Gopeng MP, state rep nabbed for wearing yellow
Changeagent: Malaysia is fast descending into an undemocratic, totalitarian and repressive police state, if it hasn't already. Where else in the world are the people micro-managed to the point that even wearing clothing of certain colours becomes illegal and leads to high-handed police arrests?
Add to the fact that we are not allowed to hold peaceful vigils, eat cake in public, listen to Lady Gaga's 'Born this way', wear Manchester United gears or read Zunar's cartoons, this is all political madness gone too far.
Watching sex videos with an actor who barely resembles Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim is just about the only thing we are allowed to do these days.
DannyLoHH: The police has become a law unto themselves. The IGP (inspector-general of police) has turned Malaysia into a police state. The home minister decree is now law, where all things yellow is illegal.
What law has Gopeng MP Dr Lee Boon Chye broken by wearing a yellow T-shirt in the market? It was not even a Bersih T-shirt. It was just a yellow T-shirt! Lee should sue the police who arrested him for abuse of power and wrongful arrest.
The police are showing all Malaysians why there is a dire need for Malaysia to set up the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC). The police force is out of control, they are now arresting people without any legal basis.
Ipoh2: It is unbecoming for the police to handcuff and manhandle an elected MP. This is very disrespectful for the position that he holds as a representative of the rakyat and as a lawmaker. The police is the real stooge of a government that has been corrupted by Umno/BN.
Joe Lee: According to Wikipedia, "The term police state describes a state in which the government exercises rigid and repressive controls over the social, economic and political life of the population.
"A police state typically exhibits elements of totalitarianism and social control, and there is usually little or no distinction between the law and the exercise of political power by the executive."
Okay, we can understand PM Najib Razak, former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein panicking about losing the next elections. But please, the police must at least have some sense in their heads.
Doing what they are doing just reflects '1Malaysia Bodoh'. You are a bunch of idiots who cannot live without your feudal knee-jerk reaction to anything that may threaten your super-corrupt thieving lives.
You have sucked blood from the riches of the country, and you think you can do that for generations to come. Well, we have news for you. Your 'Mubarak' moment is coming. You'll have to answer for your crime.
Lexicon: By arresting a respected MP for wearing yellow and handcuffing him, the police are winning votes for Pakatan Rakyat. No harm done to Lee or Bersih, but plenty of damage done to Umno - and Malaysia's reputation. Use your brains, PDRM, if you are able.
4thForce: These ridiculous things happened in Perak where the sultan is a former lord president and the silence from the palace continues to be deafening. Obviously the rakyat can't turn to the sultans for protection. The powers-that-be continues to act without regards for the law.
FairMind: BN lost big time in the last general elections not so much because of corruption but because of their arrogance. The arrests in Perak showed the whole world how arrogant the police are and how birds of the same feathers flock together to protect their tuft and equally corrupt masters.
Chinese Malaysians are normally passive and reluctant to take to the streets. Seeing the bravery of Lee and others in dealing with the arrogant and aggressive police is very telling that the Chinese are already up to their neck in frustration with the police and BN. Elsewhere I see Malays and Indians are doing the same thing.
It is very evident all the citizens across the board are fed up. If the government and the police don't allow the Bersih rally this coming July 9, the frustration of the rakyat will blow up in the face of BN.
Election Fan: I am going to make yellow my only colour for my shirts. If only 10 percent of Malaysians are doing the same thing like me, I am wondering how many they can catch. Let us paint the nation yellow till July 9.
Md Imraz Muhammed Ikhbal: Shouldn't the cops likewise be arrested for wearing yellow vests? And since we're at it, shouldn't all the royals be locked up on July 9 too for wearing yellow as they normally would?
Yellow: Saya adalah seorang guru. Bolehkah saya beritahu pelajar, "Awak semua mesti pakai pakaian 'Bersih' ke sekolah'? Sekolah saya juga menggunakan lima warna untuk mewakili rumah sukan. Adakah Rumah Kuning diharamkan?
OneOldFatGuy: Since Bersih 2.0 which the government has declared illegal has yet to happen, what happens if Bersih 2.0 actually doesn't happen? Are all these arrests deem wrongful arrest? Can the detainees sue the PDRM and the home minister?
Anonymous: This is getting out of hand, behaving high and mighty. I am getting out of my house with a yellow blouse and yellow handbag. Don't tell me I cannot do that.
Mikotan: I drive a yellow car. Will I be arrested also?
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