeffry Kitingan. May he help to create a Malaysia where Malaysian citizens will put Malaysia first. May he help to create a Third Front in Malaysian politics. May all Malaysians who believe that changing faith is an inviolable human right to be supportive of Dr.Jeffry Kitingan.
If the Malaysian government does not put Malaysia first, then Sabah must take the next step; the next step is to completely secede from Malaysia. So, the step by step Sabah plan should be "Malaysia first or secede from Malaysia". It is only fair that Sabah try Malaysia first. Everybody has to put Malaysia first. The Prime Minister has to put Malaysia first. The National Parliament has to put Malaysia first. The Agung/King has to put Malaysia first. The Malaysian armed forces has to put Malaysia first. Malaysia first or secede from Malaysia. I hope all Hindu Malaysians will be supportive of Dr.Jeffry Kitingan.
The Christian Kadazans have to choose between cooperating with Hindu Malaysians and Chinese Malaysians on the one hand and cooperating with UMNO/Article 153 of the Federal Constitution on the other hand. If the Christian Kadazans want to cooperate with UMNO, I wish them luck. If the Christian Kadazans want to cooperate with Hindu Malaysians and Chinese Malaysians, they are welcome.
Another option for Sabahans is to go for full 100% independence. If Sabah secedes and becomes independent, then Sabah and Singapore can have a closer relationship.
Sabah and Sarawak have been turned into colonies of UMNO/Article 153 of the Federal Constitution. Brunei and Singapore have done better because they do not have UMNO.
Now for the important part. A politician needs both local and international support. Dr.Jeffry Kitingan also needs local and international support. It will be the onus of Dr.Kitingan to get support from Sabahans and Sarawakians. That leaves behind international support. It will be the onus of Chinese and Hindu Malaysians to get him support from China and India. It will be the onus of the Christian Malaysians to get him his Western support. Therefore, it is time for the Chinese and Hindu Malaysians to get him support from China and India. Dr.Kitingan can use Chinese Malaysians and Hindu Malaysians to improve his relations with China and India, which will be for the benefit of Sabah First. Dr.Kitingan's trials and tribulations should be explained to China and India. It is time for Chinese and Hindu Malaysians to contact China and India and urge them to keep an eye on this Christian Kadazan Sabahan, Dr.Jeffry Kitingan. With every passing day both China and India are growing socially, politically, and economically; and Dr.Jeffry Kitingan, if he puts Sabah First, will be well advised to improve ties with China and India. In addition, the Third Force is the Borneo Agenda/United Borneo Front needs to bear in mind that the rise of China and India will shift the balance of power.
The Rulers in Malaysia have no elected mandate from the people. The Rulers must voluntarily reduce themselves to a nobody; and the citizens should just ignore the statements from Rulers. People Power must manifest itself. It is People Power that gave India independence from British rule. It is People Power that defeated the Polish communist dictatorship in Poland. It is People Power that ousted former President Marcos from power in Philippines. When the constitution, judicial system, political system, military, police, and bureaucracy are all biased, then people power becomes justifiable. This is the age of people power in Malaysia; and ideally, Malaysia should be decomposed into different interest groups; and each interest group should have a people power of its own to work in its own self-interest. That is, self -interested group with people power. All these self-interest people power groups may end up being kingmakers.
No person in his right mind can take Prophet Mohamed as a role model because Prophet Mohamed is an epileptic pedophile. It is time for Muslims to go into introspection. It is time for Muslims to detach from Prophet Mohamed. Righteous Muslims must have the moral courage to condemn Prophet Mohamed and distance themselves from the Koran; and I think the world has the right to expect such a step from righteous Muslims. The Muslims have remained silent for too long about certain negative things about Islamic history. Some Muslims must be bold enough to condemn Prophet Mohamed. Changing faith is an inviolable human right. I can tell you that if Muslims want to solve the problem, then they should have an independent mind, not just toe the line of the Koran. If Muslims want to solve the problem, then Muslims must detach from the Koran. Muslims must go beyond the Koran. If Prophet Mohamed is an epileptic pedophile, then the next step for Muslims with moral courage is to distance themselves from Prophet Mohamed. I will not blame today's Muslims for what Prophet Mohamed did. But not condemning the Prophet Mohamed is to remain silent. Remaining silent is wrong. May the truth prevail. The behavior of Prophet Mohamed epitomizes a " do as I say and not as I do" culture; and this "do as I say and not as I do" culture is nothing to be proud of. Good Muslims who condemn Prophet Mohamed will earn respect from non-Muslims. It is time for Muslims to stop living on half-truth. It is time for Muslims to grow up and face the truth. I challenge my beloved Muslim brothers and sisters to be supportive of righteousness and break the silence. Please break the silence and condemn Prophet Mohamed. They say that there is no creation without destruction. It is time to destroy Prophet Mohamed so that we can have a new beginning. The world deserves a new beginning. It's about the search for the truth; and may the truth prevail. People must be supportive of the truth.
We need groups that can claim to be kingmakers. We need cooperation among kingmakers. We need a conspiracy among kingmakers. We need unity among kingmakers. We need kingmakers who favor a Malaysia which is well integrated into world trade.
Should we tolerate a welfare state and mixed economy? Yes. I don't mind paying more taxes to put some Malays on dole so that the competitive economy may be devoid of some uncompetitive Malays, to put it bluntly. If we put some uncompetitive Malays on dole, then there will be greater meritocracy in the economy and hiring process; which in turn will keep the economy investor friendly. The economy must be allowed to hire based on merit; and the unemployed can go on dole. The less government and politics interferes in the economy, the better it is. We have to keep the hiring process competitive to be investor friendly. Cronyism has to stop.
Please pass the word around to all Hindu Malaysians to keep an eye on Dr.Jeffry Kitingan at the political level. Dr.Jeffry Kitingan is a Christian and therefore all Christian Malaysians should be supportive of him. Either the Federal government put Malaysia first or they allow Sabah to secede. That's it. Please feel free to copy and re-mail this composition to anybody. Those who receive this composition should re-mail it to others. Simply reading my posting and ignoring it will not help. Please read my posting and re-mail it to whoever it may concern.
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