Hindraf 5: Not guilty,

Rightfully or wrongfully, this is general public perception’s now, especially among the Indian community. Is this what the government under the leadership of PM Abdullah hopes to achieve and be remembered for?

We all know the Hindraf 5s are no terrorists or a threat to the national security. They are professional lawyers and respected leaders of their community. Their only ‘crime’ was to speak up and demand attention for their community and this is what the government construed as ‘anti-government’, ‘terrorist’ and a ‘threat to the national security’. But have they really done anything as alleged that justifies their imprisonment?

The government can claim what they like and not surprisingly, the government courts will rubberstamp the allegation but let it be known that the ultimate supreme court, we, the rakyat, is neither blind nor stupid. We have proven this loud and clear to the government during the last elections and hopefully, this message has not fallen onto deaf ears.

It is time that as responsible rakyat, we should all now come together and demand for the release of the Hindraf 5. More significantly, it is time that we should put an end to the ISA. It is no more relevant to a free society but merely an instrument abused to flex the government muscle and the greatest stumbling block to real progress of the nation.

If PM Abdullah administration is sincere with their pledge to rebuild the BN, he should start no further than to put an end to an authoritarian administration but restoring the full democratic process.

Release the Hindraf 5, suspend the ISA, reinstate press freedom and focus on restoring a ‘Cekap, Bersih dan Amanah’ administration. After all, this is what PM Abdullah administration really needs to regain the confidence of the rakyat.

Dean Kuok

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