Bersih 2.0: PSC report fails in five key areas
Election reforms pressure group Bersih 2.0 is disappointed that the parliamentary select committee (PSC) on electoral reform has failed to address five key issues.
The five issues, Bersih 2.0 said, are:
Election reforms pressure group Bersih 2.0 is disappointed that the parliamentary select committee (PSC) on electoral reform has failed to address five key issues.
The five issues, Bersih 2.0 said, are:

- Manipulation of the electoral roll;
- The citizenship-for-votes scam in peninsula Malaysia;
- Enforcement of the Election Offences Act 1954 and enhancing the definition of election offences;
- A plan to stop ‘dirty politics’; and
- Inviting international observers.
In view of this, the Bersih 2.0 steering committee said it was “highly likely” that electoral fraud and other irregularities will continue unabated.
The EC represents the last hope, the Noah's Ark for an UMNO about to be swamped by another tsunami.
Tsunami 2.0 is in spite of Anwar Ibrahim's poor example of his undemocratic 916 and shameful frogological expedition to Taiwan and the piss-poor example of his party's questionable polling process.
UMNO has failed miserably to exploit Anwar'scakap ta'serupa bikin by moving on to higher moral grounds, but instead stepped deeper and deeper into its 25-year old cesspool.
Tsunami 2.0 is the people's aggravated grievance against UMNO's unrepentant excesses since March 2008, as witnessed by its selfish, avaricious and nation-damaging exploitation of race, religion and sheer Goebbels-ish lies to divide the rakyat.
UMNO's Ketuanan Melayu is not, never was, about protecting ordinary Melayu but the UMNO elite and their cronies (including non-Melayu cronies), to ensure and enable their continuing binge in the public coffers.
UMNO knows Tsunami 2.0, the great flood, is coming. Their last hope is the EC, their Noah's Ark.
The EC represents the last hope, the Noah's Ark for an UMNO about to be swamped by another tsunami.
Tsunami 2.0 is in spite of Anwar Ibrahim's poor example of his undemocratic 916 and shameful frogological expedition to Taiwan and the piss-poor example of his party's questionable polling process.
UMNO has failed miserably to exploit Anwar'scakap ta'serupa bikin by moving on to higher moral grounds, but instead stepped deeper and deeper into its 25-year old cesspool.
Tsunami 2.0 is the people's aggravated grievance against UMNO's unrepentant excesses since March 2008, as witnessed by its selfish, avaricious and nation-damaging exploitation of race, religion and sheer Goebbels-ish lies to divide the rakyat.
UMNO's Ketuanan Melayu is not, never was, about protecting ordinary Melayu but the UMNO elite and their cronies (including non-Melayu cronies), to ensure and enable their continuing binge in the public coffers.
UMNO knows Tsunami 2.0, the great flood, is coming. Their last hope is the EC, their Noah's Ark.
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