“Dataran Merdeka is not a gazetted area for peaceful assembly,” de facto law minister Nazri Aziz told reporters when met in Parliament today.
He said this when asked to respond to electoral reform NGO Bersih, which had announced that it will proceed with another massive rally dubbed Bersih 3.0 on April 28, since it felt that the recommendations made by the parliamentary select committee (PSC) on electoral reform had failed to address key reforms the organisation is fighting for.
Comments from public
ORPHANS nazri shut your mouth. this is for our generation to live in this country. you umno fellows are corrupted . we want to change the regime. we want fair election. we dont trust EC,PDRM,MACC
ksn I was under the distinct impression that the whole country is not gazetted for assembly as UMNOBARU understands assembly. Is it not time for you, Nazri, to take a break from making statements unbecoming of a Minister? But then, you know your nemesis, the RM100 billion man, has passed judgement that UMNOBARU is devoid of leaders with quality and talent which is his creation, UMNOBARU as well, no doubt, which I forget at times. That being the case, what else to expect from UMNOBARU leaders?
Anonymous #67264380 Mr.Swipenter, Haiaaa, this also u do no. it is for national day parade and mat rempit to hang out. Thats why DBKL spend alot of money to up keep. Law minister knows best.
Oscar Kilo Nazri, balik rumah diamlah!
Swipenter What a dumb ass of a Law Minister. So what is Dataran Merdeka for?
Bender Here we go again. The father of the bastard bully kid is showing his stupidity again. Gazetted or not, if the people so wish to gather, who are you to stop them? If the place is not for assembly, then what the hell happened there every night on the 31 August? This guy has nothing better to do than to create hell for peace loving people. With this kind of satanic attitude, no wonder the son turns into a devil...
Fair Play Nazri, you are not seeing the forest for the trees. Bersih 3 will go nationwide and selected locations internationally. Have you asked yourself if BN acceded to Bersih 2 demands for a fair election, would there be any Bersih 3 to start with?
Nambekei 7 Najib can have tea-party there but the rakyat cannot assemble...this society of rich Umno putras is getting worse...1malaysia bullshit!
Mat Salleh All public places in Malaysia reserved for the exclusive use of PERKASA, PEKIDA and UMNO only......that's what this dumb fcuk is telling us !
Artchan Can we cancel merdeka Celebrations in Dataran Merdeka since the"Law" Minister says it is illegal assembly area. And is the Govt really so afraid of a sit in protest? If they are parading, I can understand the concerns. Hey Dumbo..this is a sit in.
Anonymous_40a7 Ok then Nazri, maybe you can suggest Stadium Merdeka for Bersih? Oh wait, I forgot... Najib did offer during Bersih 2.0, only to turn his back on the promise later.
Muak Do the people sound like they want to listen to the shit this pea-brain minister has to say? Do we need a place to be gazetted to gather? And who decides on this? The corrupt UMNO scoundrels? Think again!
Anonymous_3f55 Sure it is not gazzeted area for Bersih, but for anything else, like police day, merdeka celebration, it's ok! What a half-past-six minister we have!
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