Malaysians, stupid!!!


UMNO’s regime has done its best in imprinting our mind in paying more attention to our skin colours and has been quite successful so far.

well, but how could you undo 53 years of wrong doings? 8th March is the beginning. Eradication of racism in Malaysia is impossible, it’s in our blood whether we like it or not although some would tend to be more tolerant than others.

Racism and marginalizing the minorities go hand in hand in this country, the day when the UMNO’s interpretation of ‘bumiputra’ is erased is the day when all hopes of all races in this country uniting becomes 1 step closer to reality.

Good to raise the issue of ‘orang asal/asli’, it’s so easy even for the chinese/Indians to overlook these ppl who have been robbed of their land/wealth/identity.

Unfortunately, just like their fore fathers, most of us ‘still live’ in the dark ages…..

Bumiputeras = Orang asli. They should be given the privileges. But since you know, “orang melayu masih jauh ketinggalan” even after DEB was introduced “MORE THAN 35 YEARS AGO” which UMNO claims i guess you cannot help it. So yeah, according to UMNO, malays remain orang asli. And they want the priveleges ripped from the aboriginals. Long live DEB, Long Live RACISM, Long Live UMNO!

I hate to be pessimistic but as long as the best people are not allowed to contribute their talents towards the nation then Malaysia is doomed to mediocrity and failure – a failed nation. When I say the best people I don’t just mean non Malays but ANYBODY who is able and qualified be they bumi , non bumi, male or female. Hell even if they’re from Mars, who cares as long as they can do the job.

But the politicians in this country can never discard their mental makeup of race, race, race! As long as we are paralysed by this insidious cloak of bumi v non bumi, malay v chinese etc. then we will never achieve our true potential. 53 years of indoctrination and division along racial lines are very much entrenched in our collective psyche so much so that we see everything through racial eyes. Is there hope? Only if we truly want to change but based on what has happened in the aftermath of the recent elections I don’t have much confidence in our present crop of leaders and fellow Malaysians. Maybe in our great grandchildren lifetime – if Malaysia hasn’t disintegrated in a quagmire of hate and suspicion by then.

After 53 years in the wilderness under the ruling of divide & rule, we cannot expect changes to occur overnight. There’s a lot of challenges ahead that we have to overcome. For us to succeed, we need to stay on course. A lot of patience, tolerance, give & take, goodwill and giving priority to the ultimate greater good/bigger picture will be needed.

We have different ideologies and beliefs. But we share common goals. We need to come together and not fight with one another when we have a common enemy ready to come at us with all their might.

We can wish for the ideals but for now let us take one step at a time towards a better Malaysia for ALL Malaysians

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