It is not the Malays who abused the NEP, it is the Umno Malays.Mahathir is a curse to our nation.'

Mahathir, You're the father of NEP abuse.

'Don't be fooled by this old fox. It is not the Malays who abused the NEP, it is the Umno Malays. He is a curse to our nation.'

Mahathir concedes NEP abused but...

Swipenter: TDM (Dr Mahathir Mohamad) is dishing out his race hard, fast and furious like never before in his twilight years. The new Malay dilemma is between the 'have not' Malays and the 'have plenty' Malays who abuse the NEP in any which way and depriving the ordinary Malays of their chance and opportunities given under the NEP.

Of course, TDM and Perkasa would disagree, arguing that the NEP also benefitted the non-Malays even if they are totally excluded from it. Both are a big part of the problem for the Malays not achieving what "rightfully belong to (Malays) in their original land".

This old fox is just as devious as ever trying to split Malaysians into the originals and the pendatang.

Mahindar Singh: It is okay, ex-PM. The MCA screwed Port Klang, MIC did a job on Maika, Umno messed up more than one project... and the old man in Sarawak with the new bride screwed the whole of Sarawak, so it is all okay. This is what happens when one party rules the government for five decades.

Terus: Cakap memang senang. It is easy to admit that many Malays have abused the NEP. However, dare any BN politicians admit that the majority of the abusers are Umno politicians and their cronies?

Just check their assets and wealth. Even the blind can see the 'grand palaces', some of which are built among low-cost houses. History has told us it is the abusers who want to cling on to a system that benefits them while disguising themselves as leaders protecting the poor.

Cala: Is Mahathir ignorant? If you are asked to offer an explanation on the failure of NEP in general, and Malay businessmen in particular, how would you approach the subject? Would you attribute it to weak implementation?

Let us look at it in three different ways: i) Weber's Protestant ethics; ii) Lee Kuan Yew's (LKY) Confucius teachings; and iii) an ethnographic view of Malay businessmen.

First, the fact that capitalism flourishes in the West is largely due to Protestant ethics embedded in their economic agents over a long period of time (Weber, 1904, translated by Parsons, 1930). Hardworking, truthfulness, eager to search for knowledge are some of their traits.

Second, LKY has been quoted of his belief in Confucius teachings, where it calls for respecting the elders, honesty and frugality.

Third, an ethnographic case study on the traits of Malay businessmen would no doubt reveal the absence of the right kind of 'culture' in (i) and (ii).

AkuMelayu: Well said, Yang Mulia Ayahanda Tun Dr Mahathir. Everything you have said is true. Some of the Melayu not only abused the privileges, they also sold their souls. Ungrateful lot. I am a Melayu who didn't abused the privileges awarded to me and had benefitted from the NEP. Thank you, Sir.

Semua orang Melayu harus jujur dan meneliti dengan baik apa yang disuarakan oleh Tun Mahathir. Ia mengandungi nasihat yang sangat berguna demi kecemerlangan bangsa Melayu dan keturunan Melayu di masa akan datang.

You can call me a racist. I am not afraid, because I am racist with a holy mission.

Pity Him: Don't be fooled by this old fox. It is not the Malays who abused the NEP, it is the Umno Malays. Call it by whatever name, it will continue with Umno ways. He is a curse to our nation.

Dark Knight: The more Mahathir opens his mouth, the more he exposes himself - a characteristic of someone who suffered from inferiority complex and used his paranoid mind for baser thoughts and actions.

Now that he has openly recognised that he is a pendatang himself (as are all others), he claims he is a Malay because he speaks the Malay language, practises Malay customs and Islam. Never mind that his father came from India, or he is a mamak by origin, so long as he can manipulate the 'Melayu jati' for his own nefarious ends.

Survivor: Come on, Mr Ex-PM, there is no excuse to say that you and the Malays are at fault and then arguing that the affirmative action must continue. It is not going to help the poor Malays an iota. But certainly, it is going to make the Umnoputra and all the other BN coalition partners richer.

The general Malay populace is still going to be left behind in the next 50 years. So, please, we beseech you not to continue to hoodwink the naive and ignorant kampung folks who are at your mercy.

Myop101: I find it very funny when Mahathir said "take what rightfully belong to (Malays)... in their original land" and in the earlier statement, he dares to say, "They receive approved permits (for automobile dealerships) and sell it, they are awarded contracts, they sell it. Quick gains don't last. Whose fault is it? It is ours."

Is he not aware that the Malays have been rewarded for selling what is freely given to them to get instant gratification? If you know this is wrong and they are unwilling to change, you still want to give it to them? Shouldn't the government punish these addicts for abusing their rights?

When others took risks to buy it, put in capital and hard work to make it successful, he still has the audacity to claim they are somehow entitled for something they sold away. Is this fairness? If they want it back so badly, buy it back at an agreed price between buyer and seller. Pay the person who worked hard to make it successful.

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