Malaysians Should Attempt To Overthrow BN Government in Malaysia

Malaysian citizens should attempt to overthrow Malaysian government (BN) by storming the prime minister's residence and the government owned television station in Kuala Lumpur.

It is time for Malaysian to take control of the government rather than bunch of hooligans in the government. There is no time to wait.

Malaysians, wake up and go against the government and your sole intention is to topple the BN government in any means.

Are you going to sit and observe what is going on in this country? No matter if you are Malay, Chinese, Indians or other races, please fight for the right of all Malaysians.

Say no to Barisan Nasional.....

Time to pull down BN government by force..............

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Totally agree!

The corrupt and incompetent Barisan Nasional government has deceived the Malaysian public into believing that they have been 'elected' into office. The truth is, they have rigged the elections year after year to keep their hold on power!

Only the UMNO ultras want them to govern. A large proportion of non-malays voted for BN out of fear because of the repeated threats of another May 13 ( ie. a historic 1969 UMNO ethnic cleansing project) should they vote the Opposition into power!

Lets get rid on these leeches once and for all!