Press Release: Allegation of Bar Council's involvement is untrue

The Bar Council is shocked by the statement reportedly made by the Minister of Home Affairs Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar at a press conference in his office on 14 July 2008 that he had received intelligence that a demonstration purportedly planned for that day involved the Bar Council.

The Bar Council states categorically that we had no knowledge of any alleged demonstration, nor did we have any intention, nor was any decision made, to participate in any demonstration whatsoever.

The allegation made comes as a complete surprise to the Bar Council, and we are perturbed that the Minister saw it fit to make the statement without prior verification of the truth or accuracy of the information.

Neither had anyone sought the Bar Council’s confirmation of such information. The Bar Council therefore calls upon the Minister to immediately withdraw this baseless allegation.

Dato’ Ambiga Sreenevasan
Malaysian Bar
16 July 2008
soucre: Malaysian Bar

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