Statement by Klang Parliamentarian Charles Santiago

Date : 10 April 2008

To: Press Editors

Uthaya Kumar’s rights : medical treatment and freedom

The Hindraf leader, P. Uthayakumar’s admission to hospital due to continuous refusal of diabetic medication for the past one month by the Kamunting prison authorities has saddened Klang Parliamentarian Charles Santiago.
According to a statement published by Hindraf chairman Waythamoorthy, Uthayakumar was warded with blood sugar levels three times above the normal level; he had been denied access to diabetic medication for one month, even with doctor’s prescription.

“He has made six written attempts to see the Director of Taiping Prison (Kem Tar), about his much needed medication. However the Director did not reply nor did he make any attempts to see him.

Further, attempts to provide the above medicine to P.Uthayakumar, by his lawyers and family was prohibited by the Prison authorities.”*

Charles condemns the prisons department inhumane act that has endangered Uthayakumar’s life, no response to six written requests is unacceptable and goes beyond ‘negligence’, it could be considered as a deliberate attempt on Uthayakumar’s life. The Director of Taiping Prison as well as Home Affairs Minister must be answerable for this incident

Malaysians can still recall that former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim had also been denied foreign spinal medical treatment while he was jailed. Rights to medical treatment should not be compromised for any Malaysians; this applies to all including prisoners and detainees.

Even though Uthayakumar has been discharged yesterday, this kind of misconduct should never happen again. Mutual respect for fellow human being has to be maintained irrespective of who they are.

Charles stands by Prime Minister Adbullah’s criticism on Dr. Mahathir that he should be responsible for the high-handed Operasi Lalang, a sweeping arrest that detained 107 persons from various background under ISA. Thus Abdullah must administrate consistently with the criticism, avoid repeating the wrong doing of his predecessor by immediate release of the five Hindraf leaders and all 70 ISA detainees at the Kamunting detention camp. Abdullah’s new cabinet should also table a bill to abolish the Internal Security Act in the first session of parliament after the 12th general election.

Abdullah can only distinguish himself with Dr. Mahathir by taking these two historical steps, otherwise he would not be able to be excluded from the criticism of using ISA since 2003.

Your Sincerely,
Charles Santiago

Posted by labisman
10 April 2008
Malaysia Today

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