Not only were the Malays divided but also the country was divided along racial lines. causing untold damage to its economy, administration and democratic institution. After 53 years in power, Umno-BN is now facing the prospect of a generational change leading to regime change as seen across the Arabian peninsula.
Instead of taking a closer look at the reality of the situation and the root cause of the inevitable change, Mahathir is resorting to blaming others for his own follies.
Similarly, for his 22 years in office, Mahathir not only failed to uplift the Malays (by his own admission) but also the country to be on par with our closest neighbour, Singapore.
True to his character, Mahathir tried to deflect criticisms over the performance of the economy lagging behind Singapore and blamed Lee Kuan Yew on Singapore Malays lagging behind the Chinese.
This is how pathetic he is to hide his own weaknesses behind his favoured topic, the Malay dilemma. His whole life is about Malay and Islam and yet he is neither a real Malay nor a practising Muslim (observing the true teaching of Islam).
This is perhaps the most diabolical contradiction of a man who wanted to take on the whole world but only found himself in the company of the likes of Robert Mugabe, Ahmedinajad and some other third world rogue leaders.
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